Those lips

>those lips


>no lips

Because Japanese over ifeminaisation

>You are now imagining link giving you the best blowjob of your lifetime thanks to his thicc lips

Because Link is a styalized Asian.
>b-b-b-b-ut blonde hair and blue eyes.
Superficial features.

Not all white people have thin noses and thin lips.

>Link slowly creeps up from behind you
>Softly turns your head to face him
>Without saying a word plants his lips with yours
>He bits your bottom lip just how you like it
>Carassing your chest while your stroke yourself
>Link sees with your doing
>Link comes in front of you and bends down on his knees
>He uses his teeth and lips to remove your pants
>Massages your loins with his hands over your underwear
>Link then pulls down your underwear and gets working on your hard cock with his thicc lips
>You start to cry because it's as the legends have been foretold by the ancients
>You orgasm so hard your whole body starts to spasm
>He drinks your juice
>He smiles
>You cuddle and sleep silently with your arms wrap around links body, releasing tears from your eyes
>Knowing that he must save Zelda the next morning.


Skyward Sword Link looked terrible. Didn't help that he animated so oddly as well.

fuck Zelda and fuck Hyrule

>not wanting DSL on your elf bois

didn't have the possibility to play skyward sword
but i hope that face will be fixed in the switch version

I can fuck Zelda, but how am I supposed to fuck Hyrule?

dig a tiny hole in the ground


Nope, sorry, ran out of fantasy as I "offloaded"

tiny link tiny hole

>post in a thread
>it dies
every time

Try posting in yourself next time.

i'd rather post in you fag


not so fast


true, i mean not literally

For my dick

Not all, but way way more than the asians.

would you kiss the cat?

not a pedo

then would you

only adult link

>link will never take your anal virginity

I want to get off this wild ride

bit older


but that's a girl
aren't we talking about Link?

still too girly?


1 or 2, m-maybe 3
bottom is jail tier

>jail tier
but even TP Link is 17

it's legal in some countries
it's not like he's a kid anyway

>inb4 not a boy


Nice thread faggots

trips confirm
thank you user

Let a fat talking boat make a wish to flood it away forever. You can't fuck Hyrule harder than that.

I want to kiss link!

>OP post feature link and some irrelevant question
>85% of thread is lewding Link
I love those threads.

Link may not be for lewd, but we are for lewding Link

Nintendo knows that faggots will gladly give their penis full access to their bank account.

In BotW there are actual Asian NPCs, though. They look nothing like Link.