Thoughts on Life is Strange?
Thoughts on Life is Strange?
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Avoided it until a couple of months ago due to it being SJW shit. Had picked it up dirt cheap in the Squenix winter sale and installed it when bored. Fell madly in love and have thought about it every day since. The sequel was announced a couple of weeks after I finished it. Like pottery.
It was fun. Don't need any squeakuels though.
tumblrshit for teenage girls
Played the first episode, thought it was an obnoxious joke. Can't understand what anyone sees in this shit but to each his own.
I want to hug her gently and cuddle all night long!
Nice to play a game that wasn't about shooting people with guns.
God, I hate that bitch so much.
Made something new with the point and click formula that was great. Cliche writing tho, 7/10 (a real 7/10 not an IGN 7/10)
only played the first hour, kinda boring, I guess it could be entertaining if there's suffering later on like re zero
i wonder if max and warren ever went ape
Warren was such a sweetheart.
Shit gameplay and dumb story that tries to tug at your heartstrings with the usual predictable tricks.
People who like this shit are the same gullible idiots who cry during hollywood """dramas"""
A firm showing of
>It's okay to adore shallow teenager lesbian fanservice when it's not anime.
Just like Undertale with biased morality choices, and Cape comics with absurd logic and asspulls.
lol tumblr the game ecks dee lol sjw cuck libtard
It's shit.
Night in the Woods does the young not-a-teenager-not-quite-an-adult thing better.
And it still did it pretty badly.
There isn't even a single lesbian character in the game, beyond potentially Max, which is down to player choice. Chloe has fucked dudes and gets wet at the sight of Mr. Jefferson, and Rachel is revealed to have been sleeping with a guy behind her back too. You can push Max and Chloe together if you want, but that felt entirely forced to me in the context of the story. They work much better as best friends. You can also push Max towards Warren if you want.
The Tumblr fanart has warped people's perceptions of what the game is so much.
Maybe because unlike in a japanese game the characters were not sexualized? You just know the japanese devs would have gone crazy in the pool scene yet it was innocuous in this game.
Very aesthetic.
What could be better than feminism in video games? Feminism: The Video Game.
>It's okay to adore shallow teenager bisexual...
Their sexual preference doesn't matter with the undertones anyway.
>You just know the japanese devs would have gone crazy in the pool scene
Not every adventure game is your secret J-List collection sir.
>Undertale with biased morality choices
Why wouldn't Undertale's morality choices be biased?
>game about teenage girls
Played the first episode, concept seems cool but if that was 1/5 of the game...
Dialogue was cringey as fuck... if i ever hear the 'word' hella ever again im gonna go on a murder spree.
wtf I love feminism now
Horrible game
I get the tumblr stuff but why is it "feminist"?
Shit gameplay.
Terrible dialogue.
Boring story.
It is though.
I wonder you do all day that would lead to other people perceiving your posts as shilling so frequently that you were driven to save that image on your hard drive specifically to vent your frustration at them...
ok your not a shill you proved it with that funny picture i just bought 5 copies of life is strange
It pulls every trick in jewlywoods handbook to affect you emotionally.
I don't like it when jewlyood does it and i don't like it here.
I don't know. There's this one line here. It's obviously supposed to be an outlandish statement. But I suppose some people took it to be the dev's real politics?
Honestly, I don't think anyone calling the game "feminist" has played even the first episode.
Replaying at the moment, forgot how comfy it was.
This time I will save Kate
Also can't wait for new feels to feel.
it's not sjw it's just french.
>Honestly, I don't think anyone calling the game "feminist" has played even the first episode.
Not that user, but I've been called a shill many times over the years for many different games. Really, all you have to do is give an honestly positive opinion on any game, and you're called a "shill"
In fact, check this out, I just got called a shill earlier for defending a game of thrones character. If you've never been accused of being a shill, then you've probably never expressed a positive opinion on this site. That says something about you.
I saved the pic to post every time I see no life faggots that spend all day everyday of their pathetic existence moving from one thread to the next screaming shill at everyone.
I will never get over how easy it is to trigger Sup Forumsfags.
What am I in for?
Fuck dykes
It's complete Garbage but Broteampill made some fucking great videos from it at least.
No you didn't
If this is real I'm going to need a link.
>3. You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?")
>he didn't save Kate the first time
Don't even bother