/lit/ here

/lit/ here.

Are there any games Lovecratian beasts and ancient Gods?

Are they any good?

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Cthulhu Saves the World.
It's alright.

For pure Lovecraft you basically have eldrich which is alright. If you want something heavily inspired by him try bloodborne

Darkest Dungeon.

fuck shit forgot the pic

Dark Corners of the Earth. It's not bad.

Eternal Darkness on the GCN


Outside of actual Lovecraft inspired games, the closest thing would probably be (other than maybe obscure games I've never heard of) Dark Souls and Bloodborne.

Not Dark Souls 2 though.

The Old Gods in WoW are based on Lovecraftian beasts, but don't play that.
Sunless Sea is a perfect fit, it also has a lot of reading in it.

Forgot this one, try it its great. It's /tg/ approved too.

Also theres quake.

Quake 1 is lovecraft inspired and it's excellent

There was a pseudo-adaptation of Shadow Over Innsmouth and Shadow Out of Time called "Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth".

It's a really tough game to play now (very buggy, hard to get running properly) but it had a lot of cool fights with Deep Ones, Star Children, Flying Polyps, and Great Old Ones like Dagon and Mother Hydra. Yithians also make a few appearances.

lovecraft is shit, poor quality /lit/.

Call of cthulhu, Dark Corners of the Earth is ok. It starts off pretty good and atmospheric, but gets a bit too silly by the end of it.

Grind - the game. Fuck this game, honestly.

Before anyone says it, Bloodborne is not a good example of Lovecraftian beasts and ancient Gods. It tries to do the whole eldritch monster thing but it doesn't do them justice at all.

>Before anyone says it
Too late, bitch

It's not but it's the closest game to what OP is looking for.


Best if you just stay wise and safe in there and you don't degrade yourself in this cesspool of a board in comparison. Trust me.

Too late, and also wrong

>b-b-but it's not Lovecraftian because you kill the cosmic horrors with a sword!

Persona 1 and 2 feature Nyarlathotep as the main antagonist, though they're more about psychology than raw eldritch horror.

sunless sea and a house of many doors.

A house of many doors is especially /lit/.

Call of Cthulhu: Dark corners of the earth
Darkest Dungeon
Sunless Sea

There's a new "Call of Chtulhu" being developed too.

Oedon is not real and the one reborn could be related to her.



Like others have said, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. Just be aware you'll have to patch it to run on modern systems.

Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder and Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage Director's Cut are decent Lovecraftian games that run well.

Eldritch is a quirky roguelike based on Lovecraft. You'll have to forgive the hipster graphics though.

Magrunner: Dark Pulse is like Portal but with Cthulhu.

Those are all the games in my Steam library that are specifically Lovecraft and that I thought were decent. I have Daily Cthonicle: Editory's Edition but I could never get into it.

this, he's a terrible writer. i've said it before and i'll say it again: he would've made a better screenwriter.

I've run CoC:DCotE on W10 and didn't need to install anything. Ran fine too. Maybe the steam version is updated, i don't know.

>Magrunner: Dark Pulse
It was actually kinda fun. It does have some bad parts, but still worth playing.


Though, if you like horror, Silent Hill series (1-4) is perfect.

I know it looks like someone hamfistedly inserted their crossover fanfiction into a piece of cheap shovelware, but I swear it's a decent, tastefully executed game.

That is sort of a reasonable response though. You can't kill higher dimensional entities with a sword. Or a cane. Or a hammer. Any game that tries to do Lovecraft justice would just be about exploring dreamscapes until you are eventually driven to suicide or completely insane. Doesn't sound like high replay value.

black sea odyssey :^)


If you like Rats in the Walls, you'll like Darkest Dungeon. Wayne June's voice is solid gold and in case you didn't know there are Lovecraft audiobooks read by him

ITT: retards that think giant squids and tentacles = lovecraftian

I played the Steam version back on Win8. Still had to patch the blue lights bug. Everything else was fine though.

Like these guys said, give sunless sea a go, and accept no replacements.

Bloodborne, easily the best game this gen.

Persona 2

house ofmany doors had better riding imo, less dry

>ctrl+f Magicka
>0 (zero) results
Fucking MAGICKA, user.
Hell you even kill HASTUR nigga damn.
And there are the lovecraftian beasts and cultists that go "La! La!" and in one of DLCs you go to R'lyeh.
Go and buy that shit right now you wanker.

>you can fight the cosmic horrors
why do so many people miss the point of cosmic horror

to answer your question op, teleglitch and space station 13

I'd say Soma, but it has no gods in it

>Lovecraft is a terrible writer meme

Ftagn you

new mode: radiant

Grind is cut down by half I believe and difficulty is managed accordingly

Because they have never read a book. A story to them is something in service to prompting you to push a series of buttons to trigger animations on a screen.

Nigga please, cult rounds are rare and are fucking shit. Fuck cult rounds, fuck dumb cultists, fuck shitcurity and fuck chaplain for not doing his job. And FUCK literally fucking EVERYONE who recalls shuttle during cult round saying "we can handle them lel". Fuck it. Time is against you. If you recall shuttle I will personally execute you on spot, call it again and destroy consoles and circuits.
You can fight cosmic horror. You can't beat it.

I actually had not heard of that one before this thread, going to have to give it a look after reading those caps.

this is actually a good game yes

It's only inconceivable outer gods that can't be fought though. Great old ones (ie cthulhu) can be killed.

>You can fight cosmic horror. You can't beat it.
Victory. A hollow and ridiculous notion. We are born of this thing, made from it, and we will be returned to it in time.

The great family of man. A profusion of errant flesh. Multiplying. Swarming. Living. Dying. Until the stars align in their inexorable formation and what sleeps is aroused once more. To hatch from this fragile shell of earth and rock, and bring our inescapable end.

So seek solace in the manner befitting your lineage, and take up your nugatory vigil, haunted forever by that sickening prose, echoing through the infinite blackness of space and time.

Ruin has come to our family.

darkest dungeon is good shit, OP

if the prospect of grinding scares you off (although it's honestly not bad) there's a new difficulty mode that's meant to decrease the playtime required to beat the game without sacrificing any of the actual mechanical difficulty

this. bloodborne is pretty good too.


It is buggy but there exist an unoffical patch that fixed almost all issues and it is really quite playable desu. I didn't get stuck and ejoyed it a lot.
The story of this game is very sad though, basically the game got fucked by the company that made devs rush it (like a lot and they planned to implement shitton of contet) it should also be a first part of a trilogy. There was a pic with all the details here on Sup Forums about it but I can't find it.

Definitely try this op as a lovecraft fan you would definitely love it

Futility: The Game

yes. the term "lovecraftian" is generally associated with both of those things.

It is a story about eldritch gods that fucked with humans and humanity. There are churches praising this old ones and doing sacrifices, they summon old gods and transfer into nightmare realms that exist in physical planes as well.
Even though you can kill them as bosses there is always this sense of helplessness and the ending is definitely lovecraftian no matter what ending you choose but "refuse" without umbilical cords just shows how all your actions were for nothing in the light of these great old gods.
There is also an insanity meter ffs. It is an action rpg so you do not solve mysteries while hiding in the shadows but you still uncover elder truths aka insight and all that jazz
anyone that says the game is not lovecraftian is a retard and should kys for baiting me into writing this blogx

I'm not sure we are reading the same things user.

Why not sure?

>"even though you kill them"
>With a cane

To me, "Lovecraftian" means more than just tentacle monsters. His writing focused on the evil that lurks just below our level of understanding, the unknown that we can't possibly comprehend. True Detective season 1 is a very strong Lovecraftian story for thes reasons.

I keep shilling The Last Door.
Anons looking for a Lovecraft fix keep ignoring me.
Shame, because over half of the stuff typically recommended in these threads just isn't that Lovecraftian beyond surface influences or two, while The Last Door is probably the most successful love letter to Lovecraft and his influences I've had the pleasure of experiencing in video game form.

Other than it, definitely check out The Lurking Horror, The Hound of Shadow, Shadow of the Comet, Prisoner of Ice, X-COM: Terror from the Deep, Anchorhead, Eternal Darkness, Scratches, Darkness Within 1&2, Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Amnesia: The Dark Decent, Sunless Sea and Crawl.

Holy shit, are Kinofags the next generation of Atheist Fedoralords?

Lovecraft via Ligotti, with an ending stolen from an Alan Moore comic. It's great, but mostly because Pizza knew who to plagiarize and then act all pretentious about it.

For anyone that hasn't touched a Lovecraft book in their lives.

I can't speak to other things added to the "Mythos" by later authors or fan fiction, video games etc. But as originally conceived by the author and as in the case with all Cosmic Horror you are not killing Cthullu. So trying to install some sort of power ranking wankdom leads me to believe we are not reading the same things.

why do you people keep saying that? sure a lot of his early work is about undescribable entities but most of his work is pretty accurate about the horrors he talks about. It is mostly about the very powerful being and how humanity is futile in comparison to them. It is also about the cultust and witches and dreamlike adventures. Sure many people turn mad when they confront the horrors but not all of the characters.

This one is heavily influenced by his stuff. It's a roguelite/bullet hell, fun as fuck, but don't expect any chills'n'thrills.


Even the things that end up dead (and remain dead) in Lovecraftian fiction tend to come so at a great cost to people who are as far from the typical video game (or movie or pulp fiction) hero you could possibly get, with the caveat that a greater eldritch crisis was only averted for a indefinite time.

Second for Dark Corners, its actually a pretty rad experience for one playthrough.
It's also on steam for FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS

>heavily influenced
>bullet hell
>don't expect any chills'n'thrills
>heavily influenced

Plagiarize seems like a strong word man. I read at least 3 interviews before the show even wrapped in which the author talks about his love of Moore, Morrison, Ligotti. So when Moore writes 20 issues of a story featuring nothing but Lovecraft ideas, or 20 years of the league of extraordinary gentlemen, or Morrison bases his author avatar on a Michael moorcock creation is this plagiarism? We live in the shadow of the things that come before us.

are you some kind of retard or something?

The Consuming Shadow is as close as it gets, really. Pretty good writing, reasonably difficult, immersive, and has a decently-deep magic system that you're encouraged to use.

>still liking Lovecraft
smdh whiteboi

All of the Lovecraftian horror titles I know about were already mentioned. However, OP, if you are still here:

You might want to take an interest in a game called "Pathologic". It's Russian magical realism/horror game inspired by several major sources, among others Poe, Bradbury, Platonov and above all, Jorge L. Borges. And if you are a true /lit/-fag, that should probably already tell you why I'm mentioning it here.

It's also one of the few games that actually can compare to classic fiction in literature.

The story deals with a supernatural plague that seems to be related to strange nature and a history of a single town in a pseudo 1900 in pseudo-Russia. It deals with it's concepts of supernatural and horror in a much more abstract and indirect fashion than Lovecraft does, but it can at times induce similar feeling of profound, impossible-to-understand forces and sense of madness lurking somewhere around a corner.

The original game is from 2005 and it's very dated and very slow and clumsy, but still worth playing. If you are interested but want to pirate, be sure to pirate the HD Re-release version. There is an older version with nearly illegible translation floating around the torrents.
Alternatively, there is a remake in the works: it's not going to be released until Fall the earliest, but there is a demo for it, for free, on steam under the name Pathologic: Marble Nest. It's actually not a true demo: more of a showcase/early build so it's bugs galore and you can't save in it, but it's well worth experiencing.

If you are interested in knowing more, I'll gladly give you some more info. On the off chance you'd want to play the original, it's really good to know a few things beforehand, I can dump some infographics and general tips.

>everything in the game is about old gods, forbidden knowledge, mad cults
>lol u retard

shit I bough this game on steam but it refuse to work on my PC, I tried everything, patching it with stuff and all but it still don't work, I'm on windows 7 any tips ?

I'm obviously exaggerating, but it was pretty blatant in the last episode, and it irritated me reading an interview with Pizza where he was backtracking on the Chambers/Lovecraft/Ligotti stuff claiming to be more of an apprentice of Faulkner.

Why is Darkest Dungeon so perfect.

Crimson Court when


That is thoughtful. But Cthullu user. No one is killing Cthulhu. Not at great personal cost, not at any cost.

Pathologic is not really lovecraftian, to be honest.

19th of June nigga.


literally who's

Not explicitly Lovecraftian, but definitely inspired by it. XCOM: Terror from the Deep has a lot of aliens that resemble them and its high difficulty makes it tense as hell to play. Also has Lovecraftian themes, even to the point where defeating the aliens still fucks the world up hard, as Apocalypse reveals.

Actually it very much is. Overwhelming feel of dread and hopelessness, otherworldly shit

>hurr durr bloodborne is not lovecraftian because you can kill the elder gods xDd
People do shit in Lovecraft all the time. They drive a boat into a (heavily weakened) Cthulhu, they banish the Dunwich Horror and Akeley guns down some Mi-Go. It's not that you can't defend yourself, it's just that it ultimately won't matter. Also, by the end of Bloodborne, you're barely human and if you consumed the cords, you've actually ascended humanity. You lose your humanity to kill these things.

Please, there is nothing otherwordly going on.

It's just a disease, and I'm a doctor.

Now, hand me that scalpel.

>Overwhelming feel of dread and hopelessness, otherworldly shit
Nah just russian erryday stuff

Darkest Dungeon, it's so fucking good

mass effect :^)

Oh, for sure, even if a "sleepwalking" visage of it was ran trough at full speed with a steam yacht, the stars weren't right and it was reforming as they went further away.
No, I was thinking more in the lines of that inhuman and invisible parody of the holy ghost that was birthed at Dunwich, or all them deep ones that lost their lives bellow the shores of Innsmouth.

Yeah man, that's a killer line. It's from top ten. As far as central premises go I think it's okay to jack that. I get into a tiff with one of my friends online for saying he basically lifted From Hell and transplanted the date and location.He says Faulkner for the normies I'd imagine. If you tic off a bunch of horror, sci fi and comics guys you're going to get some different reactions from people. If you're talking to Time magazine you name drop these guys, if you're talking to Wired you say something else. Guys gotta play the game on the promo circuit.

Corruption of Champions.