>glitchy, broken asinine modes with players flying across the map
>not a SINGLE MODE offers normal NPCs to populate the city, making it MORE EMPTY AND LIFELESS than GTA Online even at its absolute worst

get the fuck out of here with this shit. What the fuck is the point of cruising down a highway or owning a house if its barren and fucking empty? The only contact you get if you drive out on your own is some asshole teleporting to you just because he got bored and needs communication of some kind.

GTA Online is so much better and polished its not even funny. And the players actually speak fucking english.

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For some reason GTA Online doesn't have any animals in it, which really kind of sucks.

I only saw a single cat, and I'm pretty sure that it was a bug.

GTA Online made GTA shit.
If it weren't for GTA:O being a huge fleshed out thing and microtransaction heaven we'd have story mode DLC

>it's all DMing faggots anyway
Should've just made a basic multiplayer desu

It's so frustrating. I never wanted to play GTA Online because the world felt so much more empty without all those details and animals, and 32 players meant basically never running into anyone outside of obvious areas.

Then you go to mods because you here there are servers with 500 players and it turns out to be an even more lifeless experience. You can tell it takes a special kind of autist to get invested in these servers. It's all about hanging out with people and not actually having any fun.

>What the fuck is the point of cruising down a highway or owning a house if its barren and fucking empty
What's the point of owning a nice house or helicopters and shit if anytime you wanna do anything in the game you have to be taken out of the lobby? GTA online as a concept is really nice but there are serious problems when it comes to actually implementing it.

I remember GTA IV had a lot of people just making up random games in freemode when they weren't playing any of the other neato game modes.

It's kind of sad, I think. I really missed a lot of the facets that GTA IV's multiplayer had. V simply threw all of it out the window and turned it into a grindfest.

I really liked all of the detail too. It makes the world feel more alive. I wish they made the map as big as the one I usually see floating around on Sup Forums.

The thing is I don't really see how they could implement all their wacky modes without taking you out of freeroam. It sucks major ass, but if they fixed the fluidity of going from game modes to the lobby, and added triple the amount of players, it could be much much better.

That's just me thinking of the masses. I don't care about races or dms or any of that shit. I want to fucking beat up npc hookers with other players. I want to players on ever corner of the hood trying to start gang wars between grove street and the ballas. I thought the appeal of these games were the players interacting with the world. It's literally just single player while dropping other players in. How could San Andreas multiplayer fuck this up that badly?

The few npcs that exist didn't even fucking react when i punched them. Talk about boring

V has everything IV had, except they just piled on more extravagant modes that no one wants. I don't get where you IV nostalgia babies get off thinking it wasn't the same just more dated and more empty.

then don't grind

I liked picking up guns, as opposed to spawning with an entire goddamn arsenal.

It's a tiny thing, but I thought it was neat.

the problem is GTAO doesn't really let you do that either, i mean yea you could go on rampages against cops but that's about it for the overworld since you're actively punished for attacking other players. The appeal i would see in a game like GTAO would be rolling around in the overworld with objectives that other players could disrupt you from but last i played it was just hang around in the overworld till somebody started a mission and then stare at loading screens for the next 5 minutes.

GTA online is full of annoying 12 year olds that don't shut up

the problem with GTA O is its so restricted and locked down because of Shark Card bullshit. All they had to do was let us host our own dedicated servers and GTA O would have been superior in every way shape and form.

The issue is really just the cops. SAMP sounded appealing because cops were much more lenient, and it was just generally a more arcadey experience stomping on npcs. It was fast fun before GTA games got overly realistic.

>punished for killing players

that issue is really overblown. Killing a player just ends up initiating personal asshurt with the player himself coming after as opposed to the game giving a shit. Besides, I was more interested on coop on npc experiences than I was pvp.

Also the fact that you can't make your own 'server' anymore.

It was kind of cool to be able to set your own weather, time of day, etc.

>that issue is really overblown
From what i remember isn't there some mental health thing that punishes you the more you kill other players? There was also the having to pay for the other persons car if you destroyed it even if they attacked you and iirc if you did it enough you would be marked a bad sport or something and put into servers with only people who had that mark.

I thought they had tweaked that, but even if they didn't, every single lobby i've played across 4 consoles has all been the same whether I was a good player or not. Just assholes shooting each other, so it ends up being the same experience.

I'm sure GTAO is fun if you have an active crew or something, but the empty servers and loading times just kill it for me.

Yep. It's a real shame.

>gta online
>not making your own server - uses gta online codebase so there are npcs and shit but limited to 24 or 32 players i dont exactly remember and lots of streamers play on this mod - their own code, no npcs, can support up to 1000? players, sync is bad, devs are slow and no players because of that - clone of gta network, devs are active and has 600 players on 121 servers at the time im writing this

I once tried the /vg/ GTA crew for PS4. It was a ridiculous circlejerk. Everyone wanted to do heists or CEO/MC work with their boyfriends and not help out other crew members. One guy, I shit you not, just kept bragging about how many million he had, and people kept fucking helping him get more.

thanks user, I'll check these out. I thought fivem had a problem with Russian hackers tho?

oh shit, what the fuck

GTA SA also had a fucking ton of mods and custom servers, whereas FiveM is pretty much nothing but RP servers.

online gaming needs to fucking die.

dont play on rp servers. the good serves on mta an samp are cops and robbers servers. join a cops and robbers server with like 120 ppl. it is fun getting in police chases with other actual players. it is like having a bounty on gtao. u got the thrill of ppl chasing after u

Rp autists killed samp