2000 hours in CS:GO, most of it spent raging (became better in prime but SMFC/Global still has lots of cheaters)

>2000 hours in CS:GO, most of it spent raging (became better in prime but SMFC/Global still has lots of cheaters)
>200 hours in Rocket League, most of it spent raging
>250 hours in Nuclear Throne, most of it spent raging
>at least 200 hours more in various rogue-lites and online competitive games

I've fucking had it. Recommend me the most casual, relaxed and comfy game you can think of. No rage, no difficulty or PvP, only laid-back gameplay.
Also no clickers please, it should be a proper VIDEO GAME.

Uh Minecrafta? Sims are also ok. Any modern FPS on easy such as FarCry 3

Try a city builder

hours in Nuclear Throne, most of it spent raging
>Couldn't reach the Nuclear Throne
>As Crystal
rip, lol

Any Civilization on easy
Puzzle games too if you dont get frustrated by difficult puzzles

Hollow Knight

l33t hardcore shit like that is in the minority, seriously just pick any game at random that looks interesting to you and chances are it's not going to be rage-inducing, unless you just have anger issues, in which case you should probably sort those out.

I really like Prison Architect.

Cities skylines is great fun

Literaly doesn't get comfier than this

Play an RPG, go on a long adventure.

That image is from about 2 years ago. I already unlocked hardmode.

Which one would you recommend?

I'll try those out, thanks.

>Also no clickers please, it should be a proper VIDEO GAME.
If with this you mean a hard game, sorry, but hard difficulties imply frustration (well, technically a game with adaptative difficulty like Resident Evil 4 could be hard but not frustrating, as it adapts to the player's skill level, but like AI, that shit is still too simple).

Maybe turn based games will be more up your alley? Check out Open Xcom, Jagged Alliance, Temple of Elemental Evil, Divinity Original Sin, Paradox games, 4X games, stuff like that. They are hardcore, and RNG is a bitch, but not as much as roguelikes.

HoI4 or EU4, if you get past the small learning curves

cities: skylines
also, try slime rancher

>Maybe turn based games will be more up your alley?
I play lots of proper rogue-likes (primarily SPD) and they are just as bad. I love these types of games but right now I need to calm down a bit.

When are you going to beat 500 seconds in Devil Daggers?

Does this stand for shattered pixel dungeon? How is it? I've been looking for a roguelike to play.

Stardew valley is fun

Stellaris is a more casual Grand Strategy

Warhammer: Total War if you like steamrolling and painting maps.

I'm at 300something
Very well balanced
Already have 70 hours in that game but it's exactly what I'm looking for basically. I also loved Banished but that can also get very frustrating.

Same boat as you OP

I'm playing factorio and dragons dogma now


I'm at 50 hours right now and still don't have "There is no spoon". I want that to be my next endeavor but then again - that would be the opposite of chill.

Maybe you're the problem, user.

desu i really enjoy playing me3mp from time to time
youve got a big advantage over the enemies, so the game feels easy at times, and then you can suddenly be flushed out and separated from your squad, overwhelmed and crushed by the enemies that were previously no trouble at all

its not terribly difficult, but you have to give it all your attention while also remaining calm under duress so that you can handle the constant pressure the enemies place on you

>tfw getting seperated from the squad on the final wave and having to sprint to the extraction zone with 30 seconds left and you make it just in time
love this feeling

>Maybe you're the problem, user.
Of course I am the problem. These games are fantastic and I fucking love them.

I did it in 0.14 in 6 hours, not sure how hard it is in 0.15 with the new science

Dwarf Fortress. Learn to not get angry and instead laugh at and embrace losing.

Unironically try fallout 4 well its still free

>Learn to not get angry and instead laugh at and embrace losing.
That would seriously be the best strategy. I hope I'll manage someday.

Va-11 Hall-A, my man
It's what I use to wind down anyways

Thanks, that looks comfy. I have it on my wishlist already but fear it might lack replayability. Loved Papers Please but even that one I got through way too quickly. Do you feel it's worth the money?

>grand strategy
>not rage inducing

Get a digital pet

Great idea actually

>Recommend me the most casual, relaxed and comfy game you can think of.

Kingdom: New Lands.

Just be careful when you're destroying portals so you don't make the same mistakes I did.

>being bad at it
Just dont go ironman if you cant concentrate on not fucking up

Stardew valley, factorio, VNs, walking simulators, any fallout since they are easy as fuck and fun anyways, any puzzle game like talos principle or antichamber.

Apparently all you need to do to avoid rage is avoid multiplayer, roguelikes and RNG heavy games it seems.

make something in contraption maker

Watch movies/TV series
Can't get more relaxing than that, really a great time sink

I don't have that type of autism (yet)

Door kickers


I prefer CK2, but it finds so many ways to fuck me over

thats too bad, I really love that game

heres a level I made with my autism

Borderlands 1, play as Siren.