The Switch is one of those things that you never wanted but when you have it you start to wonder how you managed to...

The Switch is one of those things that you never wanted but when you have it you start to wonder how you managed to live without it.

Ads are one of those things you might not know you're reading until OP posts a Switch thread again.

I was able to get one for $100 (friends and family discount) and I'm starting to regret it. It's just been collecting dust since I finished Zelda.

I have one and other than being a Zelda machine I doubt I'll get much use from it.
where do I find the fallen trident btw? it says below the bridge but there's nothing.

Why do mods not remove obvious shilling?
Don't even (You) me shills, I've heard all your excuses.

I forgot for a second, thanks user.

How about you get another game dumbass?


The system just came out and is getting a lot of sales and attention and is likely to have a lot of support. Just because you don't have anything to play right now doesn't mean it wasn't a worthwhile purchase, especially at a reduced price.

Sorry but the memes don't work on a machine that actually has video games.

lmao my bro bought one and wtf does it have aside from zoldor

tetris and master blaster arent games

unless arms came out idk but that didnt even look interesting

Did he have/already play Mario Kart 8?

'Cause if not....

I actually wanted a powerful nintendo handheld since i beat x and y in 2013

a ps2 game is better

also i can play sonic online with my friends who dont own a switch

no kidding even when i have friends to come over to play couch coop we dont even touch mk8

>tetris and master blaster arent games
They are games. You just don't like them.

Lmao who the fuck likes literal 20000 year old kiddieshit?

kill yourself retard

>tetris and master blaster arent games
Fuck you too m8

These threads get posted constantly and they don't even discuss games, its just people screaming at you to buy a Switch.

are you fucking kidding me
there were two fucking switch marketing threads up half an hour ago
I had the both and now there's another one
what the fuck
why don't mods do anything

please stop this I can't take it anymore

i just meant as in a major draw. like no one except nintenbros wanted to play those games before the switch. no joke i heard of the eggman puyo puyo clone before the franchise itself. and tetris is fucking tetris. its not even grandmaster anyway so who cares.
fuck you master blaster on nes was shit and you know it
atleast ps4 has bloodborne ( idont own either) as well as a fuckhuge library of multiplats. i really dont understand why my bro bought it when his pc could emulate it

It has no games whatsoever. Just ports and multiplats. The most popular game right now isn't even Switch exclusive.

stop fucking posting

this thread and every post in it was already made every hour for f every day since the switch was released

word for word, every single day


It's amazing how people are back pedaling and saying the WiiU has a good library. What's more amazing is that these same people don't even have one.

What's even more amazing is how Switch owners are back pedaling and saying the WiiU has a shit library. Even more amazing is that these same people pretend they never had one.

I hate it
it makes me feel like a damn fool playing P5 on my tiny ass TV teathered to my PS3

The only thing that keeps switch from being everywhere with me in my house is the ability to watch videos.