Which game has the best melee combat?

Which game has the best melee combat?

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Dark Messiah



Unironically Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior.

Seconding this it's pretty cool and that kick is godlike


Seconding this it's pretty cool and that charge attack is godlike.

Chivalry medieval warfare
But dark messiah's kicks in faces are cool too

Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress and UnReal World

this haha dush ROO DAH amirite xD

Gothic, unironically. At least of those that I played, no combat system got me to feel every blow better than the 1st Gothic

First person, dead island or 3rd person, dragons dogma and jedi academy
wtf person, toribash
retarded person, gang beasts
Isometric, examina

Blood borne and dark souls

The early versin was pretty fun. Have they released the full game yet?

God Hand

released into EA in 2015
devs said
>Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
>“Around six to nine months, give or take three months!
So likely another 3 years.


no one has mentioned warband yet

>hit-tracer bullshit
Get out of here with your shitty pirouette cancer

Which game has the bad poosey?



It may make you uncomfortable to admit, but it is peak simulation of martial combat.

Oblvion comes second.

Real life

>the game
goodbye ubisoft

>dragon's dogma
It's just spamming 1-3 combos for 70 hours, broken up by occasional climb-stabbing.

>he loses 2v1s
Learn to Revenge you fucking scrub.


t. someone that died to wolves


>Dead Island
Part of the reason that game is such a slog is its boring combat


Zeno Clash


But seriously, good combat.


Bravo nolan

>it's a repost straight from Sup Forums-episode

>*waits for ez parry*
>*drains your whole stam meter*
>*removes 90% of your hp bar*

Good to see this game is still fucking garbage

Skyrim is good but pale in comparison to Team Fortress 2

I'm baffled at how consistently terrible the fight scenes in Game of Thrones are. The show has an insane budget and yet can't find the money to hire a good coordinator or choreographer.

check this out. this is just three dudes messing around.

Oh shit, the DLC came out? Did they ever fix any of the issues? They buffed Valkyrie, my main, and then everyone started to use her. Then the PK got a "buff" and made her even more annoying, they took out a map, though I understand why, it was still upsetting, with the already low map choices. Worst of all, the constant DC's. Did they ever improve the servers, or revenge/gear?

I'm pretty sure that was choreographed. Still, it's probably the best duel I seen. Haven't seen two dudes in actual plate armour duke it out yet.

how do people even watch that show, I dropped it after 2 episodes

Exanima was enjoyable, but the progression is fucking bizarre. Takes way too long to get anywhere.


what game has the most baddest pussy?

you mean overrated dyke?

I meant games with shit tier writing but sure why not

>shit tier writing
yeah that too.


Die by the sword
it's just executed well

>Dark "Kicking my way downtown" Messiah
>Chivalry "check my sick trats" Medieval Warfare
>For "pls fill up my hud more" Honor
>Dead Island
All you niggers need to kill yourselves

This is like asking what game has best soundtrack
Of course it's going to be guitar hero or rock band. Sure as fuck not mgs or some shit, I mean who listens to that kind of music seriously?

Best melee combat, I'd say one of the street fighter games maybe?

is it almost harvesting season ?


Shut up you normie fuck, MGS2 has some of the sexiest music mankind has ever produced.

Also KoF is the superior fighting game series.

Fucking this

lol whats this ps2 shit

Revenge and gear were fixed. They're not as annoyingly broken now as before. I haven't had so many connection issues lately but it's not 100% fixed. Now we're stuck dealing with a broken Shinobi and Warden has an easily exploitable one hit kill glitch that a two-year old could perform.

God Hand

DMC is more ballet than combat. You launch your enemy into the air where it's completely helpless and then safely mangle it with flashy moves until it's dead while the other earthbound enemies can only watch and wait for their turn.


Holy shit what mod?

That's why 100 million people visit the mgs2 music concert right? And yes KoF is a good candidate for best melee combat. Skyrim or dark messiah isn't

>Nobody has mentioned dying light yet
Why even come into the thread and post?
This is the ONLY answer.

It's Warband, and it's much better than the games listed here so far.

>wanted unabridged asoiaf
>HBO Dorne
It hurts.


Mount & Blade.

It's hardly any better than 6 months ago. If you stopped playing because it was garbage it still is

Gothic 1 + 2

>remembering about a game news saying bethesda recruited more employee from people that made dark messiah
>expected bombastic gameplay in open world rpg
>same shit as oblivion kind of gameplay

Butter cutter 2k11.

Nah but why the duck could they not manage to add impact to any of the weapons. Legit no difference between cutting at air and cutting through an enemy.

Yeah. I'd give my vote to for honor as well, shame the best melee combat is in a subpar freemium ubishit game

Any good action games for PSP?