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>thanks but don't get any ideas
Why is CWC responding in a sane manner? I thought he was supposed to be a mega SJW feminazi man hater
>Quite, Blake
What did xhe mean by this?
Was it supposed to be "Quiet, Blake" or was the "Quite" meant to imply agreement?
I don't know.
But during the stone age...
>doesn't lose his/her/its shit when someone talks about his tits
Someone is doing feminazi wrong.
So is Chris now fantasizing about males flirting with "her"?
Oh fugggg :DDDDD
Does he still have a dick? If yes, when will he chop it off?
I want to say it's a new low but it really isn't.
You must be new here
This image is 100% pure refined weapons grade autism.
I didn't have autism before but after seeing it I think I've got it.
Try reading the whole Chris-Chan saga
Favorite saga
I've been off Sup Forums for a while, what happened to the "vagina"?
Chris has no concept of what SJWs want other than for women to be treated exceptionally, but Chris is still Chris and he thinks being a woman means doing housework, talking about shopping, and most importantly, being objectified by men.
Chris' handlers made him to go to a doctor and get it looked at, they made sure he was treating it like a wound and dressing/disinfecting it while it healed
Did his tard wrangler finally get him/it/ze under control?
So will Chris draw himself getting fucked by one of his creations?
Chris needs to be subject to scientific evaluation
I mean as a girl ya dingus
No, believe or not but Chris did this because he thought he could hook up with a lesbian and that life would be easier for him if he was a girl.
Liquid saga will always be the best.
Kind of, but now he is having a continual money crisis as he spends all his money on Skylanders and PS4 games while his dying mother can't afford food.
Also he begs at least 4 times a month, including recently where he got mad at people for donating < $1
For me personally it has gone well past "interesting look into how the government fails people with mental disabilities" to just sad as fuck
But Chris being Chris, he took it too far and started believing in his own lies, and he slit his fucking taint open to make a mangina, and everything just spiralled from there.
I always liked how his hips aren't even aligned with his upper body.
>For me personally it has gone well past "interesting look into how the government fails people with mental disabilities"
To be fair, it's entirely his parents fault for not putting him in a "special" school at a time where he might have been able to actually get help for his autism.
That fucking video though. I think this pretty much confirms that Chris is manipulating Barb for pity donations. When she finally goes, you're gonna see some serious shit. Followed by him eventually being put into the care of the state and we never hear from him again.
Or maybe Barb is just immortal and the ever growing hoard sustains her.
>masturbation hand
>masturbation hand
>masturbation foot