What are some red flags when making gamer friends?
What are some red flags when making gamer friends?
Somebody self-identifying as a "gamer" is already enough of a red flag
Both "friend" and "gamer" are red flags
I lack the experience required to adequately answer this question.
If they mention any modern western game, they are intolerable normalfags that should be avoided
if they have tons of nice skins
if they only play mp and only in a party with people they know irl
if they play moba
surprisingly this
This. All someone has to tell me is they play Dota or LoL and I immediately lose all desire to speak to them.
nothing, in my country there are very few gamers so we cannot be picky about it. All the normies are into sports, weekend parties and getting laid, it's fucking disgusting.
"Gamer friends".
If you can't see the red flags, you are the red flag.
First post, best post, etc. If your hobby defines who you are, you are probably a shitty person.
>not razer brand socks
fucking casual
Having 1000+ hours in TF2 or some other shallow online FPS is pretty much a sign of mental illness.
Sorry you have shit taste, weeaboo.
read in tuvoks voice
Mad cause bad.
You sound like someone to avoid, weeb
t. leddit
-Plays games and never finish any
-Plays most flavor of the month games
-Uses guides
-Watches let's play
>hairy stubby legs
>pimple face
>razer snapback
>razer jacket
>that "proud gamer" stance
>shaggy douchbag teen hair
Can you get anymore insufferable?
They play Smash Bros
Still not bad enough to stare into the same boring little maps for hundreds of hours.
>plays games to stare at the maps
>thinks everyone does the same
Is this autism or retardation?
add Brazilian
how is he supposed to reach his bags?
>"so I'm a gamer..."
>huge white board
>fuck ton of icons
>that PC tower
either this guy is deluded as fuck, or he is an actual MLG player doing multiple tounaments and razer being his sponsor
They like a game you like, but they like it a lot more than you do.
yeah i can't tell if he's a trust fund kid, or getting paid to play call of duty :v
>making friends
>doesn't know how to take care of his skin and eat properly
Really big redflag.
Would you guys befriend me? Owo
plays jrpg
uses the word waifu
Nope. Sorry. Get some real videogames.
I wouldn't care if they played LoL or CoD or anything, to have a friend that has anything even REMOTELY close to what I dig would be a blessing.
Anyone who posts on Sup Forums has a 90% chance of being underage, a pol faggot or just a retard.
>playing video games
Grow the fuck up, faggots. Don't you guys have girlfriends?
Making gamer friends.
>favorite color is green or red
For what person does anyone need a whiteboard in their apartment?
>nuclear hazard sign on door
am i the only one fucking dying
>someone says they're a gamer
>say "aren't you a little old to still be playing video games?"
>mfw i play 16 hours a day
Could be worse. They could self identify as a gaymer.
looks cool. Would have been better if not gay razer shit. Are you trying to cover shitty stains on chair or what?
yes, you are a bit burdened by low self esteem issues but nevertheless pretty fun
>>favorite color is green
Who are hipsters who think blue is too mainstream?
>person likes fallout
>I primarily play on (console name) instead of using them for exclusives
>My favourite game is (game released in past 5 years)
>I can't wait for (Ubisoft game)
>Did you see that stream by (streamer)
Not to say I'll drop a friendship like that, but I'll know you have bad taste
>having 1000 hours in a decade old game is a lot
oh, you
>calls himself a gamer
That's enough of a red flag for me, nobody who plays anything more than call of duty on xbox wouldn't call themselves a gamer.
they can't go 5 mintues without making a political comment
>he doesn't have 1337 gaming sound foam
Quit reverberating sound off the walls like a NOOB
marth main
which one are you?
Nah, at least those people are nuanced and as a result have a higher chance at being interesting or at the least more entertaining
>inb4 he thinks he's the 10%
>favorite color is red
>it's an edgy meme color now because "muh gamer"
Im a retard
This about anyone
I got some sick LED accent lighting that coats the wall behind my TV and monitors in red light. It looks edgy as fuck but it's so much nicer on the eyes at night
>Dumb fox poster
>likes nintendo
>playing video games and watching cartoons after the age of 20
If they are PC gamers.
PC gamers are some self entitled cucks.
what if both those colors are your favorite
don't worry, user, you won't grow out of it either.
you'll be just like us
i hope you're prepared
Eh, some people use them for organizing projects or short term schedules. It's just nice having a designated "quick scribble" area.
>snow kids
We can agree on the above, right?
>he's never played a game with deep enough mechanics and detailed enough maps to enjoy them for over a decade
what a fucking casual
who /purple/ here?
do these actually work? I want to become a twitch whore
>gamer friends
>slippery green man
thats a very good
>playing any online FPS for a decade
when I was growing up no one called themselves gamers we just played video games
1000 hours is nothing spread out over 10 years. You could go years without playing it and still get to 1000.
Cheap ones don't make a huge difference (I just have the wall behind my desk padded up) but they are nice to look at. A lot of it depends on room layout and quality of your mic and stuff. If you have $30-$60 to blow, they're okay
twitch merchandise
yeah, there's people in Kappa shirts at my uni and they all have shit taste in games and are all-around cancer
>meme color
end it
if you favourite color isn't blue there's something wrong with you
Blu iz best colur
when people think 1000 hours is some impossible no-life amount they just seem like they play trash with annual releases to me
>they take videogames seriously
>they get angry if they lose/die
>they care about esport faggotry
>they play one game exclusively
>they only own one platform
>they are under 25
>they post on cuckchan
>Having a favourite color
>Not a favourite combination of colours
Yellow and black just about beats blue and yellow
Red and black can fuck off
Just become friends first and then figure out if they play vidya. Their character comes first, not vidya.
>talking to coworker during downtime
>somehow vidya gets brought up
>"Yeah I like Hearthstone."
>"Yeah I like 'League.'"
>awkwardly say you don't play video game anymore and change the topic
Their taste in games says a lot about their character.
yo if you use a laser mouse you aint my friend man
>self entitled cucks.
That's an oxymoron if I've ever seen one.
Having more than 10 friends on Steam
>being so autistic you cant even have a conversation about your hobby because 'muh tastes'
Youre a nigger right? Or just some super beta white skinny guy?
shut up, youre the moron
>Pimply dork with rich parents
Doesn't seem to bad, might have been a bit jelly as a kid
>Socks on carpet
Cast him in.
They use Sup Forums buzzwords in their regular vocabulary.
Red and black > black and yellow >>>> blue and black
Purple and Blue is the best combination though.
>hey user, wanna play league
>please, user
>just one game
been there, done that, got the t-shirt