subtle video game clothing thread
Subtle video game clothing thread
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how the fuck is this subtle
Normal people dont know Kingdom hearts
only gamer clothes can make looking at qt girls feel gay
nothing subtle about dem tiddies :D
why is this series popular? it's like the most obvious forced disney shit ever..
Literally my gf who doesn't hasn't played video games seriously in 12 years knows more about kingdom hearts more than me. It is the most normie and weeb series ever, period.
everyone knows it
its that disney game for kids with all ur favourite characters
imagine some1 actually wearing this tho! xd
Kingdom Hearts, Zelda, and Final Fantasy (7+) aren't even ironic weeb status, they're normie weeb status.
Persona, Metal Gear, Ace Attorney, and DMC are the ironic weeb stage.
I'm not commenting on the quality of the series before retards get all pissy, just that those are the categories where people who fit into said categories always stay in without drifting out of
yeah xD
He was destroyed!
I wanna fuck her anally while she vapes with her pussy
pretty soon youre going to see people who build their entire identity around internet culture wearing sonichu shirts ironically
I should have started the tread with other clothing
>pretty soon
The shirt is okay even though it's something you'd see in a hot topic.
the jacket is 100% shit and she probably ironed all that shit onto it.
I bought second to the left and far right the other day. Waiting to get them in.
reply if u get it ;)
nice one
upvote if you like this one
I can't help but wonder what the fuck kind of smell they even fucking mean.
I wish I had an excuse to use these but I wouldn't be caught dead with them on in public.
Christ, I hate white people so much, you retards lack all self awareness
It's the third month and three is like the triforce?
that is so fucking gay
None of these are actually fucking subtle you retards
Shit they've already started? I know people are wearing pepe and wojack shit now and they're not even being ironic, but tell me we hanent weaponized autism to the point of people wearing chris chan shit in public yet.
normal people don't want to be subtle, they want to jam everything into everyone else's face
Congrats. You're the first user to post something to legitimately made me cringe for the first time in a long fucking time.
This one is pure cringe.
>says the shit skin
What is your favorite fictional brand?
ok this one's kinda cool
The picture's from a convention, obviously.
>Bearer, seek, seek, lest
Get rid of the writing and I'd give it a thumbs up.
since this is basically a fashion thread will anyone rate my outfit? I know it's a bit bright but I prefer it to being too muted.
Oh thats just Kanye West in his hobbit outfit, just ignore it.
how to wear video game clothes "subtly" AKA how to never get laid ever
i dont need vidya clothes to do that
Relax, Ahmed. Go back to fucking your goat, it'll make you fell better.
>Keyblade Academy
That's not a thing.
What's it called when shit like this is made? I see it all the time and it's cringe as fuck
I should get a plain shirt with nothing but BENIS printed on it.
thanks doc
thanks doc
it being pixel art is just unnecessary and probably done in hopes of being "videogamey", but i really like this shirt
well, to be fair, i would even wear an A DUD?! shirt
In very small font. Small enough so that you have to squint JUST A LITTLE to see it when walking past.
>implying you wouldn't
I rock esports hoodies all the time
luckily I can pull the look off
Fuck you nerd
Why is the Happy Mask guy there?
>AKA how to never get laid ever
you're probably 15-18?later in life you'll realize that confidence is everything
you cant, its actually quite embarrassing for everyone around you
>tfw you used to ate a girl who looked, dressed, and probably behaved similarly.
high school as weird.
what site can you buy this from so i can laugh at it?
People who don't recognize your "team's" logo won't care enough to do, and people who do recognize it will instantly think you are a fag. Congrats
I bought 2 TF2 shirts 6 years ago and between both I've probably worn them like 5 times total.
One is pic related and the other is a fairly nice button up that unfortunately says "We sell products and get in fights" on the back and Mann Co on the front. I've only worn that one once.
Fuck video game shirts, they're fucking lame.
Anyone can get laid no matter what you wear if you're good looking enough
hello newfriends
>used to ate
get off my board, you cannibal scum
Your welcome.
>>tfw you used to ate a girl who looked, dressed, and probably behaved similarly.
Vorefags need to be gassed
Come on duder, please explain
Yeah "Confidence" bro.
How old are you going to be when you realize that "confidence" is a proxy word for "that guy is fucking hot." They often say it when they don't want to appear like a slut for liking a man because he's hot.
>ugly man walks up to new woman in club and says "wow you are beautiful do you want to my place?"
>REACTION: she walks away and possibly calls police while telling her friends she just had the "creepiest" experience of her life. That guy was a "creep"
>Sexy man walks up to new woman in club and says "wow you are beautiful do you want to come back to my place?"
>REACTION: Wow he is the most "CONFIDENT" man I have ever met!! I don't know, just, there's something about him!!! :)) he's so confident! [nope, he's just hot]
Wtf is supposed to be weebish about mgs or dmc?
Why wear subtle shirts at all?
You're still inviting queries from normies and then having to explain your embarressing manchild interest to them, or contact from insufferable neckbeards who actually get the reference.
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Dad? Check
Likes zelda? Check
Now what month was he born in? Generate that shirt!
my little brother would unironically wear this
Wearing video game clothing is fucking gay
It really fucking isn't at all
kek'ed, would buy.
Holy shit, my heart ;-;. I hope we all find qt gf's someday.
I want to impregnate her tits.
Both of them
subtle as in "looks like a generic 5$ shirt without a hidden meaning"
If people ask it isnt subtle
This. When you're a literal 10/10 it's fine, you can wear whatever you want and lool good, but since half of you are awkward overweight or skinnyfat teenagers you just look like losers.
>unknown character
Thanks, saved. Wish I could buy it. Not for more than 10$, but I still want it.
But we would look like losers anyways. Why not wear what we like when it's not going to make any difference?