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Video Games #3783
Video Games
Any generous user here today?
Golly Sup Forums, what could it be?
The Switch is one of those things that you never wanted but when you have it you start to wonder how you managed to...
I'm not going to lie, I'm hype as fuck...
“As of last year...
What's that smell? ... The sweet blood, oh, it sings to me. It's enough to bloodborne thread a man sick
Mega Man ZX
Got out of surgery getting a plate and screws in my wrist a few days ago after falling off of a speeding horse...
ITT post music that has defined 2005-10's era vidya videos
Post the last game you played and your reaction to it
How do we save the Xbox brand?
Listed as Perfect Bride
No X-Men = No buy from me
What are some good boxing games?
FFXIV - Stormblood
I recently heard about this game again & when looking into it I found it to have an interesting premise
What is the actual Citizen Kane of gaming? And by that...
Tfw Japan will finally stop making fucking anime and shitty videogames once and for all
Who /hyped/ here?
Why are all the protags for these shitty games such emasculated numales?
Games You Wish You'd Played Sooner
I want to get into an MMO. Whats the best one I could play thats preferably free?
Should I move on from my Wii U?
Not watching the streams with friends
Why didn't it fail like Sup Forums said it would?
Teleports on top of you
Call of Duty WWII
Rank all the Zelda games you've played fags
I don't know much about this emulation stuff I hear but you guys always joke about playing Breath of the Wild on the...
Project Diva /mm/
11 days until E3 !
Can anyone name a comfier game?
Is a fox
*computer remove multiplats and ports*
Name a better JRPG
Select difficulty
Hows your gaming channel coming along Sup Forums?
Be honest, how many of you have one?
Perfect Dark
Season 2 fucking when?
Fuck Street Fighter V
What if it's good?
What do potions taste like?
What are some games with nice feeling movement?
Fuck you Sup Forums
Enemy is eldritch abomination
Final boss is the evil version of yourself
Let's take a moment to identify the best couple
What is the fidget spinner of videogames?
What are some games that have cool clothing or armors like pic related?
Is it time to upgrade for new vidya? Is new vidya even worth it?
Next is user with his report about... "video games"
Newish tank, level 52, about to do the first Heavensward dungeon...
What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Is Ubisoft abandoning The Division...
Game is out on consoles
Alright, lots of my friend are playing PUBG. Convince or Dissuade me from buying it
Anime aesthetics
Claim your vidya wfu
Shenmue 3 won't be at E3
Filename thread
He doesn't main Gob
Side character is far more interesting than the player character
Sup Forums praises a game over and over
Which clan is best Sup Forums?
Godamn lol we got Deadshot in this game. Already preordered
That opening you never skip
Lets make the first boss in the game a difficult, one-shotting tank! Prepare to die LOL!
Game lets boy characters dress like girls
Tell me a secret Sup Forums
With May about to end, let's have a May thread and talk about May!
Sup Forums praises a game's soundtrack
I'm leaving this borb here, Sup Forums please take care of him
Post characters who had a rough life
When is it ok to use walkthroughs?
Will you guys be hyped for the new Sony Go?
I didn't want it to end like this, user. I kinda hoped you'd put up more of a fight
Good night, Sup Forums
E3 2017
What could go wrong?
He isn't waiting for Vega
Koei makes a genuinely great musou game with RPG stuff
Let's have one of these threads
Why does Nintendo insist on being such Faggots?
How the FUCK do you pronounce Schwarzwelt? I'm not German
This is the only 3D platformer where you play as human
How to raise a kid to have good taste in video games?
Why is it so hard to make friends online now...
Whats your opinion on the Wii U scam?
What is the first word that comes to your mind when you see this?
How could they get it so right with the demo and fuck it up with the full game?
Me and my older brother were just talking about the old halo reach days...
What games (other than coc) let's you grind stuff like breast size?
It's a crossdressing mission
What's the hardest choice you've made in a video game?
Steven Universe: Save the Light
Should I get it?
This is no place for a horse
What was the Golden Age of gaming?
Is there a more JUST youtuber than him?
ITT: Fake opinions
Dash into enemies attack
Is this a decent card game? How does it compare to Yugioh?
What to do after video games?
How do we fix the Mario series?
Best Link
So is this game bad or what I hear amazing things and trash things
All that money
2011: condensed critique and overview of a game
The Nintendo Switch is going to sell more in 10 months than the Wii U did in five years
How is this guy still alive?
Will this be the first good CoD since Black Ops or will it just be another piece of shit?
Hey guys remember me
Why do liberals pretend to like video games?
Ya'll mine if I be the best Sonic game?
You can only choose one of these two countries to ban from online gaming forever
Fire Emblem Heroes
Poor little assblasted Lucinigger
Name a bigger release week failure
Who is the most attractive man in video games
Be careful...
What is the "Why didn't frodo and sam fly the one ring to mordor" of video game plot-holes?
What's the appeal of utter shite like Po Pi Po?
Mexican level
Are there any games with this walking style?
E3 is going to be nothing but meme games
Dude Christians
What does Sup Forums think of the Uncharted series?
Is Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor any good?
Who do you main Sup Forums?
Other than Kojima, is there examples of devs putting themselves on the videogame they worked on?
Find a flaw
Why is Splatoon really popular in Japan
How do you feel about the standard of skins that rolled out with the anniversary event?
You have 5 minutes to explain why you aren't playing SFV right now
Is this game still worth playing if I know the gist of the plot and the ayylien twist?
What does Sup Forums think of Far Cry 3?
Why are you playing as girl?
How do you feel about Twitch's banned game list?
Entire career ruined because of one game
What would be the biggest "OH SHIT IT'S HAPPENING" complete left field announcement that would make this e3 insane?
Fuck I just got home when is the next testpunch?
Post your worst video game confession
Shit meme thread
Based obscure games
What does Sup Forums think of Maximillion D00D?
Why are all of the characters in this game so bad?
What's the worst JRPG ever made?
Nintendo is reportedly boosting production of Switch consoles
Those fucking faggots that made the Squillium OP leave
Jrpg cringe
I 1cc'd Metal Slug 3. Ask me anything
I got a real good feeling about paper mario switch, boys
I am working for a small company I am in a team that is translating the mgs 6 script
Is 2017 one of the best years for vidya in recent memory?
Since we all have tomorrow off, do you plan on playing anything all night?
ITT we improve the horror genre with cool new mechanics
Have you ever pretended to like a game just because your friends/community all like it? I do that with the Souls series
She was better than Parappa
Switch threads constantly full of people shitting on it saying they'll never buy it because "shovelware and ports"
What games actually get the retro aesthetic right?
What's your carfu Sup Forums? Are there any decent newish driving games out or upcoming...
So I was playing Oblivion again today when I came across pic related for the first time. Weird...
"Finally... after all these years... Overwatch begins!!!"
Just finished Sillent Hill and I thoroughly enjoyed it...
This shit is 67% off, is it worth it to get?
Is this game worth it? why is there never a sale on this shit, or maybe steam summer sale soon?
Where is Estelle I want to play as a cute redhead not a green haired metrosexual
E3 2017
Enemies can open doors
When are you going to get a Switch Sup Forums? I understand initial trepidation...
How the fuck do i git gud as Mccree? His long range damage is laughable, but if i get close to someone i instantly die...
Characters who disprove Rule34
Is there ever a time when a defense hero is the best choice, or are they all outclassed by offensive DPS?
Yandere Simulator
I know who I'll main in the next DB game
I sure hope you didn't buy a 3 GB GPU in 2017 user
What's a game that you really wanted to like but just had to accept that you couldn't?
ITT: impossible to discuss
Fallout 3 Railroad:
I got 21 bucks on steam
How long, Sup Forums?
Are the Phantom Thieves just?
C-can I take your order, S-sir?
So how do you guys take care of gamer gunk?
So we're in agreement, right? This is the best JRPG ever
Why did it get so popular
Why does it seem like most people prefer the first Golden Sun to The Lost Age...
I'm so fucking bored
Dumb shit Sup Forums says
Do you regret your switch purchase?
Yfw you didn't fall for the PC gaming meme
Itt game's your fucking pissed will never get a real sequel
Make it vidya
You there
Best mobile games thread
Drakengard 3
I've been playing pic related on Steam, it's actually pretty fun
Which MMO should I play in 2017?
Poorfag thread
So, how far did you guys make it?
The Sun has fallen out of Earth's orbit and is going to crash into it...
I can't be the only one buying a Switch just for this game
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem: Order of the crimson Arm
Hey, hey!
Injustice 2 Red Hood Trailer
How do we stop the weeaboos, Sup Forums?
Famitsu came out with a poll recently asking Japs what their favorite first and third person shooters are...
So it's been a while now and I'm sure we can all agree that:
Would you play a game where you can date a female saiyan?
Tfw your little cousin who looked up to you as a role model grows detached from you and develops terrible taste
Why is MOBA shit the most popular for esports?
Now go! Let the MGS V threads come back to life!
Is it a good game?
How did we go from this
Heroes > Adventure 1 > Adventure 2 > Shadow
Tfw touhou doesn't run on windows 10
ITT: obscure games
For me, it's Overwatch
How do we save Mario from stagnating into samey mediocrity?
You can pick one thing from video games to put in real life
"OMG this game is so comfy, I love comfy games" "What's the comfiest game you've ever played...
What is Europe's infatuation with the PS4?
Muh merciless and "CRAZYYY" villains who say "fuck" a lot
Sup Forumss shit taste
Thought on CRT Televisions & Monitors?
How do you feel about darkening the skin color of pre-existing characters?
Information about the new Metroid game
Does Sup Forums collect video game figures and toys?
Redpill me on gwent
Are you going to buy Akko's game?
Thoughts on the Soulsborne series?
From what we’ve been shown and told, Kingdom Battle features standard Mario, Luigi and Peach...
ITT: Games that let the player make deals
Have we finally got it lads, is this the first example of vidya kino?
He has a low Steam Level
Friday the 13th
Squilliam E3 Collage 2017
Was the GameCube the best system Nintendo made?
I've compiled a list of games that Sup Forums unanimously agrees are great and worth playing
Remember kripp? this is him now
Is Endless Space 2 worth the buy?
Revolver "Revolver Ocelot" Ocelot
Link Partners
Tell me user......Have you ever believed his lies?
So what happened? Does anybody still play this game? How come it failed??
"I'm ready, Gabe"
Acclaimed soundtrack of "vidya kino" (really just pretentious weebshit) is nothing more than gothic disney opera with...
You are an outcast because your white race destroyed the earth...
Meanwhile, on Monstergirl Sup Forums
Why is this allowed?
What you gonna expect from LWA vidya ?
So why does everyone care about this childrens' platformer anyway?
When will the MOBA and Esports bubble pop? Is there any end in sight for it?
Is based Terry Crews kino?
Found my PSP and comfy with some Patapon here. What are some must plays for PSP?
His main is Castle
Why are there so few pirate-themed games?
Why did developers stop putting in silly and fun cheat codes to their games?
Why is this game so hard?
Explain why Gone Home is bad without calling it a walking simulator, saying it's not a game...
Buy a ps4 for bloodborne
Official art
A or B?
What went wrong?
Do you think we'll ever see an RPG or non-fighting game with Guilty Gear level graphics?
2000 hours in CS:GO, most of it spent raging (became better in prime but SMFC/Global still has lots of cheaters)
Best vidya cliches
Is Sup Forums going to buy Anri's game when it launches in the west next year?
This is an actual image and quote in the popular fighting game Blazblue
There are people who honestly think ds1>ds2
Thinking of getting this. Is it any good? Is it like Dwarf Fortress, but actually more "finished"?
Which game has the better heroes? Dota 2 or Overwatch?
Heal tank up from 1% health
How did it feel knowing the fact that you fags fell for every marketing scheme ever employed in this site?
What the fuck is this garbage? what happened to Monster Hunter?
How was your childhood
Which old franchise would you like to see rebooted?
What are some red flags when making gamer friends?
An A press is an A press, you can't say it's only a half
Webm thread?
I cant fucking believe there hasnt been any good RPG release in the past few years besides TW3
Just got this, what am I in for?
What is your opinion on the holy trinity in mmos?
What are some games that show the strain of the journey on the hero's appearance?
Is it weird that i want to trade in my 3ds to gamestop every since i got a switch?
Guilty Gear Rev2
What's the appeal of turn based combat?
How do you feel about the representation of (or lack of representation of) trans video game characters...
Is this shit worth $33?
Why is it that Sup Forums gets infuriated by shills...
He doesn't play japanese RPG maker games
What did you play this weekend, Sup Forums?
Gimme point and click games pls
ITT: Post a picture. Others recommend a game based on that picture
Convince me why this game is NOT canon
Can I get a quick rundown on this game?
I hear so much polarizing shit about this game...
If I'm the kind of fag who loves System Shock 2 and Dishonored will this satisfy or is it gonna be disappointing for 90...
Giant Bomb
Incredibly socially anxious
Friday the 13th
His username has "gaming" on the end
Far Cry 5
Why LoL threads here ever?
Your red flags in bideogames
Anyone else still looking forward to BS anymore?
Remember only afro? this is him now
Tekken 7 is so busted on consoles that pro players literally have to pause the game and set it to 720p on PS4 Pro to...
Someone buy me overwatch please (ΘεΘ;)
Has she already been forgotten?
Sojiro party member when? Even his "codename" is there already (Boss)
*fucks eachother*
Where is he now?
Little Witch Academia game for PS4
Game has reptilian race
My Documents/Game
What do you hope to see at E3 2017?
Is this the spookiest Video Game music?
Is fallout lore dumb??
This is your dps for tonight
Can someone please explain what the "TORTanic" was?
ARMS Post Testpunch Thread
Welcome to Animal Crossing
Do you seek self improvement through video games?
9S renaming his program code to 2B in Route C
Project Diva: Future Tone would be a much more enjoyable game if it had more songs from [Artist that I like]
People defend this
12 days until E3 !
Mario half way in down pipe
ARMS Testshitjumping
Path of Exile
Has there ever been, or ever will be a good video film?
Where should I go first
Jonah, with whom you have shared maybe five minutes of gameplay...
Should i go into my closet, find and start this game?
ITT: You hear it, you lose
Shoot double barrel once
Why does Japan keep making these type of characters? Who find this appealing?
Tekken 7
I'm a few hours into Persona 4 and I have the option to change to the undub version...
What went so horribly wrong?
ITT: Useless party members
How would you fix Sup Forums?
Is it worth getting a Switch at this point? I have some money to burn and I am curious about Breath Of The Wild
How do I stop breaking controllers?
P5 Thread
What is your honest opinion of this game?
Just started playing
They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse
Automata is clearly the best game in 2017 so far, right lads?
This is the main character of Ni No Kuni II. He is a boy
Which class has the most potential?
Getting beaten by a bully
Why MegaDrive/Genesis lost against SNES despite being a better console and having more decent games in different genres?
I got the game when it was free on Humble Bundle, can I only play RS1 maps or can I also play Red Orchestra 2 maps?
Witcher 3
How is Friday The 13th The Game? Is it worth $40? What are the problems with the game...
ITT: It's fine when Japan does it
The Weekend Plays mario kart deluxe
Post Yfw you curbstomp the boss through sheer skill
What are some games where the villain becomes a hero?
What is Sup Forums's biggest issue? true is this sort of statement?
Mighty No. 9 legitimately broke my friend's brain
Nostalgia Thread!
Has a game ever made you hate a word?
What's a multiplayer game I can go fast in and pop sweet skill shots? I used to play Tribes but that game is dead
Buyer's remorse x500
I'm new to monster hunter, should I play this game first?
Why do so little RPGs offer beast races at character creation?
Recording gameplay for this for the sake of a video, what memories do you have of it?
Nu-Sup Forums will defend this
You're not a simple whore for loot boxes, are you user?
Tfw just realized i left my 3ds on a bus
Isaac thread
After the gamecube nintendo went full casual with the wii
Game has you shooting brown people in foreign countries
Riot working on ways to foster positive player interactions in League of Legends successfully dropping verbal abuse by...
When's the last time you got bullied in an online video game?
What if we took a serious stealth game series
Can someone tell how this was allowed back then...
Let's see those steam avatars
You think you do
Dragon quest XI
Who else /onlygoingtobuytheswitchbecauseofthisgame/?
This is literally the most overrated game ever
You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass, what do?
Thoughts on Life Is Strange?
Would this game be remembered more fondly if it wasn't so tremendously far up its own ass?
*starts raining*
What's the worst Lets play youve ever seen?
What does the "N" stand for?
Anybody here still playing Street Fighter V? If you dropped it, why?
Games with shit openings
General MMO thread
Just started playing Advance Wars and want to know Sup Forums's opinion since I have a pathetic need for vindication...
What do we think of him?
Steam removes a game from the store
Who's the better Scotsman?
Losing in every market
Nintenbros get an upscaled 3DS rehash with eye-bleeding low-poly models
What is best gaming mouse for FPS
Switch has no ga-
What would the ideal Jojo's Bizarre Adventure game be like?
You guys enjoying the LA Noire LP?
Where are the leaks?
Does Sup Forums risk the 15%?
Found a 3ds on the bus
Hello Sup Forums
Will she ever recover?
I had more fun with this than I did with the souls series
Gravity Rush to have collab with Let It Die
Are you working on that game Sup Forums?
How much stamina do you guys have playing games?
Black Desert Online
Thoughts on Life is Strange?
Post most overrated shit of 2017
Left or right?
Hey /v, what's this guy's catchphrace again?
Enemies that make you scared
We have to rethink television gaming
Little Witch Academia for PS4
ARMS thread
Any other true FFVII fans not looking forward to this...
Enemy charms you in the first turn
Trials fags are the worst JRPG fanbase on Sup Forums
Attended japan's most prestigious university
Demoman takes skill
Enter Username
Just completed KotOR and wanted to try out the second one but don't know if I should play as a male or female. Any tips...
Why is Persona 3 considered the best game in the series?
Graphics thread?
What other great series have a bad game amongst them?
Stop being religious
On sale right now in the Humble Store for its deepest discount ever. Is the DLC worth it?
What are some poorly received/unhyped games from last gen that are low budget and obviously flawed but with charm and...
What would you do for a Yennefer?
Kamen Rider Chronicle is finally getting released internationally!
This game is excellent, marketing bullshit aside it doesn't deserve even half the shit it gets
How do you deal with ladder anxiety?
*has sex*
Sup dood?
Join match in Overwatch, get to hero select screen
I'm interested in this game Sup Forums, what is your favourite job?
Fire emblem heroes
Hello, we are the worst confidants in Persona 5
Be a secretive bossy cunt
It's time to apologize, Sup Forums
ITT: Breath of the Wild alternatives for PC and non-Nintendo consoles
Game has tanks
What is the best game of all time in your personal opinion ?
What are the best Yu-Gi-Oh! games?
So kid, what are you? Law or Chaos?
Worst vidya feels
What's this actually like to play? Any user tried it?
Okay how do we fix his character? This might be the worst character ever written in Persona
What happened to Cloud?
How would you make a Gantz game work?
How Far Cry 5 Could Make A Serious Political Statement...Or Get It Very, Very Wrong
It doesn't feel right on PC
Morgana is a literal cat that doesn't speak
I was their most devoted warrior
Well shit
Does Sonichu deserve his own franchise?
Be me on Saturday
Why does a robot need a nice ass?
What went wrong?
Jesus christ they fucked this up. This game was perfect during the closed beta and now they've ruined it
I don't get it, why are brown vidya girls so perfect?
Warriors All-Stars
Switch weeb games
ITT: fuck you, it's my favorite game in the series
Subtle video game clothing thread
Who's the best GTA protagonist, Sup Forums?
Sequel lets you fight the protagonist from the original
How the fuck is the PS4 still selling so well?
New Risk of Rain thread boys!
Why does Europe hate Nintendo and favor Sony so much?
What GBA game should I play RIGHT NOW?
Arms thread, Testpunch is over. Next one in a couple of hours
Is this true?
How do I get into Yu-Gi-Oh! (YGO)? I don't want to spend any money on actual cards
What Digimon games are worth playing
RedBull Kumite - 2017 Edition
What are some games where the good guys lose?
Comfy ass games
Season 4 will be over in a few hours. Do you think you did well?
Dude religion is like, bad lmao
When will mascott platformers have their renaissance?
What's wrong, gordon-kun?
Are their any video games where I can get food out onto a tray?
Which game has the best melee combat?
Would this make you buy a switch?
ITT: casual filters
So is that it? The PS4 generation is finish with literally no games to show for it...
/nhg/ nigger hate general
Period games
Other places
3x3 thread
*blocks your path*
What is it going to take for video games as an industry and as a medium to grown up?
Regalia Of Men and Monarchs-CODEX
Describe your Dream Game Sup Forums
Remember, if you don't buy this...
How did PC go from starting out in last place to finishing at the top this year?
Oh, Minecrap! I cannot wait to play Minecrap. Do you know what my favourite thing to do is in Minecrap...
Okay which one of you is this...
Post your video game wife in this thread
How to Win in Japan
Will she ever be useful?
J>PQ. I have channel 7 track
Discuss Batmobile Simulator
Recommend me some games where I get to hurt a lot of people
Fallout 1 Thread
Fire Emblem Switch
Super Mario Bros
Life is Strange ending
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Best female characters in video games
What are the best survival games?
What is your favourite fighting move?
Xbox is the current best platform out there for buying and playing games
Has political correctness gone too far in video games?
I dont care if it pleases peoples dicks, The Zero Suit was a mistake
Let's have a guild wars 2 thread
"not yet... its not over yet"
Do you still play Vita, user?
Why does it have to be turn based?
Is the ERP boom in online games coming to an end? Are boys finally sick of sucking virtual cock?
When playing CK2...
What if the girth of her thighs
Why is that "strong" female characters who aren't completely objectified trigger Sup Forums so much?
Why is she so brown if she's Mexican?
Ps3 worth getting these days?
New Metroid Prime is coming
So are you waiting for the Vega Sup Forums?
This game is great
What do you want Michael?
I've earned nearly 24 loot boxes and I've literally only gotten whites and blues. Did Blizzard rigt the system?
*Blocks your path*
I want to immerse myself in an RPG
Coworkers start talking about videogames
What's your opinion on beast/otherkin party members in video games? Which one is your favorite?
Leave being the best Persona to me
One white female character surrounded by three men of color
ITT: Tokens
We know sora and friends are going to fight Xehanort
What is Nilfgaard's state religion?
The Elder Scrolls VI
Who was in the wrong here?
Help me out boys
Are 720p monitors worth the hype?
Why is this engine so popular?
You're looking at the Mario game that outsold Super Mario Bros. 3
Why don't you have a girlfriend yet, Sup Forums?
Post games that were dragged down by the forced romance
What is the appeal of Monster Hunter games
“As of last year...
What are some characters that you love having as party members?
Which AvP/Alien game is the best Sup Forums?
Xbox won
Did your dad play video games?
You're up in the GameStop and this guy walks up and prods your girlfriend's ass
Friday the 13th thread
21:9 for gaming
I fucking love VIDEO GAMES
Those lips
Dawn of war 3
Im still mad
There is absolutely no fucking reason why this couldn't have been put on PS4 too...
Fantasy, Science Fiction or Science Fantasy?
Who let Tetsuya Nomura design a boss for Atlus?
Is anyone else sick of Nintendo's bigotry? This is getting out of hand, they need to be stopped
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...