PS4 or PC?

PS4 or PC?

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Pc has lag online.

either is fine


Doesn't PS4 version have extra content?



nobody play on PC

PS4 doesn't even have constant 60 fps

ps4 local gameplay anywhere

jukebox mode and extra costumes.


Jukebox is limited time, will come later on other platforms.

Ps4 will have frame lags during loading screens only, native resolution is 900p.

Gonna get it for both versions. Xbox doesn't sell well.

If you live in a third world country, of course.

Adding that ps4 has a slight input delay as well, but that's intentional i suppose.

I'm going with ps4 since that will have the most players

Ps4 for community and legacy costumes
PC for superior performance and mods

Getting it on both

>superior performance and mods
>when Denuvo is confirmed

Don't see your point, denuvo has nothing to do with performance and mods.

Perhaps you have been influenced by the boogyman

>implying your potato PC can run Tekken 7 at more than 1440p
oh and mods are only costumes and can only be seen by the user, i never understood the point of modding fighting games except for an awkward fap.

>no mods because of denuvo
>no playerbase
>no jukebox

you get the idea

Wot, unless you have a source user no.

Neither. Buy KOF 14 or Rev 2.

Don't support devs that get in bed with Denuvo.

>guy says he is getting both version of a game
>sonyfags still aren't happy about that

lmao man you guys are kids

getting it on both is extra dumb.

PS4. If I ever want to rub one out on T7 I'm going to pirate the PC version.

literally what is wrong with denuvo

PS4 because fighting games are played in person, with people, not online. No one hauls a PC tower around with them.

980ti and 1440p here, but whatever helps you sleep the night pal.

Also i don't use a costume just to tell the other how cool i look. If that was the case id have stick with TF2

And who are you to judge how does one spend his money?


ps4 has like 5 good games on it, tekken included, no reason to get it if you have a good pc

no idea, works fine on my PS4 :^)

>all these samefags saying "PS4"

you are pathetic, the threads show active IPs

I'm just asking for genuine research purposes

is there any evidence of anything at all ever wrong with denuvo?

my 980ti/1440p nigg- hold up

it IS a 144hz monitor, right?

PC of course.

>get PS4 version
>slowdown and performance issues out the ass
>can only use ps4 controllers
>have to pay another $60 per year just to play online with slow as all fuck PSN
>generation dies, no more game and no more community "but thanks for the money plus the PS+ tip, retards :^)"
>commuty of fairweather redditors who only play for a week until the next flavor of the month comes out and they all move to that

stay mad pc fagget
enjoy your denuvo and no mods

Whats the point of having 60hz 1440p monitors?

You are literally the only guy shitposting in tekken threads with that picture, just fuck off


being poor :8)

what's the point of 144hz when playing a fighting game?

I doubt my shitty GTX 480 can run Tekken 7 so I'll get the PS4 version.

Can I run the game at 144Hz on PC or is it hard locked to 60?

Im sorry you can only ask money off your mom once in a while.

Also Namco deserve support unlike Crapcom

there is a vsync on/off in the video options but don't know if it'll run at 144hz

>community or graveyard

Gee I dunno user

>fighting games
>on pc

son, what are you even doing?

wouldnt it mess with frames? idk

>slowdown and performance issues out the ass

Does anyone actually have an actual legitimate source on this? Ive played the ps4 version as well as the xbone one and it looked overall fine to me.

I too would like to know what is wrong with Denuvo
Or what it is, for that matter

>play tekken 6 on ps3
>beating someone
>they DC before i win

>play someone else
>he's literally just crouching and kicking
>beats me round 1
>doing the same round 2
>DC so he can't get the points

DESU I'd only buy Tekken for single player for PC and try to remember it's just a game. Competitive fighting games can cause rage outbursts.

Literally google it. Performance issues are only during loading times and customization, as far as i know

The version that's currently available to consoles has performance issues in certain situations and on certain stages on the regular PS4. PS4 Pro™ does not suffer these same issues.

no, noone has a source and digital foundry didnt report anything like it.

>buying a new console with the same games
good goy

Stop being desperate.

Here ps4pr0 doesn't have those issues though.

PC has denuvo, so PS4.

I pity the people who will get it on PS4 and not on PS4 pro, knowing the load times are long and there are performance issues.

>this happened on stream in an actual tourney
Never change, fightan "championships"

loadtimes don't matter when playing online tho, so whatever

Can't wait for this game to come out already and see how people just waste a month then forget about it.

So far the threads on Sup Forums have been "Ps4 or PC" shitposting, with no actual game discussion and or opinions on what will they add for content.

Blame ps4 kiddies, people forget that this game is on xbox as well, but i can understand that.

whats wrong with playing a game for an entire month and then dropping it?

>20k playerbase on ps4 vs 2k playerbase on pc


PS4 of course.

What sort of sad billy no mates buys fighting games for PC? I mean I get if its later on and on sale, but on launch day? please


can we talk about which one you are gonna try first of the new comers?

with fighting game its kinda worrying

>denuvo or paid online

>he thinks that chart is the community
>he doesn't realize PC ass lickers will vote pc with no intention of buying the game to win arguments on Sup Forums

According to the wiki, it's basically an encryption software that keeps re-encrypting and takes data up so that people can't pirate them(which they have with plenty of games).
Apparently it takes up excessive data and may deteriorate SSDs.
Personally I still use HDDs and have memory up the ass so I guess I'm good

>using SSD to download games

people who still do that should be gassed

PS4 because the FGC is poverty as fuck so thats where the community will be.


I pity the people who will get it on PS4 pro and not on PC, knowing the load times are long and there are performance issues.

Triggering people are we?

PC considering my fight stick only works for 360 and PC.
Also fuck paying for PS+

>getting tricked into wasting your money
I look forward to complaints about dead online soon enough


Never change sonyfags

PC Master Race

I bought it for the PC because
1) I'm somewhat optimistic about it not being dead
2) I was able to get the deluxe version for just 55€
3) it might have mods or workshop stuff and custom music at some point
4) I don't want to pay for PS+ just to play Tekken, no other games on the ps4 would interest me right now

So im not the only one, i did it for the stick too

Xbox. :)

Everyone BTFO

>not playing tekken on a pad


I usually pirate everything that's comes out on PC.

BUT tekken is love, I'm buying it on PS4

Enjoy paying 50 bucks just to play it online lol

>Playing Tekken on a pad
Either way is fine really, Played for
a long time on pad but got a stick as a Christmas present and really like how it feels now.

I'm going to use keyboard.

absolute madman

When did you realize that Harada is a hack fraud?

Fact is that the series lost all sense of identity and charm right when Tekken 6 hit. An installment so bad and so ugly even Bamco pretends it never happened. While everyone else was innovating and improving their fighting games, Harada was stuck resorting to the shittiest of character designs such as Lars and Alisa as lead characters with the juggling gameplay turned up to the extreme. Who thought this was fun? Autistic gooks at the arcades maybe, but that's about it. And speaking of autistic gooks, surely they're the only ones that enjoyed the absolute mess that was TTT2.

Now Tekken 7 is upon us and guess what, all they did was add a few comeback gimmicks while recycling everything else. And the game is already old and outdated when it hits consoles. While other fighting game devs treat their home users with respect by atleast not delaying the console version 2 and a half fucking years after arcade release, Harada and Co shamelessly advertised the game on consoles for years while pretending it was COMING SOON.

And that's not even all. Harada always used FREE D ER CEE I PROMISE GAIJIN as excuse for milking the gook arcades dry but even that isn't true anymore. You won't even get the full game unless you pre-order with the Season Pass. Get that. We've waited 2 and a half years for this, and Harada is taking a giant shit on us by basically saying we haven't waited enough and we must pay more to experience the full game. And shills that are hitting Sup Forums hard shilling this recycled gook bait garbage will pretend this isn't so. Don't trust them. Tekken 7 is cancer. It serves only to fill Harada's and Bamco's pockets. There is no integrity, no sense of responsibility or even artistic talent. It all feels so artificial and forced now, even the threads shilling the game are predictable and play out in a very typical manner.

nice pasta from the other thread, user

Keyboard is just slightly worse than hitbox.

Hey fuck you Alisa is great

Tekken is actually good on a keyboard

it's new copypasta
don't bother

there is no bullshit fireball spamming or zoning in in tekken like street fighter right?

somone please respond

well akuma has fireballs but you can just sidestep them

nope there isnt

PCs can come smaller than PS4s

Also Tekken originated on Arcades which are huge, along with huge fightsticks. You can also play local multi with PC.


no but tekken has its own shittyness

someone post that .webm of a pro game where two people just keep ducking and inching back and forth at each other for 2 mins