Where is Estelle I want to play as a cute redhead not a green haired metrosexual

Where is Estelle I want to play as a cute redhead not a green haired metrosexual.

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>green haired metrosexual

Edgy green haired metrosexual*

Wow why did they call this one character Erika Russel and not Cunty McBitchFace? Is that a translation issue?

now with 100% more holding back

I love some of the battle line callouts. Maybe it's because they stand out as the only actual voiced dialogue in the game but I get a chill every time I hear


Hm maybe I should get rid of the house patch
Damn weebness you got me there

>people add lines to this every time

This is kind of funny but goddamn, the threads have been awful lately.

the nighttime threads have been decent
just have to wait for the NISAfag and other shitposters to wear themselves out and go to bed
except for the Reanposter, he's actually funny

Guard turn bonus is BULLSHIT. It never lands on an enemy and always lands on an ally!

Calvard when?




When clouds fall, sakura bloom
Fallen warriors gather in the gloom
And i present to your your Doom

*lights cigarrette*

Heh, damned kids today...



What a great bit of dialogue for a shitty S-craft.

but magic damage kloe with sanctus nova hits like a truck

>inb4 it turns into another doxing thread for no reason

It would be my pleasure




Can someone post the sen 3 in-game screenshots that got shown a couple days ago? With Olivier/Randy/Tio

Since when does Kloe's S-craft scale with her ATS stat

Since the 3rd

It does user


Well, I'll have to try that out, then.

I hold in my hand the chalice of heaven, Let it fill your senses with cascading fluffy pillows of excitement and comfort as you've never felt before.


It is pretty great and very effective against the angel sheep fucks

This is one of my favorites. It is so cheesy but it is great.

My body is ready.


Is she a likeable heroine? She looks cute.

>mfw the nightmare arena fight with cassius and loewe wasn't that bad

every heroine in Zero or AO is pretty forgettable

She's a very safe heroine. She's just a lovely lady. It's hard to find much of a fault with Ellie. She's just kinda there.


I mean every heroine except Estelle sticking to Joshua were even more forgettable. Crossbell all were pretty good except for Ellie. Just because Randy was the best doesn't mean they were bad

Kevin sounds dominant there but when he wins a battle and that "ALRIGHT WHAT'S NEXT" sounds, he becomes a cuck

But Rixia is made to be literally the ultimate waifu of Kiseki.

So Nöel has more character than Elie?

Only if you have shit-taste and like girls who have nothing going for them but boobs and ass


>a green haired metrosexual.

but he makes one guy so damn satly it's crazt.

>he doesn't like Kevin "Big Daddy" Graham

but those in sky gets their own stories, therefore Crossbell are all pretty bad except Randy

With how Kloe can use prayers to actually affect reality, it's a wonder the Church isn't interested in her.

Is your body ready for Dubully's buddies?

Should I play with English dub so I can understand the lines?

Can't wait to delay them altogether

Well the games are dub only and the dubs are fine so yeah

I dunno I've played it in Japanese voices the entire series because I'm a weeb, but I understood what anyone said. Except Anelace when you select her before it's English.

olivert here. osborne a shit.

get off orbalnet, Olivert

t. Mueller

This is your new hometown.

Looks comfy.

Big memester here.

Is there an IMGUR with the rest?

Looks pretty nice.
I liked Ymir more though.


thanks user

>everyone okay with Granblue and FGO
>no other Kiseki fans play Akatsuki
I cant resist the gacha

Azure vs Barrier what's better?

I enjoy her conflicting royalty of choosing her country or her friends in Ao

it's jap only so duh

Inevitable Struggle SAV > Arrival Existance SAV > Azure vanilla > Azure Evo

Why do people complain that Sen's full of otaku pandering when Falcom's been known for otaku pandering and keeping up with the trends for decades?

Are they people who's only Falcom games were Ys and Sora?

Everyone except Elie gets their own story in Crossbell

90s and early 2000s otaku pandering beats light novel tropes in Sen

Because Sen was the game where they literally stopped giving a shit about quality and made a game that felt like it was focus-tested to appeal to the widest audience possible rather than a game they wanted to make.

They are people who:

>Only played Ys and Sora
>Are too underage or young to remember the 90s
>Believe that there is something "objectively better" about 90's anime tropes compared to modern ones

Up until they moved to PSP development their games were explicitly targeted at the same people that had been playing them since the 80s. They even said they had an audience of 30-40 year old men in mind when making the Sky trilogy.
Also, Zero was made for a younger audience and was still good. The problem with Sen is that it's fucking garbage and no amount of deflecting will change that fact.

>Tio still flat

What is the best place to grind my unused characters before heading off in the Arseille in 3rd?

No need, plenty of EXP in the final dungeon. Just attack all the enemies.

Don't really need to since the final Dungeon makes your party level up fast. I had Josette at 106 and got to 130 pretty quickly.

Because the trends Sen follows is shit like harems and protagonists with super powers for no reason. This in turn attracts a huge amount of underage who eat it up because they don't know what a good game looks like, they then come here and shit up our comfy threads with their retarded opinions.

I wouldn't say completely flat

>shit like harems
There's no harem in Sen, that's like saying Sora has a harem because Joshua has Estelle, Josette and Kloe

>super powers for no reason
Half of the characters in Sora have powers that are barely explained

please don't ruin Tio
please don't ruin Tio
please don't ruin Tio
please don't ruin Tio

What the fuck are you saying? did you miss all the theater scenes in Zero, and all that happened with the Jaegars in Ao where one of her friends was almost killed and how she struggled to keep being an assasin or wanted to live as a dancer?

Last dungeon gives a ton of EXP, and characters that are far behind gain bonus EXP as well. They'll catch up in no time.

please don't ruin Tita
please don't ruin Tita
please don't ruin Tita
please don't ruin Tita

>super powers for no reason
No, Cassius was strong because of his talent as stundent of the eigh leaf school. Joshua was trained as assasin, Keving powers as well as most Ouroboros are explained because of the artifacts they posses as well as some being trained since young. Zin or Agathe are older bracer with experience, etc. Other enforcers or Ouroboros is part of the ongoing mistery in the show.
But the mc being a normie was kinda the deal in most games. Both Estelle and Lloyd were the most normal members compared with the others and in Kevin case he is already an assasin that work for the church, if Rean was given a similar status as soon as he was introduced then It could have been for the better.

to be fair, i can say from experience that as a game Akatsuki is much more enjoyable than the other two, as well as all the other modern meme browser/mobage
but from said experience i developed a resistance to the gacha, so there's no illusion to me that the airship customization (which was pretty baller) and arena are enough to be worth consistently playing

I remember when it was first announced, I came all over myself at the idea that it was going to be an MMO or pseudo-MMO in the Trailsverse where you could create your own Bracer or someshit
If that were the case I'd still be playing it like an addict today no matter how bad of a game it was
But alas, we live in an age where japs eat up mobage, so the least I can do to show my respect is make fun of you for being the only user that still plays it

Actually the biggest deterrent to getting back into it for me is seeing you post screenshots with the audio muted every time
You know it's a slog when music by Sound Team JDK, some of the best composers of the modern era, gets repetitive enough to need to be turned off

I play the other two but I didn't like Akatsuki. Gameplay is fun but everything else bored more. I want to head pat my waifus and they reacting.

>You know it's a slog when music by Sound Team JDK, some of the best composers of the modern era, gets repetitive enough to need to be turned off
Wow someone actually noticed that. Yeah the daily mission grind did wear down all the Zero and Ao music. Disappointing theres original battle track for Akatsuki. So now I just mute in game audio while listening to Rush in foobar

>Ongoing mistery in the show.
Rean's ogre super power's another part of the mystery
You can't just say his power's never going to be explained when there's still a third game to be had.

Best girl

What the fuck is a mixed anyway?
What are even the Divergent Laws?

I remember being annoyed that Destruction Impulse was used for all the random battles
You can't just do that, that's Shirley's theme, it's inappropriate and offensive to misuse it like that

At least Imperial SaGa had enough original tracks to have its own soundtrack, and all of said tracks were really really good
I'd expect more out of Falcom

I want to be the waifu and have other players headpat me
so there is no satisfaction to be gained from the mobage platform when that's my goal

except i like Sen and I refuse to touch harem shit, despite how much Sup Forums claims they are great.

Explain that

You didn't read the other part
>Both Estelle and Lloyd were the most normal members compared with the others and in Kevin case he is already an assasin that work for the church, if Rean was given a similar status as soon as he was introduced then It could have been for the better.

That mc wasn't so much of an special one or either give him a robot or give him powers, he was already a fucking student of the eigh leaf school which is pretty great given how many others powerful characters came from same school. Like I said I liked Estelle wasn't so special neither Joshua while Kevin is like having already a trained soldier as main lead and was just a brief moment which is 3rd, one game.

Will Anton ever stop being a beta?

I mean Lloyd. Joshua was part of the nothing personnel group


Since no one bothered to answer, you'll get her after chapter 4 right after Kevin uses IT.

Lets be honest, the other mobages you mentioned aren't just waifus. The gatcha characters you recruit have their own storyline, when you recruit them you not only interact with them but also unlock special stage where you meet them, learn their background, interact with them and they are willing to join. They are not simple empty character for cameo purpose.

Akatsuki its pretty empty in content outside of the main narrative which other games also have. Its still a very good mobage vs 80% who are trash.

Yeah, actually I'd been playing Another Eden recently which refines the things you mentioned to a new level, plus having an actual story played in a linear JRPG style
That is absolutely what I'd say is a way to make a game in the mobage format actually be a game and keep players interested in it, even if it has a greedy gacha

You're correct though- I think Akatsuki would be BGOTYAY if it used the opportunity it had to flesh out and develop characters more instead of them being soulless gacha units
Even though it had an airship arguably comfier than Sen 2's, and the BEST form of the quartz system which fans dearly missed, meaning someone at Falcom knew what they were doing with regards to fanservice, they still fucked up at making it worth continuing to play for non-whales
No point lamenting what could've been though I guess, just a shame

What the fuck, why is Blanc from Neptunia in this game?

I saw a screenshot of Sen 3 with that crossbell girl using tonfas that seemed to be able to use guns as well (maybe the tonfas were guns?)

There was an option that seemed you're able to swap to weapons, similar to persona 5.

So UI and this, why must falcom keep playing catchball with Atlus and megaten? Seriously. It feels as if you're fan of a series that is a fan of another series.