You can only choose one of these two countries to ban from online gaming forever

You can only choose one of these two countries to ban from online gaming forever.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ban burgers.

i like slavs so the choice is obvious

I dont play mobas or F2P MMOs, so whatever.

I'm Brazillian and I say Brazil

Post a picture of your mud hut.


Russians arent actually cancer, the cancer is Ukraine

I am unstoppable

Don't just ban us, nuke us, please.

Europeans will answer Russia
Americans will answer Brazil

t. vira-latas.

It's a lot better than a mud hut okay

t. patriota iludido

This is an English speaking board, I will call mr. jannie if you don't stop.

fuck off whiteaboo

sai do meu paĆ­s

There are absolutely no reason to be proud of being brazilian. Despite having the natural resources to be the USA of latin america, we are little more than monkeys. Just look for how long the PT party was in power.

This lack of culture is showed in online gaming, of course. Just got out of a CSGO match were people were screaming like monkeys the whole game for nothing. They are the definition of a toxic player and this is the reason no one wants to play with them, myself included.


Russians are funnier and better at shooters, Brazil contributes nothing

I wish I could... Right now I'm saving money so I can leave this shithole

t. Pissed off long-legged Puerto Rican

Brazil, twice.

No need to hate yourself user.

>implying I'm scared of someone who`s announcing a report

Being a nationalist also means I have to notice and think about the problems my own country has, since I want it to be better.

Why are you complaining if you're part of the problem? Kill yourself if you feel like that.

Despite how objectivepy shit Brazil is, one of ghe best CSGO teams in history is from there. It boggles the mind.

brazil, because i never had to deal with russians

t. argie

They have experience shooting people.

Yet there's still people defending this country and complaining about people that talk shit about "their country"

enjoy being hated and a gross virging out there too

bomb argentina

This. I can imagine that Brazilians are annoying, but as an European I would give fucking anything to get rid of those slavic fuckers and don't really care about people who never end up on same servers as me.

Brazilians. Slavs can be chill

Ban Mexico from using the Internet, forever.



You see, I'm not.
I may not be much better than the average brazilian, but at least I'm polite in online gaming and try to play for the team.

Check Mate, uncircuncised atheist.

Fuck you guys, without brazilians who is going to fill the southamerican servers, I don't want to wait a gorillion years for a match

I don't give a fuck about being hated or whatever. I just want a decent country to live in and this is not one (and with no hopes of changing anytime soon)

They like to feel patriotic while watching soccer, user...

Ban Californians and Mexicans

>inb4 what's the difference

I choose Peru

I do the same. That might be the reason why most of my friends were surprised when they found out I'm brazilian. I think that most people hate brazilians because they only remember the bad experiences they had with them.

And I'm not an atheist.

>without brazilians who is going to fill the southamerican servers

Chileans, who are the only civilized people south of Mexico

Your "friends" only like you for your smooth, large brown ass

But I'm a skinny white guy, that can't be right.

It's because most Brazilian are ignorant monkeys with 0 education and respect for people, all they want is "zuera". Withouth mentioning corrupt (the government aren't the only ones who are corrupt)

At least Russians will contribute occasionally with some good mods/games

>tfw I can understand brazilians speaking portuguese better than chileans speaking my own language

>do you live on america or europe?

I'm trying to find the Loss, but it's just not quite there. Or am I looking at the wrong spot?

It is true that Chileans always sound like they have a mouthful of peanut butter when they speak


I bet your ass is dynamite tho

I ocasionally play with a chilean dude in my csgo lobby in gamersclub.

They tend to be pretty polite and always try to cheer the team up.

But I can't speak for them all, unfortunately they are rare on gamersclub, unlike those fucking argentinians that are as cancerous as BRs...


post butt


Both are cancer, but Russians are the ultimate cancer of this world when it comes to every area of life.

So Russia.

No, I wish. I have no ass.

Are you a faggot?




Imagine all the people living life in peace.

I'm a woman
I just like guy butts


/vint/ was a very enlightening experience. No wonder Canada is so cucked



You're better off asking someone else then, I'm the DFC of asses. I even have stretch marks even though I never went past 135 lbs


I'm from buenos aires and I say kill'em all

post it pls


Imagine BRs with a delusional sense of superiority.
Also, they think they are white.

>stretch marks
DROPPED. Get your flat ass out of my sight

It never was in your sight though. Why must you be so rude?

You first.


BR here, don't speak mexican, my ''white'' friend.

>mfw I'm only monitoring this thread so I can see some skinny "white" male's ass

Sup Forums sure is slow tonight

This guy gets it. I bet the rest of you are still using toothpaste with tartar control and feeling like pieces of shit.

Neither. I'd rather we nuke Peru off the planet

What the fuck did Llamaland ever do to you?

most games have a mute option, no games have an option to not be hacked. so i would ban russians.

If you're european you pick Russia, if you're from the Americas you pick Brazil they have shit internet so neither of them can play on the opposite server.

It is a impersonation of your average argie

Don't go to Portugal.

Pretty good, got me.

It is Canada but without a leaf

>playing DayZ (mod version) on my usual server
>averages around 20 players
>occasionally Brazilians join
>Despite it being a NA server
>Every single time they join they sit on the coast and shoot unarmed players
>Every. Single. Time.
>The admin gets sick of them and implements a new rule: anyone speaking non English in side chat is instantly permabanned
>Every day a new Brazilian shows up, kills an unarmed player by a bitch and then starts taunting them with there filthy pig Latin
>Gets banned

I fucking love that admin.

Eh, you niggers only play Free to Play garbage + CSGO so nothing any actual person would bother with anyways.

>most kind and gentle person in the whole CS community
>somehow he's a BR

Fallen did nothing wrong.

ban the UMA DELICIA's from life

Mine, so I'll play some decent games for once.

I agree with two posts up
delete uma delicia


You're absolutely right but apparently you're not allowed to express your dislike for brazil if you're brazillian. Being vira-latas is the most honorable things we can be nowadays.

Democracy and syndicalism were grave mistakes.

>Brazilian nationalist
What a joke

I feel Russians get blamed a lot for the actions of Ukrainians.


Not even close. Russians stick to specific titles. BRs infect everything.

Russians, Eastern Europe too.

t. Self-hating macaco

You amerishits should be grateful you only see brazillians online.

In the western parts of EU we actually have to tolerate these slavic potato faced downsyndrome shitters in real life.

Only positive is that the women are seriously hot.