There is literally no excuse for you not to be playing Awesomenauts right now.
It's free to play.
There is literally no excuse for you not to be playing Awesomenauts right now.
It's free to play.
Okay. I guess I can download it.
Is there anyone in particular that's fun to play?
Froggy G is my fave
Dota 2 or League is better and more popular.
Where are the big Awesomenauts tourneys with huge prize pools?
It's not trying to be a super hardcore competitive MOBA. It's just for fun.
I enjoy Ayla a lot. She's kind of hard to play but getting kills with her feels so good.
>It's just for fun.
Fuck off, fun is subjective faggot.
That doesn't change the fact that the game is supposed to just be casual fun. You might not like the game, but that doesn't matter. The devs vision for the game remains the same.
Aside from basic MOBA mechanics, it has nothing in common with Dota or Lol.
Kill yourself.
Aw dang it OP, if you'd made this thread earlier I could've stuck around and probably kept it bumped with art for a while.
They've been shifting away from the casual paradigm for years now.
>drop-in removed
>drop-outs punished rating-wise
>much bigger emphasis on teamplay nowadays
I'm going to marry Coco!
>lolfaggots will never stop dragging on this and the other mobas, because they literally want nothing in the world to exist except for their game.
I played it on xbox 360 a while back. I even won a vinyl record soundtrack from
>furfaggotry and loli shit
No thanks.
Is Gnaw still nerfed into the ground?
If so, there's my excuse.
>Caring about an MOBA
Laughing at you, cuz.
What? There's a monkey, a bull and a fox.
They are conditioned to be intolerant of new ideas by Riot who strictly enforces a metagame that never changes. BOTTOM LANE MUST BE SUPPORT + CARRY THERE IS NOTHING ELSE THAT WORKS. MID MUST BE BIG NUKER/CARRY!!! IF YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE YOU GET BAN!!!
Is there an annoying pusher character?
I remember when EVERYONE would pick the monkey and flower dog. Is this still a thing?
Used to play it a bit, never truly got into it. The most fun I ever had was when I had first started out. Probably only my 5th game ever. I picked the Lizard with the knife. All I would do is hide and back stab everything. It was the best I ever did in the game and I slaughtered everyone. Me and my friend that were playing the game at the time just killed everything.
Is it really worth picking back up and playing?
its like 6 years old and the balance is dogshit
fuck off
Even icefrog is better at balancing than this
Monkey virtually doesn't exist in pubs anymore. Requires very good map and game-sense to do well and is generally hard to be aggressive with.
Flower dog is still obnoxious but is a little more tolerable nowadays.
Neither are all that popular.
>Big prize pools for CoD tournaments
Prize pool =\= quality of game. This is a logical fallacy.
All these negative opinions toward Megaman: PVP edition. Shit taste is shit.
>drop-in removed
Well fuck me, they actually did it. I have 565 hours but I haven't played since August. Might give it a try.
>the monkey and flower dog
what the fuck even?
This is a great game hope the move to f2p brings in a lot of new players.
>my feet hurt
>Coco is yelling too loudly over the phone
>Gnaw I swear if you vomit on my boots again
>I wish I was at the firing range practicing with Cuddles
>tfw no cute Killer Koala bf
I bought this ages ago and had fun with it. Do I gain anything for it going f2p?
>Megaman: PVP edition
More like Contra PVP edition meets Smash Bros.
Short answer: Not really (assuming you didn't own any of the expansions).
Long Answer:
>You have all characters you owned (or were eligible for if you didn't have them unlocked in the old leveling system)
>Their full shop and killing spree will be unlocked from the get-go (normally you'll have to level a character to 3 for the full shop - which only takes a few matches anyway)
>If you owned BOTH DLC's (Starstorm and Overdrive), you automatically get the all-'nauts pack which gives you a lonestar skin + all characters past and future for free
Also you get a couple of insignificant cosmetics.
How does the economy work? How much do you need to farm to unlock a character?
Is there any way to earn skins, or is real money the only way you can get anything?
Standard F2P model. Grindable (and buyable) characters. Buyable cosmetics (however, a small handful are free through some methods).
Not sure how much you gotta grind for a character since I have the all 'nauts pack.
It doubled the playerbase so that's nice. It used to be around 500 last time I checked
Up to a couple thousand plus change now, peaking around four, looks like.
Fuck off mouthbreather.
Gnaw was always my favorite. Setting up ambushes and using his damage over time shit is just too much fun. His taunts are the best too.
Clunk is best naut
That is all
Holy shit four thousand? I thought I'd never see the day.
Apparently there's been a lot of people waiting for that price tag to drop.
I'm partial to Leon. Though last time I played he felt like he was beginning to be outclassed in the melee department. An invisible assassin who can be out DPSed doesn't inspire a lot of fear.
And a bird. And a frog. And a chameleon. And a fish. And a squid. And a moth. A dragon would be counted by some.
Honestly they're pretty uncreative. Half their cast is just animals.
Well none of those have fur so wouldn't they be scalies?
I think you'd find the majority of people would file "scalies" under the broader term "furries."
I'm so fucking lost with all these characters and abilities. Is there a good video guide to explain me what the fuck to do?
Not really. Just play about with them by selecting "Try" in the armory.
Are all the characters free?
I haven't played the game but porn of some of the characters I've seen was pretty hot.
I used to be really good at this game. I mean REALLY good. I could literary carry an entire AFK team. I knew every counter to every hero and every tactic by heart. Stopped playing for a year after I lost interest due to lack of challenge. I tried playing it again after it went F2P and all of that skill is gone, my first match I had trouble getting a single kill.
It was too much to bear, I uninstalled it after that one match and I most likely will never touch it again.
Are there any available up to date tier lists? I haven't played in years, and would love to see what the current meta is. Also, are there any sites for guides?
>you need to get to level 6 to get their Killing Spree music
What is this nonsense.
Anyway, what else is there to unlock for characters? Is it only going to be Awesomepoints?
This game is fucking fun desu
I love the art style
I played this game when it first came out years ago
I didn't think it was still relevant
I think I tried to go back and everyone was playing paid dlc maps or something
I really liked Gnaw
Theres nothing sexual about any of those dumb animals barring the furbait fox and that char is ruined with a bad voice that doesn't fit its character
Bubsy the dragon is hilarious and awful tho
The bull and bird are kinda cute though
All the old characters are free if you already owned it before F2P
Coco has huge tits. It's a shame about her voice though.
The older 'nauts are cheaper but even the most expensive ones only take a few hours to save up for. Plus the tutorial gives you a pile of cash.
Even so.
I wish they had more decidedly "alien" characters for this setting. At least as many as they do generic animals.
Eh, who knows? The F2P change has gone well-if it proves sustainable, there might be more characters coming.
>I wish they had more decidedly "alien" characters for this setting
I mean the whole point is it's parodying 80's cartoons and their cheesy designs
Still agree with you on that one though
>tfw no eldritch abomination 'naut
Those people should stop being so pathetically pendantic to justify their REEEE'ing over innocuous animal video game characters. It was funny for the first ten years or so, but now it's just old.
>muh eldritch
I swear I see you faggots in every fucking thread.
Go back to red.dit with your le bloodborne eldritch crap.
>tfw no eldritch abomination 'naut
Well, there is one Cthulu-esque skin for Swiggins.
I know what will revitalize the thread:
Post that one character you're good with but not enough to main them and want to get better with
Skoldir. I just like the faster characters more.
I have fought frightening Skoldir players. I swear he never missed that final punch in a combo.
Oh yeah, once you get that rhythm you just start predicting when they're gonna jump and its just rape at that point. I remember when he was a nightmare to see in a game, its like games were either extended or shortened by 10 minutes just by him being in a match.
Truth be told I wouldn't call myself "good enough" with anybody, so I usually just go for it.
I like Sentry though. And I wish I could get kills with him.
If it's free, it's shit.
The key to playing an agressive Sentry is 'telebursting' or however they called it
Basically you can use your teleport as an initial attack if you're fast enough, then combo into black hole if you have it prepared
Does this game even still have a playerbase? I loved it, but it's been around for literally like 6 years as a paid game with a tiny-ass playerbase, so I'm just surprised the devs haven't let go of it considering how it was kind of a fucking skeleton.
It went F2P recently. So it has a bit of a resurgence in players.
Well it's also kinda the only thing they have that anybody cares about at all so...
It jumped to 4k as soon as it went free2play.
Rocco. Do pretty well at the start, flying charged arrows left and right that the enemy team can't even stand by their towers or farm without getting shot in the face, guaranteed kills if they try to act aggressive. Later on do embarrassingly bad that I'm often forced to play him like a pusher, which he's clearly not meant to be.
I'm 0:00 stuck in que, anyone have any fixes?
Afraid you're gonna have to restart the game, senpai.
I have, multiple times. I've even reinstalled it. Additionally I've waited almost a full day, still no dice.
Does this game still revolve around the Burst/CC meta?
Also wheres Voltar in the meta now, because he was literally in a different tier every patch last time i played.
>shop upgrades are locked by an external experience level
this is fun but WHY though
it's like league of lesbians all over again
How good is lonestar and how do you play him? He seems to be interesting.
>shop upgrades locked my external experience level
>like league
>league of lesbians
Are you fucking serious?
Miserable bitter cunts like you make this shitty board even shittier. Fucking kill yourself you tedious, boring, irritating cunt. I bet your entire worthless fucking life consists of being a fucking depressing bitch on this website. Fuck off.
Not quite the best wording, but overall the point I was trying to make was how League has boosts for your in-game character (masteries, runes) which are locked by your player level. I'm generally not a fan of skill gaps like that, I believe your performance in-game should be what matters, instead of external factors like your time spent across all games
got a laugh out of me
I've seen some insane Lonestar players. Smart use of the bull absolutely destroys. And close range dynamite does massive damage.
>Smart use of the bull absolutely destroys.
For example, you can pin players against some walls, assuming that hasn't been patched out.
Or even better
The first three rows are bonuses to promote a characters' "standard" playstyle, while the rows that need unlocking will make them deviate from it. Take Voltar for example, if you take all bonuses from the first sets then you're a bretty gud healer aided by loyal robo-familiars, if you take the last sets you're an antagonist from Bomberman with mini-jihadists.
Get good shitter
Lonestar is a very strong character.
And to play him, it depends how aggressive you wanna be.
When just touching down, if you wanna play more carefully, you take bouncing dynamite.
Boots are the neutral choice.
Aggro choice is either Dynamite damage or Cheetah Bullets.
From there, buy whatever you think helps usually.
Generally, pic related are your most important choices. Last General is either Kuri, Can, or Mag. All three are good, Kuri is usually best.
As for your guns, you can go 1 of two major ways:
>Missile, Booming Bullets, Another Missile
>Eagle, Cheetah, Crystal Eagle
You can also swap Booming Bullets for any of the 3 in the 2nd setup. First is pushing and poking, 2nd is harassing. Choose first if you're shit at aiming.
Aside from the fact that it's a shitty game?
Shit taste faggot
>installed, got wrecked, uninstalled