>Switch threads constantly full of people shitting on it saying they'll never buy it because "shovelware and ports"
>But Breath of the Wild threads are always packed with anons who played it
Really makes you go hmmm
>Switch threads constantly full of people shitting on it saying they'll never buy it because "shovelware and ports"
>But Breath of the Wild threads are always packed with anons who played it
Really makes you go hmmm
>there are different people that go to different threads on Sup Forums
I just bought Disgaea 5. I plan on buying Street fighter next week before I take my road trip out to Colorado next month.
It's almost like the people who bought it have played the games on it, and the people who didn't buy it want to justify not buying it
My almonds have never been so active
>I plan on buying Street fighter
Don't support price gouging. SF2 is a good game, sure, but nowhere near worth what they're asking. You can buy 6 Neo Geo games for the same price
But what if we thought BotW was completely bland and suffers from the same shit Sup Forums bitches about Ubisoft games for?
5 years down the road, it'll be remembered as a mediocre Zelda game, slightly below Twilight Princess.
>Don't support price gouging.
Is it that bad? Should I just wait till it comes down to 20?
>implying you can't play BoTW on Wii U
Lots of mad niggers of sony here!
Played BotW on CeMU.
Switch can suck it.
>tfw no Switch
I skipped launch to avoid hardware issues but I still want one. Not bad enough to pay more than MSRP though so I guess I'll just sit here, Switch-less for another couple of months.
Posting this before the mad Sony drones get here
i have street fighter since i got it 20% off and it's a really lazy made game. it plays well but it's butt ugly and it's really clear alot of assets only had a filter thrown on them instead of being redrawn
Yeah, it's almost like the game came out on two different consoles or something.
just physically check bestbuy on fridays before 3pm.
i have personally seen 4 within the last 2 trips in during the last 3 weeks
I'll wait then, been looking for a reason to get Blaster Master remake.
Thanks, I'll try this coming Friday.
wait 5 came out? I didn't even know
Came out Tuesday.
Haven't played on since the first.
>actually bought a Wii U
>Breath of the Wild
Is on the WiiU and can be emulated by monster PCs.
It also runs at SUB 20 FPS on the Switch.
What a fucking tragedy of a console.
I played BotW on Wii U. Also what threads? Discussion of the game is pretty much dead. Discussions about how fuckable Link is are going at a decent rate. I hate how console warriors overrate certain games to such a ridiculous degree. BotW is okay but has a lot of flaws. Bloodborne is good but also has a lot of flaws. Yet it's hard to talk about those flaws because you faggots are too busy using those games as ammunition in your neverending brand war.
I got the Wii U version instead. Saved me $370.