Tekken 7

Only 4 more days until early 2017.

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Why no Lei tho

Coz nobody plays him.

Why's Kuma and Panda in then

who do i play to not be completely lost
paul is not an option

>tfw can't take a day off on Friday.

People say Katarina is very beginner-friendly.

Because they're also not a literally who
See how there was a bigger uproar for Jack being removed than Lei not being in the game

Because they are relevant to the story and more popular.


Can't wait to play her game.

easier to make two similar characters nobody plays than one character nobody plays

is there any word why this isnt beeing gold on GMG?

i hear the UK site has it but not NA

One was in the UK tour championships last week

Way more bear players than Lei

Kazumi or Josie? Which one is more like heavy and aggressive? My defense sucks.

>a literally who
Everyone knows Lei Wulong, he's fucking Jackie Chan
>Because they are relevant to the story
lmao yeah right both ebars are pets and total side/joke chars
I'll accept this answer

Both are

Top 15 moves for almost every character:
Character mini-guide:

What shitty box art.


Here comes the niga with tips:
>Begginner friendly tier:
Eddy, Ling Xiaoyu, Katarina, (Ive heard that Lucky Chloe is kinda easy too).

>Fucking good, fun and relatively easy tier
My niga Dragunov, Feng, Leo, Asuka.

>Sunday picks (aka. If you are not retarded, these are really good, but can be a bit complicated)
Heihachi, Devil Jin

>Hard mode, but still good tier
Everyone else

>Korean tier
Kazuya Mishima, Master Raven, Jack, Bryan

>Way more bear players than Lei
No shit, genius, since Lei wasn't even an option

>Begginner friendly tier:
>Ling Xiaoyu
Hell no

Hell fucking yeah, and dont tell me that she is hard because she has a lot of inputs, she is easy as all fuck. This comes from someone who learned how to play with her in like 2 days

i want to play king how hard is he to learn for someone who came from street fighter?

Step 1: try every character.
Step 2: decide who you like.
Hard shit, I know.

I remember when you had to unlock the joke characters. Now they just include them from the outset.

I can't wait to beat her up desu

More people play them in any game you dingle berry

The best Lei gets is casuals try to meme with him but switch to Eddy anyway

The fuck? She's one of the easiest characters to play. Not to mention one of the most versatile if not THE most versatile.



Do we know if they have the emblem customization like in TTT2? That let you do all sorts of fun things like superhero outfits. The first thing I want to do, if they have it, is make a Vampirella styled costume for Eliza.

This game will be dead after a year or so. Why should I care?

Too difficult and has a trillion meme stances.
Also nobody plays him
Because you'll kill Harada before he takes out bears from the game. Also way more casual friendly than any of the literal whos that got kicked out.

Why do you need a game to be active for over a year?

You're thinking of SFV. Tekken 7 has been out in arcades only for two years and it's the most popular fighting game, console release is only going to boost its lead higher.

6 months...after evo it will slowly die til September when infinite will come out.

Really hard, he has a shit ton of moves and his execution is kinda complicated. I mean, like most characters, you can do kind of good by just using some of his main moves, but if you want to look like a baller he can be a bit hard.


Worth the time bro he is awesome

Why is there a panda in this game?

Is T7 avaible June 1st for Steam or is that when you can just preload it?

You should care because TTT2 is a piece of fucking shit game, with no singleplayer, laggy multiplayer, old, spammy friendly, etc. And yet, this shit game still has a huge fanbase and its easy as hell to find games nowadays.

With that said, Tekken 7 is considered by absolutely everyone who has played it as a much better game than TTT2 in every single way.

We are talking about one of the best fighting game releases in like, ever dude. You may not consider this as good as SFV and all that, but you cant deny that this game will melt faces.

How many of you are hyped for Tekken solely because SFV is shit?

Cause she is hot

I'm not a CapCuck, I'm hyped for Tekken 7 because I grew up playing T3 and the likes.

WTF? No Lei? Why is this allowed?

>way more casual friendly than any of the literal whos that got kicked out
But they weren't literal whos. You know what that word means? Most of the missing characters are established fighters since Tekken 1 or 2. Josie Rizal is a literal who. Lei Wulong is a Tekken character with 20 years of history.

>You're thinking of SFV. Tekken 7 has been out in arcades only for two years and it's the most popular fighting game, console release is only going to boost its lead higher.

I thought this was a Tekken 7 thread not a role playing thread.

Art of Phoenix alone makes the "one of the easiest to play" false.

Dude dont tell me you find it hard to win as Ling please

Haha yeah the free sidestepping high-crush button that leads into a mixup makes her so difficult to play.

Button mashing =/= learning a character

>AoP crushes 70% of the moves in the game
>Literally has no execution barrier
>Has 14f launcher done by just pressing 3. Meanwhile other characters have b,f and CD inputs for a 14f launcher
>70% of her moveset is a safe CH launcher that has automatic evasive properties
>Has easy mode options for every type of movement.
Ling is literally the easiest character in T7. And AoP 4~3 is the most broken low in the game.

When did you realize that Harada is a hack fraud?

Fact is that the series lost all sense of identity and charm right when Tekken 6 hit. An installment so bad and so ugly even Bamco pretends it never happened. While everyone else was innovating and improving their fighting games, Harada was stuck resorting to the shittiest of character designs such as Lars and Alisa as lead characters with the juggling gameplay turned up to the extreme. Who thought this was fun? Autistic gooks at the arcades maybe, but that's about it. And speaking of autistic gooks, surely they're the only ones that enjoyed the absolute mess that was TTT2.

Now Tekken 7 is upon us and guess what, all they did was add a few comeback gimmicks while recycling everything else. And the game is already old and outdated when it hits consoles. While other fighting game devs treat their home users with respect by atleast not delaying the console version 2 and a half fucking years after arcade release, Harada and Co shamelessly advertised the game on consoles for years while pretending it was COMING SOON.

And that's not even all. Harada always used FREE D ER CEE I PROMISE GAIJIN as excuse for milking the gook arcades dry but even that isn't true anymore. You won't even get the full game unless you pre-order with the Season Pass. Get that. We've waited 2 and a half years for this, and Harada is taking a giant shit on us by basically saying we haven't waited enough and we must pay more to experience the full game. And shills that are hitting Sup Forums hard shilling this recycled gook bait garbage will pretend this isn't so. Don't trust them. Tekken 7 is cancer. It serves only to fill Harada's and Bamco's pockets. There is no integrity, no sense of responsibility or even artistic talent. It all feels so artificial and forced now, even the threads shilling the game are predictable and play out in a very typical manner.

this post becomes good when you read it in patrick bateman's voice


If you think Ling is hard, you must so much shit at the game

>Ling players actually believe this

Tekken 7 is so busted on consoles that pro players literally have to pause the game and set it to 720p on PS4 Pro to play it at a tournament.


Ontop of having additional input delay on consoles:


d-delete this

They had 2 years and a half to get this game working properly on console. What's their fucking excuse? We've actually reached a point where fucking NRS is making the most polished games what the fuck.

The first clip is a salty Murrican guy who got perfect KO'd twice by Tanukana, a Japanese GIRL. I recognize the clip name

Post yfw you have a good PC and a regular PS4

The scrub is strong in this one. Lei had like 5 stances that you had to switch between to play properly. Zafina had the same thing as xiaoyu essentially. Holy shit you must be terrible.



>A character who has safe CH launchers which can crush even certain low attacks
>A character who even pros hate
>A character that can be learned in 1 day


>Button mashing =/= Learning a character
Exactly, any character can be easy to play as when just button mashing, but you wont make it past disciple if you do that.
Once you start actually caring about ranks and you train for a bit, you will find that Ling is definetly without a fucking doubt in my mind the easiest one to get past yellow ranks. There is not an easier character.

Hell. Check Miharu/Ling combos in TTT2. They are fucking HELL ON EARTH difficulty to defeat.

>story mode for non-mishima characters is now a single battle and a silly cutscene.
Fuck man, why can't we go back to T5 days of story mode, it was simple but effective

>prologue telling what happened between games or during the previous one
>2 even battles with cutscenes
>one "what if this guy won" ending.

Now all people want is a stupid story mode that just shows how they cant fucking write all characters in effectively.

i feel you broo. i have every day off this week then june 1st - jun 5th i work. fucking blows

You don't know shit.

I do

I actually liked T6 story mode. Would have loved to see something like that again.

>all these pooper perturbed babies mad that xiaoyu, one of the most high IQ technically demanding characters in the game, is finally good now, so they pretend she's braindead
loving every laugh

So instead of backstory that we know, a fight that doesn't mean much and a what if scenario that is 99% of the time irrelevant. We now get a two proper canon cutscenes that actually tell a story

It's "pooper pained," ackshually.

It was a good reiteration of tekken force, but no local co-op killed it hard so people hated it, despite loving it on 3.

Mate, did you see those cutscenes for the characters in T7? Like holy shit, they tell nothing at all. At least with 5 you actually got meaningful encounters, even if they were not cannon. From the ones i saw i think the only one you actually worth anything was Miguel's.

I'm more excited for Aris' streams than I am for the game, I'll probably play for a while and get my ass handed by koreans, then I'll just watch Aris play it.

I was excited to play Chloe, too
But then I found someone new

>Mate, did you see those cutscenes for the characters in T7?
Yeah, they had more interaction than most of what 5 did

Even Feng not speaking at all was more entertaining than Lei going "oh I will arrest you no I won't" then Feng punches a rock.

How difficult would this Aztec god be for a new player?

>you actually got meaningful encounters, even if they were not cannon.
>not canon

plus they really weren't

I'm a fighting game pleb and I still manage to do alright with King. He's fast and powerful and his main combo strings are easy to learn.

ah yes the DAILY FUCKING SHILL THREAD for this irrelevant scamco product

when will mods start doing there FUCKING JOBS?

Alright, let's just get this game out the door so the team can start working on Soul Calibur.

How does Gigas play, I'm kind of interested in seeing more of him.

I hope you know yourself how ironic your post is.

Tekken developers and SC developers are two different teams. The last game SC team made is Pokken, if I'm not mistaken.

>working on soul calibur
the last game was so half-assed I don't expect another one for some time if ever

Hes supposed to be the new Marduk I believe. But he's considered ultimate shit tier

>talking about video games
>in a board for video games
Fuck you, user.

>Lacks any complexity or depth
>Extremely homogenized cast
>Heavy amount of slow down on the PS4 version
>THIRTEEN yes count them 13 frames on input lag
>No cross platform play
>No rollback netcode
>Complete rehash of the previous games
>Retarded comeback mechanics rewarding the losing player with an almost instant kill free super
>Worst cast out of any tekken game
>Dumbed down mechanics (tekken was already a very dumbed down game) such as 1 button throw techs
>Rolling on the ground to escape will now result in you being launched
>"Newcomers" are just reskinned old characters
>No widescreen support

Shit game

>tfw I'm pretty bad
I'm that guy that spams the same move over and over.
I'm that guy that can't even do some of the harder combos.
I'm the guy that plays Dr. B. and ass slides into you over and over.

I'm sorry. For some reason I still enjoy Tekken.

>Rolling on the ground to escape will now result in you being launched
hasn't this been a thing already?
as long as you have fun, user

Most of those are bad opinions, fuck off capcbro

I don't know what it is about Tekken. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and others never were as fun as Tekken to me.

But yeah maybe this time around I'll actually put some effort in and try to get good at this game.

no better time than the present

This autist has been shilling this garbage none stop for weeks now with the same images and the same replies day in day out.

>fucking Tekken needs shilling on a taiwanese basket weaving forum
Not sure if you're being ironic but you need to kill yourself anyway

Announcer rankings:

3 > 2 > 4> 5 > 7 > 6 > 1

TTT1>everyone else

yes this 5x a day daily discussion of tekken is truly a natural phenomeneon and defiantly not paid advertising. pay no attntion to man behind the curtain!

t. bandai namco SHILL