ITT: Tokens
ITT: Tokens
I still find these assholes in old change collections.
You don't know what a token is.
Let the thread die.
>the black character is the only good character in the game
do you? what reason was sazh needed to be black?
only a nappy nigger head could be used as a nest for a chocobo
don't bully the sazh, I liked that negrow
Are you serious? It was a creative decision, like making characters white or Asian or whatever the fuck else. Christ, is this how Sup Forumstards conceptualise race in video games?
>caring more about character race than good writing or gameplay
You killed video games.
Thats why last 500 shows produced by hollywood have 1 black person that often dies first.
Because its a "creative decision"
Are you saying that there's an issue in entertainment media where non-white characters are stereotyped and made disposable, often dying to reinforce the plot/character development of more important, non-token characters? Lol
>uses guns
>is a support character
The fuck
how did they go from making barret to making this incredibly bland and forgettable guy
Sazh was the best character in FFXIII. He only seemed bland by comparison sine every other character was some melodramatic anime idiot.
>not about as memorable as Sazh
Your goggles, user; I'm going to have to ask to take them off.
funny enough Dahj wasn't turned to crystal and rather encased in it because they didn't want to have a young boy be all naked and shit
i wouldnt know, i never touched the dumpster fire that was ff13
nigga no
kinda sad when sazh was one of the characters that was actually good.
the other shit characters were ruined even further in the sequels.
also shit thread