E3 is going to be nothing but meme games

>E3 is going to be nothing but meme games

Other urls found in this thread:


You're still going to buy them.

What is a "meme" game?

Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me

anything someone doesn't like

another term is "reddit"

You missed some Barneyshit in Sup Forums, buddy.

It's pretty obvious OP doesn't actually care, he just wants to harass me

Don't every reply to me again you fucking autist.

stop making these threads so you can reply to yourself faggot

Fuck off.

It's the new way to describe something that offends your delicate sensibilities.

But I'm not, it's a bunch of degenerates either trying to shill, trying to harass me or both.

Sorry if you can't handle the truth.

You're not a very good savior of Sup Forums, pal.

I doubt he will, given how obsessed OP is with harassing me.

Hey baby, what do you think of Season 7?

You realize the more you do this the more people are going to post it right?

No seriously, what is a "meme game"? I've seen this said here more than once and no one ever explains what it means.

It's a meme you dip

Literally just

You should know, you're the one constantly shilling it to harass me.
>b-b-but I don't actually like it, I just like posting it to harass you!
>I'm clearly not disturbed by your existence!
>It's completely normal for me to be harassing you for over a year and a half!
>I-I'm not trying to push an agenda, I swear!

nigger its normal to harass lolcows

Every hero needs a villain

A forced meme.

Just a reminder that this fine young man has the gall to say this and then send me e-mails like this.

top fucking kek
keep up the good work, m8

a game that adds nothing of value to the industry and the community

What did he mean by this?

Because you keep shilling your shitty show and trying to get away with it. I wouldn't have to if you didn't. Learn some self-restraint, faggot.

Please fucking neck yourself, degenerate. The world wasn't made for you.

barneyfag claims that his reaction to ponyposting is instinctive, compulsory, and totally out of his control therefore he can take no responsibility for anything he says or does

What the fuck is going on

You're the one actively looking for shit that people wouldn't recognise as MLP friend. You don't have to do this.

btw did you see what I sent you? ;^)

This site was made for entertainment, but not at the expense of other users. Go after ACK or some shit, because you trying to go after someone merely trying to put horsefucking degenerates in their place only makes you look bad.

>This site was made for entertainment, but not at the expense of other users.
ahahahaha you poor innocent little child.

I miss the old days of Sup Forums when raiding and doxing wasn't against the rules

>tfw these images when Lee Goldson shows up and explodes just so I can derail a thread at any time

barneyfag, if the rules of the site dont matter to you, and you only hate mlp for its association with barney, how come you dont respond to actual barney images?

thats why some people appreciate him as a tool for self moderating threads

>This site was made for entertainment, but not at the expense of other users.

holy shit he's like a chris-chan that didnt stop posting here
kiwi farms is truly doing god's work

Again, fuck off.
You don't have to do your bullshit either, but apparently you seem so assblasted at my very existence that you've been harassing me for over a year and a half.
The fact that you've ban evaded numerous times just so you can try to have the last laugh shows how obsessed you are with harassing me.
Only truly mentally disturbed degenerates would make off-topic threads like this to harass me. Doesn't matter what you are, you're still a minority. A minority obsessed with harassing with another minority while the majority wants you to fuck off and stick to the board's structure and integrity.

hey if I make a forum post comparing mlp to barney will you screenshot it and start posting it?

You think it would be possible to get Louis Theroux to interview Lee Goldson as part of a documentary about autistic manchildren with persecution complexes?

>Only truly mentally disturbed degenerates would make off-topic threads like this to harass me.
>says the mentally disturbed degenerate that fucks dogs

Again, the fact that you downloaded cropped loli porn (which, when untouched, is illegal in some countries) really shows how you don't care about your own image.

>believing unfounded rumours made by other degenerates

Why do you care so much?

Bestiality is illegal in many countries too, Lee.

Oh hey Lee nice to see you from the other thread. You never got to answer my question about compelled you to first fuck you a dog so could it answer it here please?

>believing unfounded rumours made by other degenerates
This isn't going to make you have the moral high ground, you know.

I just think it would be cool to be part of the spam collection


>believing unfounded rumours

>lee really thinks there's only one vendettafag

Oh come on Lee. We all know it's the truth. Just say it no one else but us has to know.

Found the raging hard white knight fake Barneyfag

Well, someone avatarfagging as long as you have makes it real easy to figure out others like you, faggot.

>believing unfounded rumours

Video games

Did you sub or dom the dog?

>horsefuckers are so insecure with themselves they have to project their insecurities onto others who don't like their shitty show

Whoooooo~~!! You are thinking about pooooo~~nie~~~s now! Woooo~oo~oooo~! You are being mesmerised by the shiiiiii~lling~!

You've been replying to a few posts that have been impersonating me

>TFW lee will never not take the bait.

Fuck off

Again, doing this isn't going to make anyone take your side or whatever. If anything, doing this repetitively and consistently only reminds people of how annoying your kind is.

Fuck off, Lee

You're the only one that's getting upset, guy.

This is the most perfect grilled cheese sandwich I've ever seen.

E3 hasn't been good for almost a decade now. 2006 was the apex.

It's amazing how easy it is.

>You're a meme

fuck off.

Just because I'm the most vocal about it doesn't mean others don't see your shitty behaviour and think something's wrong.

>projecting this much

That's not ponies, that's Powerpuff Girls. They're two completely different and unrelated series. Have you lost your brain worms?

I miss when captcha was fucked up and only people with passes could post.

But when will we get a Zootopia game?


How can we trick him into using his powers for good?

Found the degenerate

Same. It would be interesting if it was like that for a year. It might get all the shitty memers like OP off the board and forget what it was like so they'd have to reestablish board culture, which hopefully wouldn't lead to shit like this.

I meant that we'd be rid of YOU, not the other way around. You're the reason shit like this happens. If you fucked off, this bullshit would stop.

I keep saying that the site would be better if I were a mod, and it would be. Too bad being a mod currently you can't improve the site whatsoever.