>his main is Castle
please die
>his main is Castle
please die
I only use the GIGNs but I also only play during free weekends.
I've never played R6, but I have a passing knowledge of most the characters.
Why do people shit on Castle? Doesn't he just put up stronger barriers then other people?
He's not shit, he's just not very viable in higher levels of play because other operators are just plain better.
mains in a fucking rainbow 6 game what has happened to the world
Because he is played by retards who put his barriers on Windows so Fuze can use his bombs without a problem.
>maining anyone
>not being a flex and doing what's needed/what works on certain maps/sites
He can work. It's just very, very situational. If they don't have a sledge, you can mindgame tunnel them to go to a route.
He's shit m8, he can only work if you also have a Mute.
Castle can be good you just absolutely have to have a mute. I've won quite a few rounds running down the clock while attackers try to figure out how to get in.
>playing Kapkan
>playing Tachanka
>playing IQ
>playing Echo
>playing Capitao
>not picking operators that work everytime
Both Capitao and Echo are great and Kapkan is a good pick if there's a specially problematic opponent on the other team that likes to faggot around with 1 speed.
Castle is only viable in high level play, that is he's only good in a coordinated team. And when I say coordinated team I mean a tryhard team with strats and player roles, basically only seen in the pro league. When played by a random he's pointless, when played by someone new to the game who barricades everyone into the objective he's an active detriment to his team.
>Both Capitao and Echo are great
Yeah those shitty flame arrows are so good dude, why outright kill them with grenades when you can slightly annoy them with fire?
Or why pick valk with her three cameras anyone can use when you can pilot your loud annoying drone around that can't even spot?
>he plays Ubishit
If Capitao bolts your fat ass and you don't react the second you hear that shit go off you're dead, and even if you do you'll probably die anyways considering you'll most likely run into line of fire. Plus he can use them to hold off the enemy team and lame the defuser. He's a slightly worse Smoke for the attacking team, not to mention that HE'S 1 SPEED MEANING HE'LL ALWAYS BE GOOD. Also flash nades are fucking amazing and unironically better than frags.
Now that Echo has had its drone buffed he can hold off chokepoints like a motherfucker and stall pushes like crazy. Also you don't even need to spot if you communicate, and even then the trail the drone leaves is plenty visible for your teammates.
>tell teammate which direction they're in
>free wallbang kill
>Castle (black)
Is it a game of thrones reference?
>Castle gets a papercut
Why is castle such a puss?
>Implying there is a problem with Echo
>*sound of a breaching charge in the distance*
Makes me smirk every time.
His barriers can't be destroyed by shooting, but they take a longer time to pull down and they can still be fuzed and shot out by glaz, so they give those two popular operators security while offering little to the team, especially if they castle a door for moving around the objective and rotations. His barriers can also be destroyed by pretty much any explosives, so they're pretty flimsy unless they're Muted, and even then they can still be destroyed by Sledge and Ash, two other popular operators.
He has a good pick rate in ESL, so he obviously has value, but he's only a waste of space in the early levels.
>place down rook armor
>One person doesn't grab it
Fuck you
You better pray the enemy kills you before I get my hands on your stupid ass
>all these normalfags suddenly on Sup Forums
Man I knew the board has gone downhill in the past few months but I'm surprised to see so many people playing Ubishite
Still shittier than grenades, there's no way to avoid a cooked grenade unlike arrows.
>Smokes and flashbangs
Right because capitao is the only one who can bring those. Give me one reason to pick him over glaz.
>Now that Echo has had its drone buffed he can hold off chokepoints like a motherfucker and stall pushes like crazy.
You might get one stun before they shoot it and it becomes worthless.
I played this game today after over a year without playing it. What the fuck are these new operators? Fucking bullshit design, that one guy with the fucking shield infront of his face so you can't headshot him? Seriously? Who at ubisoft gave the greenlight on these new shitty OP operators.
I uninstalled it, also game is riddled with cheaters. Shame, it had a lot of potential last time I played it, got over 30 hours from a few days and really enjoyed it, but leave it to ubisoft to ruin the one good game they had.
>implying Echo is bad
>implying IQ isn't worth picking just for shitting on Valk and Pulse
I thought ash couldn't blow up muted barricades.
Blackbeard is fucking fat as hell, aim for his body
Also the shield breaks after 2-3 shots, so just flank him
Couldnt shoot his body because everyone who uses him peeps around corners just revealing their heads so they don't die, I shot the shield and it broke but he just put another one on. Now that is just retarded.
>implying Siege is a good game
Nope, her breaching charges aren't affected by Mute. Blitz's shield is affected by the jammer though.
They did nerf him, his shield used to have 240 HP
Honestly his role is to peek into rooms and trade kills with shields. When he isn't doing that he's being raped in almost every other situation.
>There's no way to avoid a cooked grenade
Except ADS or hearing the pin go off and shifting your position. I can't even remember the last time I got killed by a frag. Frags are extremely overrated and besides a few creative scenarios they're very easily countered and avoided. Meanwhile you can spam 3 flashes or the two smoke darts to wear down an ADS before firing your spicy bolts, or just flash the fool.
>He lets his drone stuck to the ceiling after firing instead of re-positioning after firing a charge
Fucking lmao. You're bad at this game.
Blackbeard is a fundamentally broken concept, he's not the worst thing about the game anymore since the "nerf" but he's still really op, especially on PC where everyone has good aim and gunfights last about 1 second ending with a headshot
Echo's drone becomes visible for a few seconds after firing. Any good player will look up and shoot it down if you just let it stand there. Move it around, fire again, repeat.
>ADS somehow counters grenades
>Hearing the pin
Right you're going to hear the pin from the other side of the room.
>Frags are extremely overrated and besides a few creative scenarios
You're fucking retarded, frags are incredibly useful in siege.
>Breach charge that works in any situation and doesn't kick up dust
>Blows up deployable shields
>Destroys barbed wire
There's a reason so few attackers can pick them.
That's why you coordinate with your team. If they're looking up to kill your drone, you have a teammate blast them.
Moving it over and over only really works as distraction.
Grenades are used mostly as utility in this game to destroy barbed wire, castle barricades, etc from a distance. Plus you can blow people up from below through the floor with a perfectly cooked grenade. Ideally you should run with a friend who uses flashes to destroy the ADS while you bring frags
You could do the same exact thing with valk cams with none of the downsides.
The only reason to ever pick echo is to counter montagne, that's about it.
My favorite part of the game is being able to do a helicopter drop to surprise my enemies from the roof, just like in the trailer.
Oh wait
>ADS somehow counters grenades
Yes they do. Very well in fact. You can forget about killing anyone on the objective if the enemy team has a Jaeger unless it's nearing the end of the round when the ADS have been spent. Coincidentally, that's when the pin is the most audible considering everyone will be either dead or holding angles as quietly as possible. I suggest you test this on a custom match: unless there's a firefight near you, pins are very much audible.
>Breach charge
Except they don't break walls. They're good at clearing barbed wire and shields yes, assuming there's no ADS near them.
Frags offer more utility than killing potential. Flashes are better at the latter, which is Capitao's whole point.
Yeah, I would love to get shot the fuck up by a defender running outside while I'm unarmed and rappelling down from a helicopter
Everyone who plays this game has shit aim anyways and the maps would probably be designed to prevent that like the house.
But I'm not surprised the kind of people who play Siege would defend Ubisoft's bullshit too
It's legitimately a good game. CS needed a refresh and this is the best take on it.
That would be cool for the first time but it would get fucking annoying having to wait for it at the start of every attack round which is why they cut it.
I dont play a lot but I main mute because my friends bully me into it, no one want to play it but its required
CS hasn't been good for a while either so that comparison doesn't help your case either.
Ubisoft has not made a single good game since 2013
I don't know which pro team you're in that instantly laser beams to a moving drone in less than a second that it takes Echo to shift it around and stick it in a new position ready to fire at you but I want in.
Siege was fucking shit on launch, however I think they did a good job of redeeming themselves. Is for honor capable of saving itself as well or is it already doomed?
>contrary Sup Forums "nothing new or popular is good" argument
That's not true at all. There are plenty of good games that are new.
Those good games simply are not being made by shitty companies that work like Ubisoft and EA.
I know back on your home turf of Reddit standards for games are lower though.
>Yes they do. Very well in fact. You can forget about killing anyone on the objective if the enemy team has a Jaeger unless it's nearing the end of the round when the ADS have been spent
Forgot about Jager, figured you meant "aim down sights".
>pins are very much audible.
You can barely hear them from first person much less from a distance. No louder than placing a breach charge.
>Flashes are better at the latter, which is Capitao's whole point.
Capitao isn't the only character who can take flashes though.
>Caring more about companies than games
That's not even mentioning how the Siege team fucking detests Ubisoft and their attitude towards their game.
>surprise my enemies from the roof
>can't enjoy game because it's made by a company he doesn't like
neo Sup Forums everyone
I don't care about the companies primarily, but those two companies in particular have not made a single good game in years.
>the Siege team
Considered the fact that the Siege team is the team in charge of For Honor, a game that died a few weeks after release and is abundant with unsolved issues, mentioning them means nothing.
Just because a game is made by a company you hate doesn't mean it's automatically bad. Siege is very good, you should try it.
neo Sup Forums enjoys trash games like Siege, clearly.
Been here for 7 years.
>Considered the fact that the Siege team is the team in charge of For Honor
Mind providing a source for that?
Siege is good tho, you're basing your opinions on external shit instead of the core game itself. Do you also get pissy about a game if some fuckface no-name dev has opinions you don't agree with on twitter?
Buck is the best main.
>the Siege team is the team in charge of For Honor
"The Siege team" you are referring to is the entire studio which has 3000 employees.
I think for honor is pretty doomed. The game's premise is great but the way Ubisoft fucked it makes it feel irredeemable at this point. My bet is that another company or indie dev will jack what made the game fun and improve on the formula with less BS
Why would Castle -of all fucking characters- upset you?
Ubisoft Montreal is the branch of Ubisoft that made both games. Two seconds in google was all that took to find.
There's nothing about Siege that makes it good though. It's another "tacticool" multiplayer shooter that falls flat on its ass like CS and many others.
But I forget this board has lowered itself to Reddit's level of standards.
What multiplayer shooter do you play?
Ok but
>Ubisoft Montreal is the branch of Ubisoft that made both games.
Are entire studios filled with over 2000 employees considered teams now? Do you really think there is such a massive overlap here?
>Teammate picks Castle
>No kills, dies immediately, sets barricades in-between bombs and in generally useless/stupid places, giving Fuze great bombing points
>Actually ends up hindering the team overall
Why do so many idiots pick Castle? It's rare enough I see a Castle but this shit happens 90% of the time I play with one.
>nothing good
Very convincing argument
No actual arguments then? Good. It isn't bad to have a personal vendetta towards an admittedly shitty company, if you're properly informed of course.
Castle is great. He has like a 50% pick rate in high ranked matches.
The problem is when idiots play him. A bad castle on your team is MVP for the other team.
So many lost games thanks to a retarded castle.
None, because developers don't know how to make good multiplayer shooters anymore.
Get better taste or go back to r/gaming, where you're clearly from.
>Ubisoft Montreal is the branch of Ubisoft that made both games
Ubisoft Montreal has several smaller teams that make games. The studio as a whole pumps out 3 or 4 AAA games every year.
Because when you start the game castle seems like a great pick
> oh boy reinforced barricades, I'm sure this will stop the enemy
Then you realize it's just a pain in the ass for your team and barricading everything is the worst strategy you can have against someone like fuze or glaz
>Using Ash, the biggest crutch in the game.
>get matched with someone who instantly picks Caviera every defensive round
>sprints out of the objective room immediately and then crouches somewhere on the other side of the map, so she can stare at a wall for 30 seconds
>doesn't pick up armor or even use her wall reinforcements
>somehow over level 80
And then when I pushed her on it, she got all indignant and brought up leaving footprints for Jackal. Nevermind that she finished the game with zero fucking kills and those two extra fortified walls would have stopped the enemy from locking down a good portion of the objective room.
Fuck that tower on Favella when the wall opposite the window doesn't get fully reinforced. You can't even peak the enemy over there if they blast a hole and start shooting in without completely exposing yourself.
Opinion disregarded
Back to the Far Cry 5 threads with you.
>players who don't pick up armor
>players who don't reinforce walls
>players who don't have mics
>players who peek windows
>players who don't shoot cameras
>players who sprint out of spawn without checking windows
>players who split up from the team and die in the first minute
lmao, so you don't even play the games you're getting so worked up about? So instead of having fun, you spend your time being contrary to fit in on Sup Forums.
No wonder you can't come up with a good argument. Sort out your life.
Who /jagermain/ here?
>>implying IQ isn't worth picking just for shitting on Valk and Pulse
>implying her pistol does can do any damage before valk peeks your ass
Back to Plebbit for you and all Ubishitters.
Anyone who has been on this site for more than a year can tell where all you shit eaters come from
>people who don't melee the armor bag to get the armor faster
t. silver
>He's too young to have played pre-AC Ubisoft's games
>He doesn't check out their new games every once in a while just to be disappointed yet again that they are no longer the same kinda-mediocre but sometimes decent studio that shat out rough diamonds
The nerve on these kids.
>gets comprehensively btfo
>"r-reddit! newfags!"
Been here 10 years, siege is good, fuck off.
Survey time Sup Forums
What's your favorite
>Attack OP
>Defend OP
t. underage shitposter
Hibana and Smoke, both with shotguns.
Border is literally perfect.
I like his gun. DMRs are fun.