>after the gamecube nintendo went full casual with the wii
>after the dreamcast sega went third party and basically became a different company
so what went wrong?
>after the gamecube nintendo went full casual with the wii
>after the dreamcast sega went third party and basically became a different company
so what went wrong?
>implying the gamecube wasn't full casual
Both the swan songs of each company.
Inb4 4 controller ports
Wii U was a great console and still has better exclusives than the PS4 and One.
Nintendo focused on the easy dollar. Cheap profitable hardware and minimal but solid software.
Sega lost their leadership and drive to innovate and compete. No new hardware and poorly made software.
>implying consoles in general aren't full casual
Nintendo has always been about the casual audience.
What they fucked up on is adding stupid gimmicks to appeal to people who don't play video games post GameCube.
dreamcast definitely wasnt
Wii U was better than the Wii I guess but still not as good as Gamecube
Sega bought their fate upon themselves and Nintendo felt that it didn't have enough money and resources to continue making powerful consoles that nobody bought.
Video games went to shit because they tried to appeal to appeal to adult men with tits and violence, which made adult women (mostly just moms) get upset, so video game marketing went completely the opposite direction. You used to see lots of ads targeted at young boys, but now pretty much every ad is designed to say that video games are "for the whole family", even though we all know that it's still only males that play vidya outside a few things like the Sims, mobile games, and certain MMOs. This shift in target demographic is reflected not only in marketing, but in all business decisions. Nintendo won the lottery by cashing in on America's constant diet/fitness crazes with the Wii, and that only exacerbated the problem.
This train has been on the same tracks for a long time.
Yeah, targeting families is only a recent thing. It was totally only about guys.
>implying you aren't a tasteless faggot
Pic related
Did people actually put their PS2 on it's side like that? No one I knew did and I didn't.
I don't know anyone who did either. but I guess if you're making that graphic and want it to look impressive, it's only human to want it to look as phallic as possible
Yes. It's why the logo on the console rotates.
I'd like to see this correlated to the time they were available on the market.
PS2: 2000 - 2013
Xbox: 2001 - 2009
Gamecube: 2001 - 2007
Dreamcast: 1998 - 2001
Is this a Mormon family?
So Mortal Kombat and Doom killed video games?