Castlevania and Metroid games need not apply.
Other urls found in this thread:
Apotheon was that bad?
What about the one with the luchador and rooster and demons and stuff?
Apotheon was unfortunately pretty shit, yeah.
I gave it a good amount of time to redeem itself too, played through near enough 3/4 of the game before dropping it just near the end.
>What about the one with the luchador and rooster and demons and stuff?
Haven't played it. Heard it's decent but I don't like the looks of it.
Holy shit your taste is so fucking atrocious
>Valdis Story
>Axiom Verge
MAJOR garbage
And La Mulana isn't even that good
Fix your taste and then jab a knife in your throat, in whichever order you prefer
>Ass destroyed Hollow Knight fan shits the bed
All of those games are great.
Almost perfect. Bring Rabi-Ribi up a tier and drop Hollow Knight down into shit-tier and you're golden.
did you guys see momoV get announced and subsequently turned into not a Momodora game because it was 3D
Maybe I should dock it a few points for having such a laughably bad fanbase.
Nope must have missed that.
Absolutely disgusting. Why not just stick with 2D?
Valdis Story is literally the most unfair shit I've ever played. I liked it a lot, but had to put it down at the very end, all for that shitty escape session. Fuck all.
>Bring Rabi-Ribi up a tier and drop Hollow Knight down into shit-tier
what the fuck
Dragon Slayer II: Xanadu is the progenitor of Metroidvania.
>medtroidvania game
you what
this list is arbitrary/subjective af
I can't agree with that. Sure I didn't care for the timed escape sequences either but the two that are in the game are pretty damn easy.
The end sequence in particular is overly lenient. Sounds to me like you were just panicking because you were against the clock and going overly fast, and as a result kept fucking up your platforming.
>Implying it isn't a metroidvania in disguise
Dead Cells is fun.
It's really good if you aren't bothered by memes being slathered all over the place.
>And La Mulana isn't even that good
Off yourself.
Several of these aren't even metroidvania, and your taste is atrocious
>Haven't played it. Heard it's decent but I don't like the looks of it.
Decent pretty much sums it up. It's kinda charming, it has some interesting combat and platforming challenges, but nothing in it really wowed me. The world also seemed a bit weakly stitched together, which is a big no-no for metroidvania.
The core gameplay is so good you really have to be a massive faggot to get hung up on a few jpgs in the background.
How is it a metroidvania game? By that logic, every sandbox game is.
please stop replying to this guy he makes threads just so he can bait people and post his anime reaction images
repeat: this is a bait thread made by an attention whore
Is he some offshoot of ACfag?
>I didn't enjoy Hollow Knight the post
Little sorry for you, but whatever.
Not really bro, I really tried it a bunch of times, but I always fucked up at some point, and if you fall once, you are fucked. I know via youtube that I was very close to the end, but the relationship ended with an unfulfiling uninstall. I did not got gud
dunno but he endlessly shitposts in favor of la-mulana and this marrow game that nobody has even heard of while shitting on rabi-ribi and hollow knight, and he constantly uses the same reaction images and typing style
move on and don't feed him please
To be fair, Rabi-Ribi is not very good and only gets a pass for having cute girls.
>HK in good
>didn't enjoy
are you, by chance, a faggot?
>Shantae nowhere in sight
Opinion discarded
I like terraria, but nigga that ain't a metroidvania
>bunny must die in great tier with those controls
Yeah no.
>By that logic, every sandbox game is.
Not really. Terraria is unique in that aspect. I wouldn't consider Starbound a Metroidvania or Minecraft.
The way Terraria is structured has it sharing many similarities with metroidvania's. It invokes the same feeling of progression as well and certain areas cannot be accessed without certain things (and I'm talking about more than just a different pick to mine shit before you ask).
What a cringe worthy post. Get the fuck out of my thread if you don't like it.
I've got most of them but haven't played them yet other than the first game. Which I didn't really care for.
"la-mulana fag" is a persona used by an especially livid ribi-rabi faggor who shitposted in hk threads just before "la-mulana fag" mysteriously appeared. r-r faggot was absolutely autistic and everybody hated him so, suddenly, in one of the threads he mysteriously stops posting at the same time as his posts are attacked by this mysterious autist with love for l-m. From that moment on r-r fag was never heard from again, despite shitposting in every thread previously. There are 2 distinct possibilities - he changed faces or committed suicide. I pine for latter, but it's probably the former.
>look up marrow
>all time peak players: 2
so you made this game right?
>Someone other than me played Environmental Station Alpha
Bullshit I don't believe you.
I legitimately enjoyed it in spite of the fact that it tries so hard to push the cute girls fanservice angle it ends up suffering for it with all the dialogues being utter trash.
I dont think you're being genuine with that image OP
I don't even like hollow knight, but good luck discussing the flaws now that this autist has given people a kneejerk reaction to criticism
So ACfag had a son?
My thoughts exactly.
Fuck off, this is my shitposting territory.
Reminder Hollow Knight is GOTY and best 2d game ever made
No, the game is just both not very well known and incredibly difficult, so much so that the majority of people who have posted about it cannot even make it to the second save point, which is fucking embarrassing considering I made it there on my first try.
I played it forever ago because that one guy kept shilling it.
Now why would go and say something like that, user?
I played ESA, followed it since development blogs were a thing, and hempuli seems like he has a lot of good ideas for improving the second one which is in development. I did everything except boss rush on challenge mode because 10 HP was not enough.
Yeah, the gameplay in Rabi-Ribi is great, but the dialogue was really incomprehensible cute girls doing cute things xD nonsense that could have gone away without the game losing anything from it.
The level design is just so bland and the traversal so uninteresting. If I'm gonna put up with a shitty artstyle and awful characters for good action gameplay and exploration, I'll play that furry Gust game.
Literally the only two areas in terraria that can't be accessed without fulfilling prior conditions are the dungeon and the lihzahrd temple
This is honestly sad. Some people take shitposting way too seriously.
is this bait?
i wonder if galious will get a remake similar to la mulana
thatd be neat, i guess
>No, the game is just both not very well known and incredibly difficult, so much so that the majority of people who have posted about it cannot even make it to the second save point, which is fucking embarrassing considering I made it there on my first try.
Is it actually good though?
do you really need to ask that
Kind of yea, there's no videos of it on youtube other than the trailer so
No wait, it was called Dust.
> dat ending
did not expected that
there goes my sides
I'm not even going to dignify this with a (you) or a reaction image, that shit tier MMO grinding simulator has exactly nothing in common with a Metroidvania.
Oh shit, you know what I forgot all about Dust.
I'll have to update my list to put it in Mediocre tier.
I say that as somebody who 100%'d that shit too. I cannot believe my tolerance for such shitty games can be so high just for the promise of more good music which didn't even end up coming.
I got tricked hard.
This is one of the first tracks that played in the game. It's pretty fucking solid for such a dull game.
Hey fuck you. It's definitely not a Metroidvania but it's sure as shit not shit tier.
neck yourself
Has anyone played Phoenotopia ?
It's kinda like Cave Story. It's a flash game but I think it took me like ten hours to beat it.
That's fair, really. The moment a VN character portrait pops up in Metroidvania, I immediately check out mentally. That shit is a fucking cancer.
Subtle Marrow shilling?
It's fucking excellent.
However my opinion of it has been soured considering it seems to have permanent missables in it.
Permanent missables can fuck right off.
I don't even know if I'm going to continue on through the game because of it. That shit has triggered the fuck out of me.
Give Maze of the Galious a try.
Pretty sure I've tried multiple times. I think that's the game which has the escape button turn the game off instead of like pausing or something.
Long story short, I kept hitting escape every now and then and couldn't break the habit so I had to drop it.
I'll try give it another go in the future though.
>terraria up there that high while rabi-ribi is bottom feeder tier
Whatever, I played all but the most recent terraria update and regrinded it every single time for each update and the game is still good but definitely not up there.
I bet u hate RR because reddit told you so.
Rabi-Ribi is literally a better game than Salt & Sanctuary, so this list is wrong.
Indeed indeed, you got me user. I hate sexualizing anime characters.
What sort of degenerates would do such a thing?
Umm, no sweetie, that simply isn't true.
Salt & Sanctuary has Rabi Ribi beat in artstyle, atmosphere, gameplay, character customization, exploration and music even though S&S only has like 3 'tracks' which are about 15 seconds long and consist of nothing but some shitty little guitar riff because rabi ribi's music is just that god awful.
They are indeed similar, even if I haven't been in an argument with l-m fag (i love the game and know better than to fuel an autismo). ACfag is probably still worse since he could shitpost in a much wider variety of threads, while this one is practically locked to metroidvanias and summoned by praise given to hk.
Where the FUCK (the fuck) is An Untitled Story
La Mulana 2 is coming out in NEVER EVER
>check out steam page for "Marrow"
>came out last year
>no rating, just 7 user reviews
Did some dev make this image?
how new are you, this guy has been shitting up shmup, ys, trails, vita, danganronpa and who knows what other threads for years now
be glad this is the first time you've ran into him, he kills threads dead with his attentionwhoring
Anime > generic western gray and brown garbage. There are literally no good character designs in S&S
Both games have a shit atmosphere. Being a blatant Dark Souls spinoff is not helping its case and it's not even good at doing that.
That's not true. Rabi-Ribi has better gameplay than S&S could ever have. Better battle animations, too, and graphic effects in the middle of fights. The experience is comprehensive.
>character customization
It's not done well in S&S. Everything feels either the same or one thing is blatantly better than another. The 2D movement system is partially at fault since there's not as much room to make different kinds of weapon attack patterns and the like. These games don't need customization so much.
I've seen S&S. It's not good with exploration, and what you do get to "explore" is the same drab garbage you've seen a million times before.
lol. Rabi-Ribi has one of the best OSTs in Metroidvania history.
I normally am not baited by such weak trolling but I would like to take this opportunity to extol the virtues of Rabi-Ribi because it is a legitimately great game.
Delete this post right fucking now.
It'll be coming soon, people have told me it's coming soon, it's this year for sure this time. I know it was supposed to come out in 2015, then early 2016 then late 2016 then early 2017 but it's coming SOON this time. Just fucking watch.
Loving this hot new spicy meme already.
Odallus isn't even a metroidvania. It's stage based.
I knew he supposedly had aa pseudo-trip, but I never ran into him before, despite being on the site for some time. Sorry for being underinformed. I do not post in dgr and vita threads, those are usually dumpster fires, and I've only started on Falcom games this time.
Probably no one actually drew inspiration from it though, they probably just made it up on their own or grabbed it from Metroid
*this year.
Chasm is coming out in NEVER EVER 2
Its nothing like a metroidvania, you might as well have fucking Minecraft on that list as well.
Since you're a Rabifag, when does the game get good? I just got to the town and it's been incredibly shitty with it's railroading and dialogue so far.
Put ecclesia in your dumb list already
not him but once you get to the town the railroading really stops and you can go a ton of places, it's pretty bad about it at the start unless you go the 0% route and dodge picking up items
some stuff is still locked off but you have a lot of options for where to go, and even more if you abuse secret movement options
>Metroidvania thread
>"Don't post the good ones!"
Immediately after that, the game opens up and you can go most anywhere.
The story is complete ass, but you shouldn't be playing this game because of the story. The most "story" you'll be encountering from now on is short little snippets here and there at the chapter beginnings and endings (and the final boss), but that's it.
Do the designs get any less generic moeshit? Do the environments get more interesting than not at all?
Anyone else tried this? It was very polished for a fangame.
>Anime > generic western gray and brown garbage. There are literally no good character designs in S&S
Literally false. Every single boss in S&S has an interesting design that shits over the generic as fuck looking rabi ribi characters.
>Both games have a shit atmosphere. Being a blatant Dark Souls spinoff is not helping its case and it's not even good at doing that.
Nope, Rabi-Ribi has a non existent atmosphere but S&S has a decent one. Just because it ripped off souls does not detract from that fact.
>That's not true. Rabi-Ribi has better gameplay than S&S could ever have. Better battle animations, too, and graphic effects in the middle of fights.
>Better animations
lol what, the animations are pure trash though.
The main character in Salt & Sanctuary may be animated like shit but the bosses have enough animation to shit on what Rabi Ribi has going for it.
>Everything feels either the same or one thing is blatantly better than another.
A great sword and a one handed sword are completely different though. Nevermind adding in things like chains, bows, throwing weapons, spears and magic.
>I've seen S&S. It's not good with exploration, and what you do get to "explore" is the same drab garbage you've seen a million times before.
>Explore an area
>It looks the same and doesn't abruptly change but still rewards you all the same with actual interesting things like new spells / weapons / armor
>Trying to imply that this is somehow bad
>lol. Rabi-Ribi has one of the best OSTs in Metroidvania history.
Rabi Ribi factually has one of the worst OSTs in metroidvania history. It's pure garbage.
>la Mulana as "the pinaccle of the genre'
Stopped reading here. Filling your game with cryptic bullshit is terrible design.
Why did you buy the game if you didn't expect it to be styled like this, user
Let's list them:
>Forest, Night Forest, and Dreamlike Alice-in-Wonderland Forest
>Egyptian Pyramid
>Rocky Canyon and Cliff area
>Bigass Sky Castle
>The Matrix
>Secret Laboratory
>Partially-flooded ruins
>Dank Cave
>Lava-filled Cavern
>The Big City
>Snowy Tundra
>Deep-Winter Snowstorm
>Some sort of strange winter mountain fortress
>Underwater caves
If you don't like any of them then you're reaching for things to dislike.
S&S has a shit atmosphere. Just because you like it doesn't mean it's good. It's generic, boring, drab, an-
No. Everything you're saying is just subjective and indicative of shit taste. There is no point in arguing with someone like you.
your ears are full of shit
Taking notes is enough to carry you through all the puzzles. Feck off