Claim your vidya wfu


Other urls found in this thread:


May from Guilty Gear.

Why? I'm 90% sure no one wants her and 80% sure no one's heard of her.

best waifu


The only thing I will claim is my love for Fuuka!


I love Eleanor




That's where the extra wood went!

What's the point of these threads? These women aren't real and you will never talk or touch them, it's all just a sad charade. Or is this ""ironic"" shit posting?

who dat

>never claim a Waifu
You don't watch the news much, do you?




fuck off you cancerous retard


Worst outfit.



>What's the point of these threads?
To post the vidya girl you love.
>These women aren't real and you will never talk or touch them
So? not like it's any different with "real" women

Looks like I hit a nerve

Caught mine.


>implying anyone would even remember her or her game to post in this thread

I'm going to marry Freya!

That wasn't a happy ending user.

Remember Tear Ring Saga?




Charlotte claimed.

Can't wait to get her as a bride in Heroes!

Suikoden 3 is one of my favorite games of all time.
And I adore the intro

>sharp edges
>real print out has curved edges
Nice try edge lord. Now why don't you go back to MySpace where you belong. No one will miss you here.
Otherwise I'll have to rape you. :D




Say something nice to her.

It's illegal to marry someone of the same sex as you.

>wanting to bang a trap
Okay faggot chan

I bet she's got excellent sucking skills.


Tired-ass-lookin' McStoopidHelmet