Jesus christ they fucked this up. This game was perfect during the closed beta and now they've ruined it.
It's only gonna get worse from now on.
Jesus christ they fucked this up. This game was perfect during the closed beta and now they've ruined it
>muh weather
deal with it kid
mind explaining how?
Was waiting for somebody to ask instead of whatever the fuck is talking about.
The rules of the game and everything else have been changed so much to the point where it is unrecognizable. No doubt to support the microtransaction scheme.
The cards are fucking stupid, and I don't see how the fuck it's going to work with the competitive model if this is what you're gonna have to work with.
So much for being "skill based rather than luck based".
Isn't half the point of card games that they are supposed to be luck based so everyone can play them?
In the case of Hearthstone, it's those lucky enough to have $100 to waste on a digital card game.
You've clearly never played collectible card games in your youth and had the rich kid who bought his way to a pretty much unbeatable deck.
As with most games it is both, but the thing is the cards you get are all garbage.
I was surprised to see good cards reduced to worthlessness and other cards made rare or otherwise unavailable.
You used to be able to adapt or change your strategy very easily but I'm fucking stumped on how to do that right now playing the game, because as I said all the cards are complete garbage and I have no idea what they were thinking unless all the cunts want is fucking squeezing dollars out of whoever is retarded enough to throw money into the game.
>didn't get into Gwent because I like other card games more
>it seemed a little bit more on the p2w side anyway
oh well, back to waiting for Eternal's expansion and release. Fuck the current meta tho
I guess you're also waiting for somebody to ask you what specifically changed. Let me be that somebody.
i stopped playing eternal after they removed the stand alone launcher and forced you to use steam
how is the game and PvE now?
>release a shitty ass PC RPG that despite being horrible has its charm
>follow it up with a consolized crappy linear game that's more of a hack and slash like Dark Souls but with inferior controls
>then decide "fuck it" and turns the franchise into a generic ubishit open world with a retarded cringeworthy plot of "muh Ciri, muh ancestral blood, muh destiny, muh savior of the world"
>and finally re-release a minigame in the previous title and turn it into F2P shit
why the fuck people hold CDPR with such high regards, what weed do they smoke
The entire game changed, just play it yourself and compare to the Witcher 3 and closed beta versions. It's free to play.
And if you're gonna be all like "oh you won't tell me in excruciating, superfluous detail what specifically is so bad even though you already told me all I needed to know? That means you're wrong", don't bother
the campaign was slightly improved with a boss fight at the end but it still has you play boring mono decks
the purchasable adventure was fun but a little easy and Gauntlet/Forge is still the same until the new set
overall the game is suffering from being on one basic set for way too fucking long so shit's a little boring
it's either different flavors of big midrange or aggro decks that make 1 or 2 massive units that you can't remove because removal isn't great and you probably didn't draw enough anyway
but still, I have most of the cards and enough gold and dust for the next set without paying anything
could be worse
you need to use fresh bait man
>hating everything in an attempt to fit in on a japanese cartoon porn website
Actually this mirrors the books too.
First two books were kinda clunky but established the world and told great story about witcher's normal workdays with contracts and shit.
Then it started to become convoluted mess with destiny and shit.
And then Pan created the whole shitwith Ciri and dimension hopping and the plot went off-the-rails.
And now Sapkovsky wrote new cicle because he wanted to cash-in on popularity of the games but he despises them, and that's why his new cicle disregards them.
Apart from the obvious changes they made going from TW3 to make the game even remotely playable aganist other people the only things they did change was to remove passive abilities of the factions and the weather.
Game is getting better with each update, you just need to git gud and stop crying when you keep loosing faggot. It's one of few card games when you can make a top tier deck in short period of time with absolutely no money invested.
Yeah, imo it was the same with HS when it was in beta. You know like 8 mana mind control or 8 mana pyroblast and similar things that were straight stupid. I think with time it will get way better in terms of balance and different decks you will be able to make and thats just in terms of pvp. Campaign on the other hand is pretty promising and that alone may make the game worthwhile.
Are card games the original pay to win?
You sure have used a lot of words to say: I don't know.
I don't even fucking know if this is bait or not. Is this bait?
the TW3 version was fucking primitive
And would be impossible to play against a real human.
The only thing I'm sad about is my Vran Warriors being nerfed
Everything else is meh
>Gold weather cards
What the fuck were they thinking?
Normal weather cards are fine. RNR and Drought are absolute horseshit though, and you have to be retarded to think otherwise. CDPR is not stupid enough to leave them as they are so just chill the fuck out about them.
They're obviously gonna rework a bunch of things. Game isn't near release yet
I have. Made him pissed when I beat him with what would now be called a pauper deck.
>get into the closed beta
>can't play it because it requires some windows service packs I don't have because I pirated
I dunno man.
> roach nerfed
> cerys nerfed
> discard deck nerfed
> no faction abilities, but u can mulligan 1 card each round just like Nilfs in CB
> that's really cool
But beside that I'm too lazy to learn shit from the start. Definitely now what I expected. What was the purpose of CB then?
Wait, they removed WEATHER? That was like one of the three goddamn mechanics Gwent even had.
How else would the hearthstone tier shitters be able to climb ranked?
Weather just got changed, not removed. The change was for the best in my opinion, but I can see why someone would disagree.
I hate how every card has an ability. Was it always gay like that from release? I liked the simplicity from TW3.
the original RNG
>Zoltan the nigger
Every card has an ability because only a complete fucking braindead retard would play a card without one.
>nobody drives in New York City, there's too much traffic
There are too many cards that subtract health. Everything subtracts health, it's boring. Even the weather cards do that instead of forcing your opponent to work around everything being reduced to 1 in the row like in TW3.