Xbox won

Where's the no games memers now?

Why are you comparing all those PC and Xbone games with PS4 exclusives user?

t.owner of the multiplat machine

The lowest selling PS4 game there sold over 1M more than the lowest selling XB1 game. That's pretty rough.

>muh sports games and Forza

>two (TWO) car games from the same series counts as exclusivity now

>Most games sold near or over x2 copies on PS4 than XBO
Well shit, how about that.


>2 Halo games
>2 Gears of War Games
>3 Forza games

And 2 of those games being remastered/remake games. I think even Microsoft knows scorpio won't get them out of this hole. They already lost this console cycle. Better luck next time.

Hello Redmond.

Haha what a fag

I'm talking about you OP

>gears of war
>xboners consider these games worth playing


Really gets my dick hard

sure thing!

What if you were to only count games that sold over 2 million copies, instead of just the top 30 for each console?


With what? There is no single exclusives on Xbox One, why PS4 has plenty.

thanks for pointing out, how pathetic xbone is. lmao
car games and and halo kek

I can't wait to play Platinum Games' newest guaranteed hit, Scalebound.

And then if you remove both HD remakes and games also available on PC...

Of course, if you were to only measure a console's worth by its number of exclusives, then there is only one winner.

>Mario, Mario, Luigi, Mario, Mario, Mario

What if you don't like kiddy stuff or got tired of Mario games?

What did the sonybros mean by this?

>mario kart 8 no longer exclusive
>smash bros including 3ds sales with wii u
>nintendo land was bundled with most of the systems for awhile
>super luigi u is an expansion

It all depends on how you select the number of games you compare. If you only count the top 30 best selling games on each system, Xbone wins. If you only count games that have sold over 2 million copies, PS4 wins. Alternatively, if you were to only count the top 10 best selling games on each console, they've both got only one exclusive, so it's all pretty meaningless.

>If you only count games that have sold over 2 million copies, PS4 wins
Lol why does that matter at all? It's literally just down to what console sold more.

But you're saying that Xbone is better because its exclusives sell better in comparison to its multiplats, rather than the actual quality of the games themselves. If you're gonna be judging things by sales, you should just give the trophy to PS4 and be done with it.

That is complete fucking dogshit compared to last gen.

both look shitty imo.
Each genre has one title, meaning monopoly and stagnation.

>This is the entire (complete) list of Xbox one exclusives
The only worth while game for xbox one last year (raiden v) just got announced for ps4
Xfags WILL defend this

PS4 has a lot more exclusives which means sales figures are spread out more. Xbox only gets GEARS and HALO and FOORRRTTTZZAAA, so that's all the owners of that platform buy.

Also, Gears and Forza are no longer exclusive IPs and all future Halo games will be on PC as well. Xbox has nothing that would make anyone want to buy the console.

It's kind of sad that Halo is being outsold by an SJW Tomb Raider clone. Really shows how far the franchise has fallen.

>mfw the killed off Fable even though they literally had 4 exclusive franchises
Seriously what the FUCK were they thinking?
They literally just have halo gears and forza now.
Why is this allowed?