Holy shit. Look what we ha-

Holy shit. Look what we ha-

>Japan only

Never mind.

>Switch is region free

It's still in moon you faggot


Just realized the switch boxart look better, composition wise.

Duolingo has Japanese now, you literally have zero excuse to get started on your foundations

>Sub + IP block

They check if you live in Japan.
No, FFXIV doesn't do it. Who knows why this does.

Does it? I've downloaded demos from the JP eShop no problem, haven't done a full game yet

>enjoying a text heavy game like a rpg in a language you only know bits and pieces of

>Duolingo has Japanese now
Thanks user, I did not know this

I don't know what you're talking about.
You don't need any check to make a Jap eshop account for the Switch.

Dragon quest specifically, retards

How the fuck does a turn based RPG mmo work?

Does X have a lot of content?

dqx is so boring looking

>Check thier site.
>They are working on Klingon course

It's currently on iOS but it should hit Android sometime here in this coming week
Gee it's almost like I said Duolingo was only good for getting you started on the fundamentals.

It's ATB with movement, has shit loads of content.

>How the fuck does a turn based RPG mmo work?
Very slowly.

PS consoles have been region free since PSP, so sad this is something new for Nintendo fans

Also DQ X have IP block just like most (if not all) Japanese MMO such like Dragon Dogma Online or MH Frontier. So unless you live on Japan or use a shitty VPN, there's no way to play it

Have you actually played DQX?

It's not good. At all.

Not to mention how much a gouge it is.

Just play FFXIV you retards

it will be revealed at E3 it hadn't been localized yet because its pay to play but since both ps4 and switch now charge for online they will bring it over.

But what about PC?

DS was region free