Poorfag thread

>when FO4 came out was playing FO3
>when BotW came out was playing SS
>when bb came out was playing DaS
>when P5 came out was playing P3
>when D44M came out was playing PB
>when D3 came out was playing D2
>switch is out am playing DS

Poorfag thread

What are you guys playing and what's your latest clever stunt to make the most of what you got (which is nothing)

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It sucks being a poorfag on Sup Forums because everyone is always talking about shit you cant play

Just pirate them. Most of them aren't worth the money in the end.


I usually just wait for sales and flash sales to get games. Currently I'm playing Talos Principle which I got for like 5 bucks a while back. It's pretty good.

no wut sucks is havinf money u cant spend

i really want the France dlc for eurotruck 2

free mmos

allocating the costs months in advance and indulging in other media to make it less urgent

>tfw steam sales are ways for other people to stockpile and hoard games they'll never play while for you it's the only way for you to ever get any games

Uh you think were don't do that? You can't pirate a console.

I'm not really a poorfag since I'm an adult with a job but I don't spend a lot of money on games anymore. I finally got doom and the last of us the other day for really cheap. Glad I did because I'd feel retarded if I paid $60 for either. I just rather spend my money on other stuff.

>too poor for a switch
>just pirate one lol
Fuck you

I'm technically a poorfag, but I blow my disposable income on videogames. Currently playing Akiba's Beat.

I more or less do the same; not because I'm don't have money to spend on games, but because I don't want to spend more than I have to. Just keep an eye on sales on Steam/Greenmangaming/keysite xyz

Before you said poorfag thread you almost sounded like a hipster OP

>playing Persona 3 when Persona 5 is out

>not willingly living by the year gap rule
Poorfag or not thats the best way to spend the least on vidya. The industry no longer deserves full price.

It's more than that. People who buy on release get the worst version of the game for the highest price.

Literally the only worthwhile thing on the switch is Legend of Zelda but that can just be emulated

>vidya comes out
>see fags preordering and day 1ing then complaining its not available while doling out for season passes and shit
>wait a year
>goty edition is out for 50% off
>can easily get gane with all dlc for a fraction of what other fags paid while laughing at them

Feels superior man

You're playing a game a year+ later while everyone else has moved on.
You aren't laughing at anyone.

B-b-but you get to shitpost on Sup Forums about it before anyone e-else

Unless you're some pleb, that won't diminish the games quality.

Shut the fuck up Onsaokmaru.

Not even that it worth the 2/3 of the price you're saving by waiting.

Never said it does diminish.

>buying AAA at full price on release
People still do this? Why?

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

>peer pressure
>no self-discipline
>parents pay for the game
>want active multiplayer
>too much money

Plenty of reasons


Half of the Sup Forums catalog or more is always newly released and upcoming games. I just can't believe how many shills have infested this place to the point where its almost unusable to talk about video games.

You forgot to try to appear to be hip with the latest things
dumb tryhards are fueling bad industry practices while the smart rest of us vote with our wallets

>Half of the Sup Forums catalog or more is always newly released and upcoming games.
>where its almost unusable to talk about video games.


Yeah, that's another pretty common one. Gaming has gotten too big to ever improve these business practices, though. Maybe it needs to crash again.

We are the better consumer and yet we get the shit end of the stick.

Shut the fuck up tripfag with the gayface

What's it like to be a poorfag?
got 1.5k coming in at the end of the month and 1k in another bank. I make 2k a month after tax/insurance/rent and I am entry level. Can only move up from here
>what's your latest clever stunt to make the most of what you got
I pirate all of my digital media

How are you going to pirate a switch or PS4 games?

I don't have any consoles.

>video game enthusiasts wait for games to go on sale before buying them
>companies make little money from this group

>casuals buy games on full price at release
>companies make huge sums of money

I wonder why companies cater to casuals?

That's not a lot of money.

More money than you.

>Be from Mexico
>Used to pirate a lot
>Steam arrives
>Very cheap games
>Amazon Mexico arrives
>Cheap physical games

I don't pirate a lot as I used to, sadly Nintendo stuff is still quite expensive

>buy a game when it comes out
>can't talk about it on v because of possible spoilers
>don't buy it and wait for bundle/goty edition
>look at everybody else having fun while I much on on my bread toast

Where is the sweet spot?

If you're poor why do you have internet? Why are you worrying about video games at all? Try spending your time and money on food and making a better life for yourself, fucko

When you ignore Sup Forums and enjoy the game for what it is

My dick is bigger

>MGS4 for $5
>Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen for $30
>Watch_Dogs (Gold Edition) for $11
>AC: Rogue and Unity for $10 each

Smarter consumer than you.

Its not that im poor, im just working on my backlog.

Also its a glorious feeling to play the first game in a series, realize its good and then realize all games in the series have already been released and you happen to own them all as well and they are just there waiting to be played

I just wanna get a new GPU

>TFW I have never bought a game in my life
>Just pirate everything
>My PC can only handle games pre 2010


I'm saving to buy a Switch though. It'll probably be my first console ever, and BotW my first none pirated game ever.

Titans can run up to 2k

>buy a Switch
Holy shit, what a mistake. If you must get a console, buy a PS3 Slim.

I really want to get into fighting games and Injustice 2 came out, which I really want to get, but I'm gonna hold off on that until I make more money. There's also KoFXIV and Tekken 7, the latter of which I'm less interested in since I'm not as much into 3D fighting games but I'm willing to give it a shot, especially since Akuma's in the game, and Eliza looks cool to me as well. But I also really want to buy a fightstick, which is gonna set me back a hundred dollars at least.

Not to mention I still need to buy a Switch.

I'm proud of myself for not just throwing my money away on a whim for the stuff that I want, though. One should know the value of a dollar.

What's funny is watching the fags in Sup Forums with no self control throw money at the newest game and then cry that it's shit.

Switch has
>SMO in the future
>MK8 D

PS3 has
>Demon's Souls

Also Souls game are not my thing.

Internet is a better life.

PS3 also has Dishonored, RDR, MGR, RE games, The Darkness, tons of PS1 and 2 classics, and free multiplayer.
>muh exclusives
>muh hyped up trash on Switch

>Thinking the PS3 has nogames 2017 unironically

Either too young or judging by your choice of PS3 game, pretty narrow tastes that your up your own ass

>When d3 came out was playing d2

Don't ever swap.

>>when D44M came out was playing PB

I'm a cheap fuck as well. I want Persona 5 but I refuse to pay $60 for it, so I'm waiting for it to be at $40 or so.

Consoles are still expensive as fuck, Amazon or not.

I have more than that, what does it matter?

>wanting to play FO4 at all
>playing FO3 at all
>wanting to play nuDoom at all
>literally every game you've mentioned is either piratable or emulatable on some platform
You don't deserve this hobby.

I bought a 3DS because I read you could hack it and load it up with emulators. Installing custom firmware took fucking forever but it worked.

Instead of being poor and shit out of luck, I'm poor and playing a link to the past on the best game boy ever.

Literally all the games on the right are better than the left.

>only interested in playing 1 modern game
>it requires a high-end PC to enjoy it fully

I wish there was a renting service for high-end PCs.


Been broke as fuck saving all the little shmeckles I could for Tekken 7 collectors edition just for my mom to ask to see my spring semester grades and go "Wow I'm so proud! Here, I'll give you some cash!"
She's too fucking kind.

>Skyward Sword
>better than anything

Yeah I don't get this at all. That's why I don't just buy every new hyped release that comes out. I carefully look over each game that's coming out, see something that I think looks really cool, and then put it on my wishlist to buy when it's like, sub~$20.

Sup Forums is filled with children, what else is there to explain?