
Is it good yet?
I have some spare dosh, and wanna give something new a whirl

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I'd say it's gotten much better after its release from beta. Much bigger storyline. I already have 15 hours on the game and am yet to complete it.

I haven't played it since early access but even back then I had a decent time with it.

I'd wait for a sale, honestly the game is very lackluster story and exploration wise, but if building neat bases is your thing, it's got terraria beat.

i played it for 200 hours without even realising but i probably wouldnt even recommend it

Full release Starbound is fairly decent, and it's a lot better if you didn't experience the pain of the wait.

No. If you insist on getting it, go for a massive discount. Otherwise, Chucklefish doesn't deserve a dime for the pile of slop they made.

It lets you make pretty cool bases, and exploring is pretty cool for a few hours. It's also dirt cheap, so I'd say it's worth it.

I really, really hope you have terraria and are not considering getting this instead of that. Then again, if you do, why bother playing the worse game?

>is it good yet
if you played minecraft or terraria then the answer is no and it never will be

it looks better, lets you make better, nicer looking bases and has furry pandering

terraria is a better game overall but starbound has its draws

Thought there's a new update or something since last January.
Apparently not.

yes, swear

>Sup Forums is still mad at getting tricked
Starbound 1.0 and up is perfectly passable, you lose nothing if you're only now considering buying it. Chucklefish already made bank from the gullible first buyers, you passing it for any moral reason won't make a difference.

You can get your monies worth out of it pretty easily.
Still a shit game that could have been fucking awesome though. The more you play it the more disappointed you will get, for me it was around the 30 hour mark (after release).
Basically the story is painfully bad and the game is like skyrim. 1 mile wide, 2 inches deep. Mods make it better.

It's good with Frakin Universe for about 15 hours.

Then it's the same over and over and over again until you give up.

I say it's worth it, though.

Because terraria has garbage combat.
Starbound weapons feel a lot more satisfying to use.

Have they added enough new content since 1.0 that's worth playing through again?

When did you last play?

>early game with literally the worst weapon you could use
>against enemies designed to make you wary of just wandering outside at night


Played 1.0 when it came out.

yeah i will defend this because you only have to play like that for the first 5 minutes of the game

I dont think it's changed much from 1.0
That guy has posted that webm multiple times. That being said, both games have rather mediocre combat.

That's correct, because after 5 minutes you delete that shit and install Starbound.

And then after playing Starbound for 2 minutes, you delete that garbage and go back to playing Terraria and realize how good you had it.

its aight but i see no reason to not just play terraria

>lets you make better, nicer looking bases
No, not really. It's simply that it has larger and more detailed set pieces for you to find, whilst Terraria demands that you figure out how to make something look good on your own, using various tricks of furniture, paint, actuation and slopes to achieve.

At best you might be able to argue that it lets you achieve a different type of base aesthetic. But better, AND nicer? Not a chance.

Personally I find Starbound's visual aesthetic to be barren slag that more often than ends up looking way too flat and homogeneous.

It has potential, but the game ends so abruptly and there's nothing to do but build a base
It's just an inferior Terraria when it could've been objectively better

I'm one of the many faggots who expected another Terraria and backed/pre-ordered it for $15. It was a big disappointment when it came out and one of my few buyer's remorse.
I tried it recently again because a friend bought it and it's not entirely bad but there's a lot of room for improvement. Quests are a bore, crew members are useless except engineers who remove the need for fuel, when collecting fuel is a very well-made gimmick and monsters lack variety. The combat and progression are very shallow and the game will never be as good as Terraria. Is it worth buying under $10 to play it once? I'd say yes

Seems like they're still updating the game


Its actually a great game, and its different enough from Terraria to play both (I have hundreds of hours in both games).

This picture always blows my mind, and it's even more impressive with the annotations

>that revamped space travel
I'm so excited for this desu

>he defends starbound