is this shit worth $33?
Is this shit worth $33?
You bet your ass.
No indie game is worth more than 15$
its a very very very good retro singleplayer and
co-op game. if you buy it or not from there its up to you
That's a broad statement but I agree that this one is worth $15 at most
is it hard
the prices should translate to how much time you get out of it not if it indie or not
Not really.
That really depends on how you approach things. It's definitely not easy.
The difficulty is perfect. It's very challenging and you have a lot of content. Besides there is another campaign coming soon.
Treasure Trove is technically like 3 or 4 indie games so it's a steal really
It's a mix of Mega Man and Ducktales but dumbed down for casuals.
Is that included in Treasure Trove? I thought the Spectre thing was the last campaign
do it fag.
No. It's really not worth more than $5, but it will never go on sale for $5.
its hard to do well but its easy to finish
also plague knight is the hardest campaign IMO
if you want something to compare it too it would be megaman and mario mostly the older ones ofc
Duck Tails is one of the most casual games on the NES.
Negative Nelly spotted.
You'll finish it in 5 hours tops, 10 if you really try to get every last trinket. Not nearly enough value for 33 bucks.
Not really, its still a pretty damn good game though and the free DLC is totally worth it
Treasure Trove includes the 3 campaigns and I think that they'll give you the King Knight one for free when it comes out.
Did they increase the price or something?
They announced that months ago
Each campaign lasts like 10 hours and has plenty of replay value.
This. Wasn't it $25? That's what it costed me on the 3DS
>The difficulty is perfect.
It really isn't. The level design is spotty at best and is blatantly the result of a modern misinterpretation and misrepresentation of what retro game difficulty was like rather than what actual retro game difficulty was like.
In other words, it feels more like trash made by Inti Creates or any number of other indie developers that claim their difficulty is retro.
costs more on switch for some reason but i want portability
lol no
that is like saying procedural gen games are priceless because you can play forever and we both know that isn't true
>tetris costs literally every dollar ever made
Yep. The main Shovel Knight game, now Treasure Trove, always included all the future content for free
Don't be one of those guys that bought Spectre Knight's campaign and also Treasure Trove
its 25 dollars on humble bundle
When the fourth campaign comes out the Treasure Trove is you essentially paying $8.25 per game. So yeah, it's worth what you're buying by a hilarious margin.
It costs more on everything now, not just on Switch . They increased the price
also 33 is the CAD price
Good catch, it's 25 bucks for me
Probably, yeah. I wish the co-op would extend to other modes, and we don't know how good or extensive King Knight and battle mode will be, but you do get a lot of content for your dollar if you intend to do more than just Shovel of Hope.
Plague Knight is also probably my favorite indie game character ever, but that's just bias.
If you like platformers it's most absolutely worth it.
And it's like a bundle of several games really. So if you end up liking it it'll really be worth it.
Yes I have 30+ hours in it. 3 campaigns with 3 characters that all control completely differently but yet are all really responsive and fun to play.
Why is Donovan so edgy?
It's a good rule of thumb but exceptions do exist.
The challenge is fair and never gets frustrating. If you want more of a challenge you can break all the checkpoints in a level for extra gold, but of course if you die you lose all your progress and a portion of your gold
Partially because of what happened to him and partially because he thinks it makes him cool.
4 retro games for 33 bucks? definitely.
>tfw when I bought Shovel Knight when it was $15 and now I get all the new stuff for free
Feels good man
NG+ can be a bit challenging, the first playthrough is comfortable the entire way through. It's kind of like Megaman where you have a lot of upgrades and you can increase the difficulty by ignoring them or intentionally not grabbing them, like doing a shovel-only run in Shovel Knight's campaign or ignoring health upgrades.
>No game is worth more than 15$
Donovan's not that edgy, he only became edgy after becoming Spectre Knight. If you do his Cold Shoulder pose with the Donovan skin there's a chance he'll start dancing instead
ok i bought it
Where is it $33? Is this a Canada thing? Should've bought it when it was $15, pal. Would've gotten the DLC free.
It's honestly only worth $15 in my book, but they've continually jacked up the price as they added additional campaigns, so if you want to look at it like buying 3 games at once, then it's a fair price
Why the fuck is this game still so expensive? I pirated it years ago and it's still the same price.
>have every red skull in each stage
>still at 99 red skulls
They've only increased the price this one time.
Plague knight is great. He's adorable and has the best shovel knight waifu.
I have 54 hours on steam and they still have king knights story to release so yes.
I think I remember them saying that King Knight would be to Specter what Plague was to Shovel. That is, taking Specter's levels and tweaking them for King Knight
It's not a chance but every second activation of Cold Shoulder
No OP it's not worth a fucking dime. I got stuck in the first fucking level. The game is the epitome of "where the fuck do I go" and there's literally 0 tutorials or explanation. Awful game design. Shame too because it had kind of decent-ish gamefeel but it's not worth it if you have to use a walkthrough right off the bat.
>continually jacked up the price as they added additional campaigns
Why would someone lie on the internet?
Have you checked the Hub?
>The level design is spotty at best
Yeah, not like classic Mega Man corridors with some pits here and there, huh?
Fucking eggplant.
is this game metroidvania where you kinda have to get a thing to get to the next thing to get to the next level or is it like mega man where you just kinda pick whatever
Idort here. What platform is better and why? Im interested in multiplayer
I thought the multiplayer was nintendo exclusive. Or was that just a timed thing? I thought the amiibo unlocked it in the wii u and 3DS versions. Either way, I just got it on switch.
Unless I'm missing something, yeah.
Stop shilling
Best bonus content is either Xbone for Battletoads boss or Nintendo for amiibo content.
But you're good no matter which version you get.
multiplayer was patched into every version.
>falling for an obvious shitpost
Even if he is being legit, that means he's a fucking idiot and you probably couldn't even change his mind.
I agree. This game is on par with La Mulana in regards to how confusing and obtuse it is. I had to look at the instruction manual of all places to figure out you had to swing your shovel with the B button. Another pretentious indieshit title. At least the music's good.
I got it on, 3ds, wiiu, pc twice, x1, and in the future on ps4 and switch, I guess you could say that it is worth it.
Pretty overrated, but if you're just looking for a solid 2D platformer to keep you entertained, it does a solid job there.
lot of thanks to both. Im going for ps4 or WiiU
Playstation so that you can play it on either your console or your vita
Actually this was one of my wishes
>almost 2 months later, europe/australian 3DS' version of Specter of Torment has still yet to be released
Then you have every level with full red skulls? That is pretty odd
Did you find the unique skull? The skeleton's wife?
Except all the games have the same levels.
I didn't know the Game Grumps browsed Sup Forums!
id say go for ps4 in that case
Fuck no
Does this have online co op? Or just local
I'm a cheap motherfucker and won't buy most games until they're sub-$15. I picked up Shovel Knight during the last Winter Sale for $9 since I heard the price would be jumping up this year.
I've only worked on the main campaign so far but I'm having a great time. It's an homage to older games but improves on a lot of the stuff that wasn't so great from the era.
I'd have been comfortable paying $20 for it in retrospect considering how much content I haven't even touched yet. $30 seems a bit high for me since games I spend that much for will generally give me dozens of hours of content (Ubisoft games, GTAV, etc.)
Overall though, great fun and I recommend it.
It's more expensive now than it used to be. It was $15 for the longest time and now it's $25, because they bumped the price up claiming it's because of the free DLC they've added to the game.
It's three additional campaigns. They kept it included as part of the base package for three years and finally started charging separately for the DLC after being very open and public with the change before it happened to give people time to buy first.
I used the word "claiming" because the real reason they did it is because they can get away with it and earn extra money.
I still like Shovel Knight and had it long before the price bump but it's a dick move in my eyes.
No, it's a rather short game.
Its really convenient because you can put all your save data on a cloud using PSN so you'll be playing the same file on both devices.
Except all the games have variations on the same levels, with Specter of Torment having completely redesigned levels.
XBone has Battletoads, PS4 has Kratos. All the Nintendo exclusive stuff either requires an Amiibo or has been patched into other versions; the biggest thing Nintendo had was a timed exclusive for Spectre of Torment, getting it a month early on the Switch (not even the Wii U version got it until everyone else did). PC doesn't really have anything exclusive.
or just get a switch and do that without the cloud garbage you have to pay $60 a year for...
Weird move, are the devs desperate for cash or something?
Because Terraria received major patches, that were more like free expansions and the price didn't increase at all.
Why so expensive?
I bought my Shovel Knight PS4 ver (physical copy) for about $20 and I got all the DLCs for free
Apparently the game is selling as well as it ever had, and never really dropped off, so I doubt it. On the other hand they apparently put a LOT more money into the expansions than the Kickstarter paid for (Spectre of Torment may as well be a completely original game made with the same engine, because the levels, boss fights, and most of the OST was completely redone from scratch for it), so maybe that cut too deep into it.
You don't need PlayStation plus for the cloud stuff
the first two campaigns are on a super mario style overworld, specter of torment is mega man selection
I honestly can't even tell if this is bait or not at this point since I've encountered countless idiots here, but I'll just voice my opinion on how much I like it.
It's definitely worth the money imo, charming graphics and extremely memorable characters and fun music that will have you humming tunes for days. To the first person I quoted, the game actually plays very well since you always feel in control of your character. It has amazing design in the first level that serves as its own tutorial like super metroid: you find yourself in a situation that seems tricky, so you yourself try new things to overcome obstacles instead of being handheld into being directly told to do a certain action. It also promotes exploration for secrets since you can get some nice rewards for doing so. They take away the whole system of lives and replace it with losing the treasure you've found in the level, and if you're feeling confident you can destroy checkpoints for even more loot. Overall an amazing game that has tons of replay value.
One of the very few complaints I have however is how frustrating it can be to make a jump over a gap to a platform but get thrown off into a pit as soon as you touch the enemy on said platform.
>make a jump over a gap to a platform but get thrown off into a pit as soon as you touch the enemy on said platform.
That's why you have the flare wand/amulet
With the release of Specter Knight the price was uppsed.
But now you can also buy each game individually. Unlike before. And it's much cheaper.
The bundle is still only half the price of a full retail game though. So it's still not bad.
I know it's mostly personal bias at this point, but I don't always wanna use that heavy armor or waste a bit of mana trying to get a hit on a single enemy. For some reason I just suck at landing hits like that
Its worth $60
Terrible pixelshit