How do we fix the Mario series?
How do we fix the Mario series?
remove the sexist "damsel in distress" trope
it's boring, played out and just gross.
Kill Miyamoto
Alternatively make all of the enemies anthropomorphic girls that are defeated when mario rapes them.
Make Mario Party and Paper Mario less stupid again
Oddysey seems like a step in the right direction in terms of 3d Mario
Also, if you're gonna keep using Rosalina, have her actually be interesting
give the hat eyes
give it a more "super mario bros" feel
The platformers are great, really. There's not a lot you can do to "fix" them. Sure, some people might argue that they're too easy but they're perfect for their target demo which is casuals. Unless you want to suggest they move away from their target demographic, there's really nothing else to say
That's a stupid idea, why would they do that?
Watching this thread. For reasons.
Miyamoto, can i get a hat wobble?
do you fags actually think it's the same guy and not an impersonator
so you guys aren't working together to fuck with him? shame
Add more Luigi.
i've never played a mainline mario game I didn't enjoy. it doesn't need fixed
Odyssey's coming out and hopefully that'll be good.
Glad they admitted mario's been shit for a while
Put sime violence and eerie atmosphere back
Also kill yourself OP
Turn Mario into a lewd loli
I can understand that replying to your own pony posts after 5 mins was getting kind of predictable but don't you think 20 mins is a little bit too long?
Isn't that just Splatoon?
kill yourself
Splatoon is a shooter no a platformer.
>literal actual drawing of a hat is ponies
really makes you think
I'm here, I'm here.
Put more resources into Mario's jumps and movement.
It should feel like you're controlling a ferrari.
make a new super mario style game in the style of mario bros 2. and yes, that means Bowser and koopas/goombas aren't the enemies.
it's been long enough and if they truly hated that game so much, they wouldn't have kept so many elements from it around for later installments.
It's in the style of the show though.
how do you know when its this "vendettafag" and not just some other poster trying to piss you off?
Or is everyone who posts mlp vendettafag to you?
does it really matter that much though?
>does it really matter that much though?
someone's new
Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me
nah mate I'm just amazed how consistent he is
I mean I know he's probably replying to himself but my question still stands
You still didn't answer my question. What got you into fucking your first dog?
It could've been anything, but it had to be that.
release super mario 64 on the Wii Switch
>believing unfounded rumours
Not surprised coming from a degenerate like you.
His peanus weenus of course!
I was eating dinner. Couldn't catch it right away.
poopie doodoo
>I was eating dinner
You mean you were watching the latest episode of MLP?
You're one to talk, degenerate.
>I know he's probably replying to himself
It actually isn't
have an actual threatening villain instead of Bowser who no one takes seriously.
Do not treat them with respect. You're only enabling their shitty behaviour.
We all know you watch every episode of MLP and know the names of everyone involved in that show.
For some reason I feel like having a big scoop of ice cream. Maybe even two.
>Daniel Ingram
Fuck off
the campaign was definitely a platformer
can i have two scoops of twilight sparkle and applejack
Fuck off.
It has to be released as a PC or [console of your choice] exclusive. Then all the superiority flaggers will be like "See, Nintendo just needs to become a software studio!", because, despite whether it is good or bad, 88.8% of haters just want to have their "other choice" validated.
Also the "Mario series" is pretty great, and in no need of fixing. SMB3, Yoshi's Island, SMRPG, & even 64 are pretty great games. I may not be the biggest fan of SMS (but PC fans will let you know how great it is "on PC", instead of original hardware). The Mario Kart games are crazy fun, and even Dr. Mario is pretty solid for a puzzle game.
I was so disappointed when I found out that was just Colbert imitating Alex Jones.
and that irony is lost on Sup Forumsfags
alex jones is a nut, but he's a very entertaining nut
Also kill yourself OP
It's not, the lines are way too thicc.
Take the individual level tropes of 3D Land/World and make actual worlds out of them. There, that's a big step towards removing the NSMB-ness of the series.
I just got off ban for posting that. Glad someone saved it.
You get the idea though, it still comes from here.
And of the many images of Mario's hat out there, they use THAT.
That's mere conjunction on your part, dogfucker. It has zero relation to the show.
There are still many untainted pictures out there that he could've used, but NOPE. For some reason, he felt he HAD to use it, as if the complete point of his thread was lost without it.
>not something taken out of the show
>not on derpibooru
>no ponies, equestria grills or animal characters from the show wearing it
You're deliberately shitting on a thread for something that has, again, ZERO relation to the show. It even fails to match the show's art style as i've said before.
You deserve anything and everything bad that happens to you or the people around you, dogfucker.
I can't imagine you were trying to facilitate discussion by posting it anyway.
>first 5 or so games are highly innovative and arguably the best in the genre
>everything after that is a soulless copy with a gimmick slapped on
Stop doing whatever they're doing and start doing what they were doing. Mario shouldn't have LOST movement options in Galaxy.
oh thank god i thought was a serious thread about fixing Mario
I've seen this kind of shit get banned for garbe outside of Sup Forums or reposting/spamming though. There's still no reason he would've posted this if he wasn't trying to shill.
You're lucky it wasn't.
Obvious bait aside, it would be nice if Peach and maybe Rosalina were playable more often in the platform games.
You're a taint, Lee. You watch My Little Pony, therefore everything you touch is Barneyshit. Better yet, more people know you as Barneyfag than Lee Goldson. You ARE Barneyshit. A big purple and green dino-dropping made of felt and stuffing.
>how do you know when its this "vendettafag"
He usually posts the same several pictures in each thread he stalks me in
That presentation was so gratifying, it's almost exactly what everyone has been saying but shitposters kept on saying that it was made up.
I hate degenerates
really makes u think
Kys degenerate
Wait but I thought you were the degenerate.
Why are there dotted lines on her pelvis?
showing where her legs are, for some reason
Barneyfags aren't good artists.
I would suggest making it more trippy, not making the levels blocky shit and doing the sunshine gameplay sans the fludd, but seems like nintendo kinda got it.
Kill the mario.
Make it rated M and have mario shoot some niggas
no u are
man barneyfag's got his work cut out for him tonight
i'm trying
Make Luigi the Star for once.
how is this thread still up
it's clear we've derailed mods, just kill it
Go back to being 2D only and actually make those 2D games good.
What's broken about it? There are good Mario games and bad Mario games, and the people making the mainline ones are still doing a great job.
let it die already
what was ironic about the two scoops?
I agree.
>mfw he believes nobody would impersonate vendettafag