Explain why Gone Home is bad without calling it a walking simulator, saying it's not a game...

Explain why Gone Home is bad without calling it a walking simulator, saying it's not a game, or saying anything about SJWs.

Too easy to speedrun

It's not a game, it's a SJW walking simulator.

It's literally impossible to lose.

It can literally be beaten in about a minute without glitches or cheats.

Bland story
No action

There's really nothing too it.
It's like one of those kid museum dvds that came in cereal boxes back in the day where you just click on objects and it'll tell you a little about them.

Unlike those DVDs however there's not anything to learn in Gone Home. It's just a trite love story that tries to pass itself off as spooky and fails.

If you're going to have a story driven game to the point where there's nothing else, the story actually has to be good. And to be honest Gone Home's story has no redeeming features.
About the only good thing I can say about it is that it can be recreated in the Doom Engine fairly easily.

They wasted the atmosphere. It could have been a very unsettling game, where the story of the horror that went on within the household slowly unravelled during its run time. But, no. Lesbians.

>Friend hears about the game when it first released
>Didn't know about any of the controversy around it, and neither did I
>Play through it together
>Boring walking simulator

Only thing it did for me was introduce some pretty good girl punk that I looked up afterwards and got into for some time.

>It's literally impossible to lose.

In the sense that there's no losing condition, but there is a win condition and it can be tricky to reach it. I had to use a walkthrough to find the secret passages.

Punk girls are love.

It's not bad at all. It's actually one of the better walking sims.

The only problem with it is it got a ton of undeserved praise and awards solely because of the gay characters.

A good video game has conflict. It has some force that opposes the player. Normally this means enemies that you have to fight, but not always. Timers in puzzle games count, or difficult puzzles in adventure games that impede progress, forcing the player to think.
Gone Home has no conflict whatsoever. You walk around, you read shit, and eventually you get led up to the attic and win the game. I might as well just be listening to a radio play or some shit.

It's not a game, just walking simulator for SJWs.

>oh wow, a first person haunted house game, looks cool
>oh wait its not
>nothing happens
>the end

It's incredibly short and it's price tag is way too high. I have 50 minutes logged in on Steam and saw everything the game had to offer.

>oh wow, a first person haunted house game, looks cool
>oh wait its not
I'm convinced that they wanted to originally make a horror game (there's enough in the game that feels as though it should be in a horror game, personally) but couldn't achieve what they wanted, so they threw lesbians at it and figured people would lap it up because muh representation

>Sup Forums jerks off about "comfy" all the time
>hates a game set in a comfy mansion on a rainy night that lets you explore at your leisure

It's boring

"comfy" is a shitty meme

comfy =/= boring

"comfy" is just Sup Forumsedditor-talk for "autism friendly".

comfy won't sell a game for 20 bux if that's literally all it has.

>but there is a win condition and it can be tricky to reach it
You have to be legitimately retarded to have any difficulty finding anything in this game

>Comfy is a meme
>Comfy means no gameplay

I want nu/v/ to leave.

A 20 minutes game isn't comfy.

It's not interesting. It's not fun.
It's bad.

None of that has anything to do with the game itself. And that certainly shouldn't effect your enjoyment of a game.

Only legitimate criticism in the entire thread.

For a game centered around going back home, it's pretty lazy to not include mirrors.

>Sup Forums jerks off about "comfy" all the time
>Sup Forums is one person
"Comfy" is an automatic red flag to non-newfags.

It's boring, poorly written and poorly acted.

So in a "game" with little else going for it that's pretty bad.

Even that Doom WAD is more fun

Only really seems to have interested people who haven't played enough games to understand that Gone Home didn't invent environmental storytelling. The story would be panned in any other medium.

But muh invisible player characters, muh immersion!