New Metroid Prime is coming

Nintendo is developing a new Metroid Prime title for nintendo switch,and probably it will come out in late 2017

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Fuck that.
I want a sequel to Gotcha Force.

>haloid shit

move the fuck on cawadoodybabby and stop ruining my series.

Nice sources.

Source ? Which is the development team?

>muh nostalgia pandering outdated genre
Fuck off and die retard, games need to move forward. Go play one of those "metroidvania" clones out there, Prime was unique.

>prime was unique

priemfags are the most delusional mental midgets.


This, OP is retarded. He probably thinks they were made by Nintendo proper.

The people who made those games you like are dead, or might as well be.
Move on with your life.

Says the dumbfuck who wants another generic 2D retro game which is probably the most overdone genre in the last ten years. Prime was unique and first person adventure games with exploration are deffinitely one of the most unexplored genres out there. Only people i know who hates Prime are the fucktards that were expecting prime to play like another generic doom clone or halo.

>not a another generic doom/halo clone

>Game with non-linear, large level design with gameplay based on exploration, abilities and boss battles is a clone of shitty lineal cover shooter with aliens and oldskool basic shooter who wasn't even in 3D.

Youre retarded, it's nostalgia babies like you who keep holding back this industry.


Don't give a fuck. 2D or bust.

>nintendo developing a good metroid game
>nintendo keeping quiet and releasing in the same year as the announcement

nigga u dum

I really don't get this this mentality, i mean i prefer 2d over prime too but i'd still love to play a prime one and i'd be happy to buy it if it does happen. This kind of shit is part of what causes nintendo to be hesitant with making a new metroid in the first place, since the metroid fanbase itself seems to be fragmented. That and their inherent laziness and disconnect from their audience.

>shitty lineal cover shooter
Speaking of this, you just made me realize that I really enjoy how Prime handled combat. Although I think it would be prudent to have some cover (and I think Prime did occasionally) I like that combat was also based on dodging and manuvering. Its something sort of rare in FPS and I'd like to see it more, and with more complexity than Prime. Also made Corruption an excellent companion to the Wii controls.
The only trouble in had with Prime was there wasn't often enough room to make full use of dodging, or if there was you'd find yourself going in circles. Kije I said, I'd like to see more of that kind of gameplay, but perhaps in environments more suited to it.

I'd rather have a non-prime high-budget metroid game. I loved prime games but I think 3 games were enough to explore that type of gameplay.

If you think we're getting another Metroid game this decade then you are deluded

Or a remake.

bullshit it was just first person zelda

Why not just make your own?

The AM2R source code was leaked so you can basically make your own brand new 2D Metroid.

Where can I find that?

>>nintendo keeping quiet and releasing in the same year as the announcement
What was the time between Super Mario 3D World announcement and launch?

>primefag shitting on fucking Doom of all games

You children need to go to bed just because your Babby First Person Shooter With Lock On isn't very good.

>Nintendo is developing a new Metroid Prime title for nintendo switch
No they aren't.

I wish people would stop referring to the next 3D metorid as prime. Prime (dark samus) was the antagonist of the trilogy and is dead so there shouldn't be any more titles with that name.

He didnt shit on doom at all can you not fucking read

Prime Hunters had nothing to do with Dark Samus.
"Prime" just means 3D at this point.
He absolutely did.
>shitty lineal cover shooter