>You still don't own a Switch
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't find one
I'll get one once at least half of these games are released
I don't give a shit about nintendo stuff
None of those games are out yet
only 2 of those games are actually out right now
1. Fuck Nintendo
2. They are a crappy company
3. They survive on fumes of nostalgia
4. They haven't made a good game in over a decade
5. Or any product of any kind for that matter
6. Fuck the Switch, it sucks, period
7. Fuck their shills
8. Fuck the children who persist in financing them
9. Fuck their shitty kid/family/casual oriented games
10. Fuck this thread
>mario kart
>arms in free online testpunch
Port, shovelware, new game, port, port, port, Nintendos CoD, new game.
Two new actual games! Bravo!
Already have on wii u
Already have on wii u
Fuck you
>Wii u
>Wii u
> a game I can play for an hour sometimes on certain days.
Wow sounds great.
How desperate do you have to be to shill a fucking beta? Go kill yourself.
i'm too old to waste my time playing video games
>wii sport mini game a decade later
I'll just leave this here. Enjoy your ports and old ass indie games. But don't feel bad atlest they are portable.
Only three games worth playing on the entire list.
wow, these threads really trigger the niggers of sony!
in his defense, the first guy clearly said "None of those games are out yet" and he just answered his question
>On the left, observe Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in his natural habitat.
my sides are fucking gone
Arms isn't out yet you dumb fuck. Its a beta that you can play for like one hour on certain days.
Since I do it for the PS4 bait images, I'll do it here: 6/8 games on that image aren't out yet. The ARMS demo is rolling out, and while it's getting good press, it's nevertheless not out. There's especially no point in trying to hunt one down now when there's not too many games I really want to play on it portable ports or otherwise.
They're likely to be easier to find right before the Christmas buying season picks up later in the year and by then 2 more of those games will have come out and maybe some other third party stuff worth checking out, indie or otherwise. As always, early adoption is for suckers.
Only three of those are worthwhile
It's called Switch because you switch it off and go play something else.
>Injustice 2
>Tekken 7
Stop hurting me like this, user
Of all those games you've posted, I'm only interested in three, and one of them is on another console I own, while the other is going to be on another handheld I already own.
>Shadow Warrior 2
>Little NIghtmares
>Tekken 7
Nintenbros are stupid.
>can't find one anywhere on the east coast
>online sellers want $450 for it
>stuck in the us virgin islands for a good two weeks
>going to my summer job as a camp counselor in 3 weeks so i basically can't get one for the rest of the summer
>have to wait until september to get one
please put me out of my misery
What about 2018?
there will be no games released that year for it
What do you expect look at ops pic. They are excited over ports. And good luck with Xenoblade comming out this year. Literally battered wife syndrome they will eat up all the shit in hopes of 1 or 2 good games a year.
Toddlers truly have the most shit taste of anyone on this board.
Remember when they defended pic related by telling people to "git gud"? I sure do.
Why are you acting like all of us said that, quit generalizing
>already own Mario Kart 8
>pirated BoTW and thought it was shit
>Arms doesn't interest me in the slightest
>Don't like Xenoblade or Fire Emblem
>New Monster Hunter looks like trash
>Splatoon 2 looks good but the single player still looks lacking IMO
There, is that a good enough explanation?
Most of you did, don't even try to deny it.
Waiting for a pokemon/bayonetta 3 announcement.
>Mario Kart rehash
>mashing attack button simulator
>slightly fun party games disguised as competitive that you get tired of in a week
can't wait to buy a Switch
>playing MH for it's looks
what level of faggotry are you on user?
ofc you're the special snow flake nintendro
lol its like defense mechanism for these fags
The literal only games that remotely interest me are Xenoblade, Monster Hunter, and Fire Emblem.
Fire Emblem will just be a warriors game so it's a pass.
Monster Hunter will come out on the 3ds I think (Because it says Switch Version)
And Xenoblade.
So I most likely won't get a Switch.
define "most"
i never even played the game
>generation shit
>not trash
not as faggy as you apparently
Literally 2 of those games have been released. What's to explain?
What kind of absolute retard would buy a system before the games they want have even come out yet?
If you just fucking wait you'll be able to get a cheaper version system with more hard drive space and potentially even some superior "new pro slim XL" version of the system.
>generation shit
elaborate further
Every Nintendo drone who owned a Wii U defended the fuck out of it. And not just on Sup Forums either.
Like I said, they even went so far as to tell people to "git gud" when they criticized it, as if Star Fox Zero is challenging in any way, lmao.
So in 2 months then?
I'm saying that the gameplay looks like trash compared to previous entries. I don't give a damn about the visuals.
This thread again?
>overpriced, weak hardware
>32GB internal storage
>standard controller sold separately
>no games
>marketed as a console yet struggles with TV output
>paid online
>"Just wait two years"
But it's 5 new games though
I tried a couple months ago when I actually had some money and it was sold out everywhere. Nintendo's business strategy is so fucking god awful.
Now I start my Masters program in two weeks and all my money is going towards my, move, flight, housing, etc.
May still get it in a couple months. Drop in the bucket with my tuition debt.
I'm not seeing a reason to support any of these games. they all fall way too short of my expectations.
>mario Kart
>Monster Hunter
I cannot, and will not, tolerate esports in any way. If you're asking money from me, I want a good, strong singleplayer that isn't just glorified tutorial trash. not a single one of these games will provide that, and at 60 bucks a pop plus DLC they're obviously going to vomit out, it's not worth it.
>Mario Odyssey
From what I've learned from the past 10 years of Mario platformers, nintendo cannot make a challenging game, and this will sadly be no different.
>fire Emblem
A mobile phone-tier gamem, really?
I'm terribly sorry, but I don't like cinematic experiences. I prefer PLAYING my games instead of watching cutscenes, or in Zelda's case, playing at a horrific 30 FPS.
Now before you go saying "B-BUT SONY" let me remind you that they haven't earned my attention either, and neither has Microsoft. Infact, I think I'm just gonna give a scoff at every console this gen, as they've all fooled me too many times before. I'll be sticking with my PC, and shoot, I'll probably get a phone before considering anything "next gen". Not until they get their act together.
They also dont give a shit about their fans when theyre making money off casuals. See the Nintendo Wii.
Fuck im still mad I bought that piece of shit.
DS Lite and 3DS XL each came out 1.5 years after their original models :)
Don't you have some early access games to be playing pc cuck?
Only two of those games are out, and they're both ports.
Let me know when the Switch has at least seven true exclusives available for sale.
So 1.5 years?
Still no.
Weird, usually Ninten-year-olds are the autists,
You base system buying decision on an arbitrary number of exclusives it has?
It won't even meet the 5-exclusive rule until next year, so yeah it won't be worth buying until then.
Pretty sure Mario Kart came out 3 years ago.
Also on the Wiiu.
looks like shit. No clue why people here are hyped about it.
>Splatoon 2
Not a pedo, have no interest in a mediocre shooter.
>Monster Hunter
Better known as "Japanese Madden." Same shit every year.....don't care.
>Weebshit fig
Probably not even coming out this year, and don't care when it does come out.
Outside of Mario, the Switch has nothing in 2017.
>ad hominem
I got it the friday it came out. I drove to a target at 6 am and stole some kids pre-order because he didn't show and the bros at the desk let me buy it instead.
Yes, of course. Why would I buy a system if it has no worthwhile games to play? Just so it can gather dust?
>He thinks we're actually having a discussion
I'm insulting you, fag.
I'm only interested in half of those games, and three of those said games aren't even out yet. Seems pointless to buy a console for two games - Zelda and Bomberman. I'd get Monster Hunter for my brother and I if it were on PS4 but he doesn't care enough to have more than one console.
I own a switch and i agree, there's no reason to own a switch right now.
Why explicitly 7 and not 5 or 10?
Why can't you play non exclusives on a system also?
>No Games
>Hate the nostalghia shilling
>300 dollars
Kinda wish someone would add Bomberman to this image but whatevs
I see. I'm not surprised, since it requires you to actually have an argument for a discussion to take place, whereas insults are free.
>port of a Wii U game
>faux "fighting" game as shallow as a puddle
>okay Mario looks cool
>DLC for a Wii U game branded as a full-price sequel
>another port of a Wii U game
>japan-only (even if Switch is region-free you still need to know Japanese)
>a fucking Musou
>game that won't be out to next year at the earliest
Nice lineup you got there. Mario is the only noteworthy thing this year for it that isn't a port.
>Lists his shitty opinions
>Thinks anyone wants to argue with him about said shitty opinions
Haven't you a humble bundle to play on your $1000 pc mustard cuck?
>why explicitly 7 and not 5 or 10?
What makes 5 or 10 better numbers? 7, to me, is enough to where the system has a healthy amount of exclusives, and shows signs that it'll get more in the future. And if it doesn't get more, then at least it had 7.
>why can't you play non exclusives on a system also?
Why would I play multiplats on shit hardware when I could play them on PC at the best possible resolution and framerate? And play with any controller? And have access to shit like mods and free online?
I never buy consoles before a meaningful price drop and a solid, established library of must play software.
I know this makes me behind the times, and I honestly don't give a shit. I want my money's worth.
why does being a port automatically devalue the entire game?
I don't think he's devaluing it as a game so much as he is saying that people plastering it all over their " buy a Switch! " images are misguided in thinking that a port of a Wii U game is a valid reason to buy a whole new console.
>Haven't you a humble bundle to play on your $1000 pc mustard cuck?
>has no doubt told people to "get a job, poorfag" if they complain about the price of the Switch, or paying for online
Digging that hole deeper, I see.
If he can play it on a system he already owns, why the fuck would he spend $300 on a new one?
I'm just waiting for the future console revision and a new pokemon game
Because I don't like overpriced "gaming" tablets that ship with dead pixels.
It's basically just a Wii U, but with with base unit build into the tablet this time. And Wii U is basically just a slightly beefed up Wii, which is basically just a slightly beefed up GameCube.
Oh, Nintendo.
You accused me of logical fallacies and now your coming at me with random assumptions?
Simply epic.
Run along back to your MOBAs steam cuck. Isn't there a sale on?
that's implying he has a wii u
Most Nintendo fans already have a Wii U and/or 3DS.
He's saying the games worthless because it's a port regardless of whether anyone owns a WiiU or not.
Mario Kart 8 and BOTW are discarded as reasons to own a switch despite literally millions of people not owning a WiiU and buying a switch for those exact games.
>Multiplats, indies and confirmed garbage games
Much better lineup than literally the highest scoring games of the year, thanks.
This is the most meme post this thread. Congrats.
>steam cuck
See, you keep making assumptions. Are you unable to argue without insults? the fact that you think I only play games on steam is a little misinformed.
>says this while defending Fire Emblem, which is as braindead as a moba, except also watered down with terrible hardware
the irony.
>cinematic experiences
Hello ACfag
mario kart makes me too mad
arms looks fun but I feel I would drop it after a week
odyssey hasn't shown much to be excited about
splatoon never interested me
botw never interested me
I heard a new mh might be coming to ps4
never played a fire emblem game
xc2 probably is the only thing I would be interested in but you never should get a whole new system just for one game
Oh that game that's not out yet that youre making assumptions about?
not him, but you have to be pretty stupid to compare a turn based stratedgy to a MOBA
>highest scoring games
I'm poor
400 gotdamn dollars in Canuckistan and no games
What's the issue here? I learned my lesson with the 3DS and the Vita. I'll get one after a price drop and more games.
I have a PS4 and literally one game interests me. Tekken 7. The rest look like garbage.
Thank god for Nintendo systems lol
>Tommy Pickles on meth
They're both games with no gameplay and are just cinematic experiences that people only buy up because of the waifu material.
If you'd like to prove me wrong, show me a single Fire Emblem thread that has ever existed post-awakening that didn't involve even one person jerking off to their waifu. Not even one. Even posting the waifu in question will disqualify the thread.
Nintendo isn't Sony user, you don't have to worry about them delaying a game by two generations.
>still not owning a sega cd