Is 2017 one of the best years for vidya in recent memory?
>RE 7
>Gravity Rush 2
>Hollow Knight
>Zelda: BotW
>Nier Automata
>Injustice 2
And that's just pre-E3. Later we've got
>Tekken 7
>Crash Trilogy
>Splatoon 2
>Sonic Mania/Forces
>Destiny 2
>MvC Infinite
>South Park
>Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade 2
Is 2017 one of the best years for vidya in recent memory?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's definitely better than the last couple of years, for sure.
Yes. Games this year have been better than everything in 2014,2015 and 2016 combined.
I knew I was forgetting something.
I hope someone pulls a Fallout 4 and releases an E3 announcement of a brand new game for a november release.
Except the part where fallout 4 is trash of course.
>MvC Infinite
Hell yeah. 2017 in general has been a great year for entertainment imo but definitely noticable in gaming. Reminds me of 2007
Anything would look great after the fucking train wreck that was 2016
>Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade 2
>Destiny 2
Other than that, yes this is a terrific year for video games. For Honor is pretty fun too desu
I hope other companies copy that move, it created an absurd amount of hype
>Mario Odyssey
that's been completed for a while
it was obviously meant to be a wiiu game
>all of these mediocre games
>not having the actual current goty in your list
how is destiny 2 a good thing?
Hey, thanks for saving me the trouble of wasting time reading any further.
Gravity Rush 2 belongs nowhere near that list. It's one of the worst sequels in years, it's a fucking disaster.
No one realises this because other than me, the only people who bought it did so for kawaii moe Kat rather than gameplay and never turned any kind of critical eye to the shit stealth, shit mission design, shit camera, shit story, shit challenges, shit world design, shit internet features... shit everything.
The first game was a gem on the Vita. The sequel is an abortion.
what's the actual current goty, user?
didnt play the first one, but now its coming to pc - i may check it out.
I literally fapped to that picture like 20 times
>Is 2017 one of the best years for vidya in recent memory?
It's up there. Looking forward to getting a switch at the end of the year to play the surprising amount of solid games for it
Yes - after the long night the eastern sun has finally risen again
Probably Night in the Woods considering he posted a tumblr meme
You forgot Puyo Puyo Tetris. That shit's far too addictive for its own good.
are the shitty "you tried" stars a tumblr meme? i feel like they've been on Sup Forums for years.
>>Xenoblade 2
Yup, best in a while.
I can safely say even most if Sup Forums's contrarians would agree with that, yes
True, but didn't release in 2017
Oh shit, right, the PS4 and Switch versions were ports. My mistake.
Still fun though.
You forgot fighting game of the year
What's wrong with it
Don't bother wasting your time and money. Every other game on OPs list is way better
>tfw only cautiously looking forward to the Crash remakes and Sonic Mania
That being said, I feel like it's been a decent enough year so far. The PC port of Vanquish was fun, despite the bugs it has right now.
>finish game
>see cutscene of Link and Zelda riding together around the world
Why the fuck they couldnt just let you continue playing and having Zelda as a companion or something like that?
Actually this game should have had followers, considering the amount of NPCs you can find around.
What a missed oportunity.
Man that game looks comfy as fuck, I might need to get it eventually
Aye, it is. Digital only, I think. Physical Switch copy had an extra cost.
Character models look bad.
Movesets are all rehashes.
No interesting new characters announced yet.
Going off Street Fighter V, the amount of content locked away as paid DLC will be appalling.
PS4 is physical only actually, only the Switch got physical and digital. It's fucking stupid but at least it came out
Do I want to save up for a switch and get a physical copy? I'm not sure
Thanks for the info, user
Wait, for real?
Well fuck. I don't own a PS4 so I wasn't entirely sure on it.
Apparently I was wrong according to another user, so there's that.
I mean, you could have left Injustass off that list, but other than that yea great year for games. Anyone who complains about lack of quality games right now lives under a rock.
Yes. You're welcome. It will only get better. Also, what happened to Beedle?
This and Mario Odyssey
Was looking it up, I could only find Japanese physical copies On the vita too, surprsingly to me.
Ima get a switch eventually and get this game
>jap shit
It's definitely one of the better years for my dick
>BotW Zelda
>Arms girls
>Persona 5 girls
And I know I'm probably missing a few
>Ctrl+f BRA
>No results found
Is Sup Forums over?
sure it may have started here, but once tumblr starts using it neo/v/fags like that guy abandon it like a baby animal with a strange smell.
i think gaming is just in such a sorry state that this feels like the best we can get anymore
Yep. The staleness in gaming has been lifted. No more mediocre releases.
I still don't think BOTW is a 10. Fuck that
Also, fuck the ending. Felt rushed as hell.
No one does.
literally what
dont forget trap link
>on Sup Forums
Fire emblem echoes: shadows of valentia
So... It was just nintenbros hyping up the game because of the reviews? I thought I was all alone.
8 years of Obama:
>endless parade of ubisoft clones
>wii u
>steam greenlight indie shits
>interactive movies
8 months of Drumpf:
>RE 7
>Gravity Rush 2
>Hollow Knight
>Zelda: BotW
>Nier Automata
>Injustice 2
>Tekken 7
>Crash Trilogy
>Splatoon 2
>Sonic Mania/Forces
>Destiny 2
>MvC Infinite
>South Park
>Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade 2
and Ouya
Great, here come the Sup Forumstards
splatoon 2 isn't good.
Have you played it ?
Apparently it's bannable now but only when mods feel like it/are actually here
it's literally the same thing as the first.
So your saying the first was bad ?
yes it was.
marie kind of ruined it also
A lot of people would disagree with you
the game being bad, or the marie thing, because she is a really poorly designed character.
well splatoon fans are probably complete retards for thinking marie is a good character
say what you want, from what they have shown, destiny 2 looks good.
Vanquish, NieR, BotW and The Ringed City made it worth it for me. Sure as fuck was better than that 2016 fiasco.
2016-fags don't even bother, you're dead to me.
Alt-righter would find literally any reason in a desperate attempt to put Trump in a positive light after all the recent events of fucking America over in terms of human rights and security.
Which means it's good.
thank fucking god
Persona 5
The fuck you talking about? Alt Right hasn't supported trumps for months now.
this image is the magnum opus of botw zelda art
Have some more
it's a good year to be a sonybro
>mfw don't ever reall liked nu-zelda's face and brows
>mfw see OPs pic and
Some of the art as seen above me can be pretty damn good, but holy shit most of it is just trash.
Considering that 2013-2016 were fairly bad for the most part, yes.
>>And I know I'm probably missing a few
Yeah, trap link you colossal faggot