Name a better JRPG
Name a better JRPG
>That clunky combat
>That godawful world design
Nah. Don't get me wrong, the aesthetic and thematic elements were the best in KH1, but fuck is it just not very fun to play. Deep Jungle is just the biggest fucking chore. Honestly most of the areas are
Not even a contest.
>Pic not related
>this guy
That's not even the best Nomura RPG OP.
>implying KH2's corridors were better
>Valkyrie Profile
My nigga.
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
>Kingdom Hearts
>Role-playing game
Okay. All of them.
Except this one.
The PS2/4 version.
I liked the first alright, but every game that comes after gets more convoluted plotwise. If they just focused on the individual world stories and gave them more content, I'd be fine. It is always the early game and late game story that drags the game down for me as I don't care about anything that is not Disney/FinalFantasy related.
Persona 5 came out, like, a month ago
why even give a shit about the story
I've played through bbs and ddd twice now but always skipped the cutscenes, I really don't care anymore at this point
>shitting on kh1 for its world design
holy shit kill yourself
this is literally the only JRPG I couldn't play past the first day. why did the combat have to be so shit?
Chrono Trigger
Because Tabata realized computers could do all the work for you and he didn't want to be actively pressing buttons while playing.
I'm loving this KH boner Sup Forums has had for the past few months
Persona 5, Mana Khemia 1 and 2
1.5+2.5+2.8 on PC would probably generate at lot of discussion, so hopefully it exists someday soon.
It's not shit per se, just deeply flawed
There are cool tricks you can do, but enemies design is inconsistent as fuck and most of the time doesn't work for the game's combat.
More like shitposting
Mustards can't into weeb games, DD, Bayo and Vanquish released only proved that.
>tfw never played Kingdom Hearts
Where the fuck do I start with all the 1.5 2.8 666 remixes?
KH on a kbm would be hell
Get 1.5+2.5 and go down the list on the main menu, but play KH2 before watching 358/2 Days. Then get 2.8 and play those games in any order.
If you own a PS4
>Buy I.5 + II.5 collection
>Buy II.8 collection
There, you're all set.
KH Final Mix, KHII Final Mix, Birth By Sleep and 0.2 are must plays.
RE:CoM imo isn't worth it and best to watch the cutscenes on Youtube before playing KHII
DDD is mostly filler and only the last couple of hours are important to the plot.
ReCoM and DDD are better than BBS imo. You should always give them a shot, and don't give up after 15 minutes because the gameplay is different.
DDD is much better than BBS, I can't believe nobody talks about this
The worlds are pretty empty but the flowmotion gameplay is just pic related
What do you mean? I bought all of those on launch and enjoyed them on their hardest difficulty settings. Sup Forums is just filled with too many falseflagging shitposters.
The worlds are empty, but their design is miles above BBS's flat cubes. I don't know if I can play KH3 without flowmotion now.
Flow motion is fun purely for movement, as a combat option it's clunky as fuck.
Add to that the fact that it's even less balanced than BBS with Baloon spells being OP.
Plus I really don't like the Nightmares/Dream Eaters aesthetics
>using spells and skills with the number keys like an mmo
might b cool
>3hour demo that runs like shit
>dream drop
Nomura didn't make TWEWY
Well they're adding it in KH3 so...
looking for pic related?
This makes me kek every time because that enemy is attacking once every like 3 seconds and the player is just randomly warping constantly for no reason at all.
>doing random shit that makes it look "cool" which is way less efficient than just mashing the button like in the top part of the webm
We don't really know what's in KH3 anymore. The game has been in dev hell since its announcement, and features are reportedly being cut so they can just release next year and be done.
Magnet in BBS is on the same tier if not worse than balloon when it comes to OP commands
disney ride summons
>having 15 combo pluses equipped
>the actual game
>he doesn't know KH3 is gonna be episodic like the FF7 remake
We're getting all the features senpai
its actually just a glitch that never works. i'm sure people who post that webm are just retarded and trolling
You can't
>mandatory gummi missions whenever you want to travel back and forth
The gummi fast travel should have been the first thing you got after clearing a space mission.
Nice kh reference there
Why do people always post this one video of a guy cheesing lingering will? If you think it is so easy why don't you do it right now? Don't use other people's webm's make your own and show me a video of YOU doing it.
>runs like shit
Get a pro faggot
It's only one person who posts it.
Besides, you can't recreate it in the actual game, it's done on emulator with fucked up physics.
There is an easy way to cheese Lingering Will with Fenrir tho
Because it's basically impossible for a human thumb to hit the button fast enough to reliably pull that strategy off. Even the hyper-autismo speedrunners who can otherwise beat LW at level 1 consistently don't try it because it's so inconsistent.
In other words, because they're shitposting
PRO owner here
It runs like shit there too, constantly dropping frames which eats up your input.
They should include the 30fps cap option for KH3 or else it will be hell.
Hey phil
Played it on a normal PS4 and only really noticed it if I spammed blizzaga
I noticed it when Phantom Aqua's fight randomly froze for a solid second.
those aren't RPGs, they're action adventures
Then again JRPGs aren't RPGs either, so who cares
you're retarded lol
Wow it's true, KHfags BTFO
He's warping to avoid the missiles and doing airsteps to stay airborne so he can get a damage multiplier warpstrike by warping out then back in.
t. turd who hasn't played either
It's not a glitch, it's berserker to horizontal slash
>t-that doesn't count
Ok here's another method just spamming O
Dark Souls
You don't realize it but this took a lot of planning and thought to make work. You don't just pull that off your first time fighting the boss. It's very hard to pull it off multiple times too. Point is you can show footage of the very best KH players kicking ass but don't act like you would have come up with that shit your first time fighting lingering will.
First time I've seen someone mention this game. Is it any good? It's expensive as fuck.
>Clunky combat
Maybe for the first half of the game, but the combat gets really fucking good the more abilities you equip. It definitely requires you to be more skillful I feel.
This is the equivalent of looking at CantaPerMe's Monster Hunter videos and then saying how easy the game is.
The complexity of the stories is grossly exaggerrated. I fucking love the series, and it's sad to see that people still echo the shitty meme that a story with multiple variables = convoluted.
depends, it's a very different game to most rpgs. if you like sting games you should give it a try.
Is the PS4 collection worth it?
I liked that KH1 had a largely by-itself story because it was the first one and just focused on wrapping itself up nicely.
Honestly I think the people that complain about the clash between Final Fantasy and Disney are just dumb, I honestly think it's a really charming combo, and one that's done quite well. The music in these games is also fantastic.
>2 weeks until a new trailer
What the fuck are we going to see?
I hope Zootopia
star ocean 2
It'd be cool to see Oswald in KH3
other than "all of them?"
I like it but both 1 and 2 are an absolute slog until you level up. It's just way too long to be forgivable. I saw gameplay and I expected DMC type shit. This was back in PS2 days. Not to mention the whole finale for 1 was the most boring shit I've ever sat through.
That's like comparing special olympics athletes.
High-octane anime bullshit and drive forms.
>Not liking Ansem's final form and the rush of multiple phases
Any of them
I dodged his attacks and hit x for about 15 minutes. Flying fights are shit.
Xehanort, Xemnas, and Ansem's final forms all looking like space ships with armored people on them are because of NO-HEART, right? Or what's up?
dont fucking lie to me
tony cock's pro skater 2