Got out of surgery getting a plate and screws in my wrist a few days ago after falling off of a speeding horse. Looking for some games I can play with just my right hand. PC or even iPhone if you know a good one.
Got out of surgery getting a plate and screws in my wrist a few days ago after falling off of a speeding horse...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would putting a plate in your wrist help? It isn't like you could put your hand in the microwave.
The plate is screwed to the bones, holding them in their place so they can heal properly without shifting.
maybe warcraft 3
Most turn based RPGs. Pokemon and Golden Sun I could play off an emulator with just one hand
Yeah, I get it. But how does attaching a plate to your wrist help? A broken wrist is no excuse to be that lazy.
n and n+
Don't reply to stupid
Post boi pussy.
I highly recommend Battle for Wesnoth, it's one of my favourite games.
Persona 5
Jerk off
Bridge constructor games
Civ and other turn based games
Prison Architect
Papers please
just went through my steam good luck OP
Its not comfortale exactly, but any Fire Emblem game. Highly suggest the gameboy games first before you play "shipping 3DS"
This is some fantastic cosplay of an ARMS character. Test fire has only been going for two days, man.
Most RTS can be played with only a mouse. Also, Diablo 3 and other similar games.
I would not try to play D3 one handed. Shit hurts my wrists even with normal play.
I recommend Darkest Dungeon.
I fucked up my hand a while back and the game that I fucking loved to play when I could only use one hand was Dragon Age: Origins.
Power through the pain and use both hands, you puss.
Way to be a pussy faggot OP, the second time in my life that I rode a horse It bucked hard on me and I managed to stay on. Even rolled a cigarette on horseback, sorry that you are a huge faggot.
Endless Space 2
By the time you're finished your first game it will healed
>Even rolled a cigarette on horseback
Dang, save some gash for the rest of us.
Literally any sort of strategy game. Grand strat, total war, singleplayer RTS and 4X etc can all be played with only using the mouse. Itll be a bit harder but it's still entirely possible.
Do you have an MMO mouse with a number pad on the side? Could increase the amount of games you could play. Sorry about the hand tho that really sucks.
Fallout 1/2
Any point and click game (Syberia 1/2, The longest journey, Broken Sword series)
Any strategy game if you're not using keyboard shortcuts
Well congratulations you got yourself quints. What's the next step of your master plan?
The Devil May Cry Reboot
One Finger Death Punch
Probably the best action game you can play with one hand
Any Sims game is pretty much mouse-only.
h-hi user
i really like your quints x3
Any turn-based RPG, especially on the GBA since it's got less buttons
is this 3 or 4?
if you like a strategy game that is less of strategy and more of gambling then try this. the RNG in this game is incredibly bad and usually not in your favor
Get a Wii and WarioWare Smooth Moves.
Play ARMS.
Most CRPGs can be played with the mouse only.
Some good ones include Shadowrun: Dragonfall & Hong Kong.
More controversial but generally good to decent recent entries include: Divinity: OS Enhanced Edition, Pillars of Eternity.
If you're not picky about graphics, then the various Spiderweb Software RPGs can be pretty good, too.
Other genres can include city builders. Cities: Skylines is a pretty good entry that is nearly entirely mouse-driven.
>Dear Diary, Today I...
>after falling off of a speeding horse
4. It already has sex mods too.
My 11 year old brother literally just had this surgery a week ago and hes already back to playing on his PC and PS4. Be a man pussy.
you just got out of surgery and want to play video games? dude relax and get some fucking rest
>not play ARM
Fucks sake user.
Duh, morons, do you not notice the pattern here? Nonstop mobile and browser game spam for days, and now this? Surely, OP wouldn't go on the internet and tell a lie to make a buck. But if he did, you all fell for it hard. Good job.
Read a visual novel like 999 or Phoenix Wright. You can emulate both with mouse only.
Is this a mod or the base game?
Granblue Fantasy can be played with one hand. The grind is so intense you won't be able to play anything else.
Base game. And if the sim is having twins or triplets, the belly gets even larger.
Are you schizophrenic?
DarkSouls, or play an FPS and corner camp with a shotgun
I might have to see about pirating that.
You're in luck, the latest versions just got cracked, or if you trust russians, look up a thing called ZLOrigin.
Is it permanent? When I broke my wrist I had steel nails put in to keep the bone from shifting. The nails went in from outside so you could see them if you took off the cast, and they came out fairly quickly when it was time to take iff the cast. I did not look, but my mom said that a squirt of blood came out of one of the holes when the doctor took out the nails lel.
News flash genuis: that's what this thread is, a mobile and browser game recommendation list.
There are many wii games that you can play with one hand. Namely arcade shooters like house of the dead and such.
Link one single post in this thread that recommends a mobile or browser game.
There's a "lot" of RNG but if we played 100 matches I'd win 99 times. Strategy is about giving yourself favourable odds. And you need to adapt depending on the RNG rather than just cursing your fate.
In single-player you can recruit fodder to protect your important units, so you never have to 'gamble'.
Hammerfight. it's on steam
Elite Beat Agents, any Fire Emblem game, any RPG, WoW if you have a 12 button mouse, point and click adventure games.
You may also want to try reading. I did that a lot when I broke my arm and made the month with the cast go by really quickly.
you're so fucking unfunny
Well now you have a reason to play the mobile version instead of the DS one
hearts of iron 4
wtf nigga? will that even go back to normal? looks warped
Invisible Inc. and literally anything else that is turn based.
shut the fuck up
Pacman games only need directional input. I recommend CE DX+ on steam, 256 is also kinda fun. Tomorrow Corp games like World of Goo and Little Inferno are short but sweet and only use the mouse.
If you have a Wii U or 3DS...
Rhythm Heaven Megamix, Bayonetta 1 and 2 have a touch screen only mode, Rhythm Heaven Fever on Wii only uses one remote to play, no motion needed. Ace Attorney and Layton games only require touch input and aren't action based.
Any strategy game.
Like...jesus there aren't any xcom posts to link to in this thread wtf.
But there is a hammerfight one?!
There's a reason everyone shits on pol.
you need one of these babies
japan world cup
Here, take my gif
You are the only one that will get it.
Dude, time to play all of the point'n'clicks.
god this makes me so hard
i really need to get my head checked
I fell off a horse into some poop once.
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky trilogy
You can play using only mouse and it's so comfy I always do that even though I obviously can use both hands to play it.
probably did a good job of breaking your fall, you should be glad.
That's just biological response. Desire to propagate is embedded in nearly all of us.
I too have a pregnancy fetish.
Point and click games. Also a lot of mobile games are playable with only one hand. I think you might like Town of Salem, that could work if you're fast enough typing with only one hand, which all anons should be good at doing.
Are they good?
Op, if you're still around then it's definitely a time for vns. That's what I did in a similar situation.
And that's how I played my all-time fav vn.
Divinity: Original Sin can definitely be played with just the mouse
Emulate GBC, GBA and NES games on your phone. I think FF1 was released on the iPhone too.
your hand is fucked
If you emulate this you only have to use the mouse
Grand strategy games are played entirely with the mouse. You just need one finger for the space bar to pause it.
Isn't that what a cast is for?
red dead redemption multiplayer
>Pausing a Paradox game
I see you user.
I see you.
>Looking for some games I can play with just my right hand
Civ games
I think thats for breaks higher up the arm, where movement isnt so major