The Sun has fallen out of Earth's orbit and is going to crash into it...

>The Sun has fallen out of Earth's orbit and is going to crash into it. Humanity has randomly choosed people to enter an underground nuclear shelter with enough food and provisions for the next 50 years until the Earth is habitable again, luckily you were picked.
>You are aloud to bring with you one random video game of your choice.

Choose wisely...

If the sun was going to crash in to the Earth we'd all die, dumbass.

yeah well what if it was a sun made of ice mr. scientist

>he falls for nasa memes

Did you mean the moon?

Colliding with the sun would obliterate the entire planet in a matter of hours.

>Sun is going to crash into Earth not the Earth into the Sun
>but it doesn't because everything is fine in 50 years
>randomly choosed

Nice bait OP I almost replied

The sun is nuclear and you're entering a nuclear shelter, you'll be fine

The funny part is I can't even be sure if it's a troll or domeone legit writing about a Sun on Earth's orbit. The bar is pretty low these days.

this masterpiece

>Hi! I'm new here!


Isn't that the teletubby house?


is teletubby world a postapo scenario? really makes you think

How would you know?

>The Sun has fallen out of Earth's orbit

haha i saw that meme on facebook the other day too

Sup Forums is a flat Earth board, please take your idiotic ideas about your "globe" back too >>>\reddit\, Hillary lost, get over it. I really wish we didn't get a influx if you retards whenever summer hits.

If MMOs are off the table due to a lack of players/servers, probably Morrowind.

I've put maybe 300 hours into Morrowind and still feel like there's stuff to explore, side quests I could've done a different way, builds to try, and secrets to find. If I can add in mods, then it could easily last me for a few years.

That or Fallout New Vegas with mods. Generally speaking, Bethesda games with mods available offer what feel like endless content.

my peanus weenus

Pretty thorough

>sun falls out of orbit.
>sun loses its orbit around the earth
>earth gets sling shotted out of solar system
>earth becomes organic space ship traveling through deep space to explore the unknown

It's not Summer that does it. It's this time of day. I think it's just late enough for the Leafs to have finished their dinner and settle in for a dedicated couple of hours of shitposting. The board always goes to complete shit around this time for a patch of about 4 hours then goes back to it's usual crap.

If I had full access to every mod ever made, I'd choose Garry's Mod

If not, Dwarf Fortress.

And Earth freezes solid in a few days time.

>mfw globeposters show up with their untestable theories again

What do you think those cookies the teletubbies eat taste like? They look so delicious, I always wanted to eat them as a kid.

back to Sup Forums with you sir!

>not just turning the Moon into a mini Sun to warm the Earth ship

fuck off leaf / leaf sympathizer

Day of the rake soon you canucklehead.

>Not living inside a smelly, cramped shelter with your insane wife and children until a loli from the last bastion of humanity on cold Earth finds you

A Pail of Air, user.

Skyrim, obviously.

only if it comes into contact with an ice sun

>t. Darkie

Nasa is the hebrew word for deception and the NASA logo feature a forked serpent (aka jew) tongue. They're lying to us and laughing all the way to their shekel bank

Shit copypasta thread that contributes nothing of value to this board. 5.

It shows how many newfags are here.

I'll get it this time, 5

Haha I wonder what Tubby custard is made of, like maybe it's their semen or something haha.



i wonder what tubby custard semen tastes like, just for laughs haha

>the moon
Would still obliterate the entire planet in a matter of hours.
>tide rising above everything
>no more oxygen can't breathe underwater

If I have mods: the Sims 2
Otherwise RE4



were those the things the robot hoover made? because they looked nasty

The Earth was going to crash in to the Sun*
Fix'd for you

It will just leave a crater and make another moon with the debris

Test post/2nd attempt because Sup Forums didnt upload my image for

just get a house boat IDIOT

>in the final days the suns giggling turns to screaming and crying during it's descent to doom

>A giant baby is gonna crash into the earth
>Have to hide in the teletubby's house

Joke is on you, I happen to have 1 trillion lions fighting for me. The sun doesn't stand a fucking chance.

>In Earth's orbit.
American education everyone.

>breathing in space
The fuck seriously.

But what if the sun is made of googoplex number of ants?

>The Sun has fallen out of Earth's orbit and is going to crash into it.

Every time this gets posted I laugh like an idiot.

Then I read the newfags who unironically reply to the OP and laugh even more

>Sun falls out of Earths orbit
You fucking what cunt?

>for North America it's the time period after school but before bed
Hmm I wonder.

God you people are idiots of course the sun can fall off the earth now go back to facebook with your garbage about there is only 2 genders.

Each one of my trillion lions is also covered head to tail with angry fire ants.

how does the sun fall of the earth?

Because Teletubbies aired 20 years ago, probably.


>You are aloud to bring with you one random video game of your choice
Is the game random or is it "of my choice?" Although that's the least retarded part of what you wrote.

obviously it needs to be a singleplayer game with limitless replay potential
so dwarf fortress

alternatively super smash bros if I can play multi

Good thing they wouldn't pick a retard like you.

I wish people legitimately post games they would play in that situation instead of falling for old bait

1 billion lions win if they attack at night

I would make sure only black people are saved so the white race can finally die out

>1997 was 20 years ago
End it

>haha us oldfags am i right xd time goes so fast xd do I fit in yet?

You probably weren't even alive in 1997

Is this a JoJo's Bazaar Adventure reference?


Misuse of oldfag aside, do you have an age complex? What's wrong with you?


>choose one random game

>The Sun has fallen out of Earth's orbit

this, as long as I get all the mods. if not I might have to go with ck2

what the fuck? is this the remaster or whatever? the dinosaur looks like its forcing a smile rather than being depressed that the bandicoots are ditching his ass.

Earths round

>The Sun has fallen out of Earth's orbit
>SUN has fallen out of EARTH'S orbit

>Sun orbits earth
I knew it.

That's why it's warm all over the world dummy

Everytime I see this post I love it more.

The sun orbits the Earf
The Earth is flat
Dinosaurs lived with man
Ancient fucking aliens were time traveling humans from the future who went back in time in flying sphere to steal gold.


You can't go back to the past, friend. You can only go forward in time.


Canada has the same timezones as the US

That's what the "ancient alien" (future human) time travelers want you to think
If you went backwards in time you'd be fucking up their business, and that would piss them off.

Just wait until it's night and then push it back again.
BOOM! Checkmate atheists!