Will you guys be hyped for the new Sony Go?

Will you guys be hyped for the new Sony Go?
>Twice as powerful as the Switch
>Same battery life
>Sony exclusives on the go
>Available Christmas 2017

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>>Twice as powerful as the Switch

There's no mobile CPU/GPU on the market that is TWICE as powerful as Tegra X1.

Even if there were, it would be >699€ all over again

It's ok when Sony does it!

>There's no mobile CPU/GPU on the market that is TWICE as powerful as Tegra X1.
Tegra X2

>Twice as powerful as the switch
>Half the battery life
>Double the price
>No exclusives

That's only ~50% more powerful at best.

I don't think that's on the market because it doesn't exist.

where has there been a single shred of tangible evidence that sony is even making another handheld
are people falling for the usual garbage fan renders or are shit artists making these renders to start rumors

I have a switch but you bet I'd buy a portable PS4. BB on the go? Yes please,unless........
>$200 memory stick

It would be much less

Even in the hypothetical where they do release this device. Nintendo announcing Pokemon for Switch would make Sony's device DOA.

>where has there been a single shred of tangible evidence that sony is even making another handheld
Because Nintendo made one. It's only logical.

Who needs exclusives when third party devs would jump at the opportunity to work with a competent console developer?
But the switch is underclocked to begin with, 1.3GHz underclocked vs 2.0GHz, 2GHz could run a 1080 screen.

No. the smart thing to do would be to wait long enough for a proper assessment of the market and not just crank out new hardware because someone else did.

>could run a 1080 screen.
If you are just pretending then you are doing a damn good job user.

>a competent console developer

It's not after the dumpster fire that was the vita.

Handhelds are my go to for gaming so if that was real then yeah.

Is that an official concept?

No more gimmicks pls.

If Sony made more comfortable handhelds they might have better luck.
If they do decide to go with the portable market here's some advice:
Stop making everything for the system some kind of proprietary technology. Charger cable and memory being the big ones.
Don't fuck us over with the physical backwards compatibility.
Don't go nuts on the price. We know you're likely to take a hit on production but don't forget how well you did with the PS4 at a temporary loss, of which you are now the leading system in the market with.
Your other systems gave my hands arthritis. Make them more ergonomi.

>There is no mobile CPU/GPU on the market twice as powerful as tegra X1
It will run raven ridge. Screencap this.

You do realize that patent was for this thing right?

Yes, leaked before e3.

>anything smaller than a laptop C/GPU (which is the size that the current consoles uses.)

It looks uncomfortable

Maybe they won't use a mobile architecture, maybe it won't be a shit device with a shit GPU.

Honestly if sony is smart they'll make a regular tablet sized gaming system. Then they can stick 2 Tegra X1s or even X2s into it and a proper 1920x1080 screen. It loses almost no portability over the switch because it's a backpack item anyway.

>There's no mobile CPU/GPU on the market that is TWICE as powerful as *Tegra X1.
*underclocked TX1.
A stock TX2 would easily be 2x as powerful as the Switch.

Yeh men
here is the ps5 official concept art too

>making a portable device with workstation hardware
Good luck with that

Man I am so ready to see Sony flounder at handhelds again.

a mobile gpu thats 2x as strong as the switch doesnt exist and if it did, itd have a 1 hour battery life and cost 800 dollars
yes, to ensure that it doesnt run for 1 hour at 60 degrees celsius

This isn't real

There's a more powerful version for smart cars.

It's be a $599.99 handheld on par with Xbone though.

>Sony exclusives on the go

Oh boy I can't wait to play Uncharted and... what else does Sony have these days?


Knack 2 is coming


It could use an Intel M5/M7 with a 1050m.

Would be more powerful than PS4.

But it'd be like $500 and have to be sold at cost.

Persona 5
Digimon Cyber Sleuth+Digimon World
Gravity Rush 2
The Last Guardian
Tokiden 2

So it would all be worse running ports of existing console titles?

No, you just asked what Sony had so I replied.

>Concept made by German design house instead of Sony themselves

boy! sony sure is the champion of innovation aren't they?

And no exclusives or good games worth playing.

It'll be another Vita.

>sony exclusives
you almost had me

looks disgusting and unergonomic tbqh

How are those marketing campaigns paying off? Are you from Sony itself or some other place that does that?

How do I contact this sort of forced marketing posts thing so I can "convince" people to buy my products?

>$200 memory
And that's only for the 8gb one.

>two x1 in a tablet
Are sonnygers always this retarded or do they not know what portability is

What makes you think nintendo haven't made some contract shit Nvidia can't put their X chips on other consoles?

That would be an obvious one.

Those controllers actually look terrible and I hold controllers like the claw.

No monster hunter, no buy

Here it comes to save the DAAAAAAAYY

I look forward to playing Knack 2 on the Sony Tab at $599 that gets 90°c after 20 minutes of gameplay

Would you really want that though? the game that would make Sonybros void their bowls in excrement and they announce it would be on an under powered tablet instead of the console?

I don't know about you assholes but I'd be pissed.

>literally buying the same game
at least get one you can take to parties

These threads are some of the lowest quality shit ive ever seen, Nintendo already patented pretty much every aspect of the switch, if Sony announced something like this they'd be buried in lawsuits

I like Playstaion, but all they PSP libraries sucked. I played what, Crisis Core and Persona 1 and that's it on it?
The Vita got gravity Rush which got ported to its better home console anyways

The PSP systems were only good for emulating

...Are you retarded? Both the xbone and ps4 use amd chips, there's no problems there, why would there be problems here? It's a freely available chipset to whoever wants to pay for it.

I assume they'll keep up the PS4 = PS4 Pro bullshit and it'll have to run on every console they've ever built

I just don't see Nintendo partnering with a nvidia for the next 5+ years without coming to an agreement to not have a competitor come in and make a rip off similar product using the same chips

What would even be the point of this anyways? What purpose does it fill since we already saw last generation with both the 3DS and Vita selling below their predecessors due to the rise of mobile replacing handhelds for many. The Switch at least can rely on the strength of Nintendo IP but Sony doesn't really have that same power.

I'd buy a new Sony handheld for the sole reason that Vita had a ton of lewd games.

Can't sony just relaunch Vita with a dock and a separate controller? And in a differnet name?

Fingers crossed it doesn't look that bad as OP's picture if real.

>No games

>More powerful but same battery life
Why do you sonyfags have no concept of how technology works? Or anything for that matter?


You're as delusional as the old "NX SUMMER 2015!!" faggots.

You da real MVP

Oh boy. Demon's Souls 7. I thought you guys hated annual series?

There is no mobile CPU more powerful than the Tegra X1. The Tegra X2 is not on the market yet which is why Nintendo isn't using it.

>Sony copying Nintendo again
>I-its okay when S-sony does it!

They did that. It was called the Vita TV.

It did worse than the Vita too.

No, thanks. I prefer a handheld or a console. I don't want a stupid hybrid.

Will it have games that will appeal to people who aren't hardcore weebs? I fucking love the Vita, but we all know that system didn't have any games that would appeal to normies, AKA the people who keep game hardware profitable.

Will it also be convenient for pick up and play local multiplayer? How much will it cost?

that game didnt sell for shit on the ps4. what makes you think that it would sell on a handheld?

A tegra X1 that hasn't been downclocked like the switch?
A newer nvidia chip based off their current unlike the older gen chip in the switch?

>A tegra X1 that hasn't been downclocked like the switch?
Enjoy your melting fingers.

>A newer nvidia chip based off their current unlike the older gen chip in the switch?
Hope you like a dead on arrival $400+ handheld.

>Wanting a 30 minute hand warmer for winter

>what are patents
hint: they have dates