What is Europe's infatuation with the PS4?

What is Europe's infatuation with the PS4?

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How long do you think this Switch momentum will last

The real question is. Why does anyone buy an xbone instead of a ps4.

Nintendo wasn't popular there in the 80s or 90s, so they can see Switch for the pile of shit it is and aren't buying with nostalgia.

>Only 71 people bought an Xbox in Japan since last sales quarter
I know Japan isn't their main market but that's just pathetic

Out of the main three system makers, Sony has the most devs in Europe while MS only has Rare who hasn't made any worthwhile games in years and Nintendo who has jack shit for Euro devs


FIFA and multiplats like Battlefield and COD
At this point you can pay 200 euros for a PS4 to play multiplats at mid-high settings, so it's a decent deal.

ashley is cute

Oh, while i don't know if anyone actually uses the tv "features" of the xbone. Most of them don't work in eu.

What's OP butthurt with PS4?

Why do you keep making these fucking threads?

>implying most of the euro ps4 owners aren't children who didn't exist in the 80s or 90s and dont know shit about shit much like you

Why would that matter. If they are from the 00s, they would have grown up with Nintendo being shit.

At least in the UK, the NES was never really big. Home computers like the Amstrad were much more widely used for games.

I'm mad that most countries prefer Sony consoles over Nintendo. I wish I could change that but I can't. Only thing I can do is cry on Sup Forums about it to make me feel better.

Europe was all about Commodore and Amiga in that era you uneducated pleb.

Football douchebag

You know the sport you play with your FEET

Sometimes I hate my country.

>most countries

No one gives a shit if Iceland has bought two dozens PS4s vs. seven Switches. The U.S. and Japan are the only countries (not regions) that really matter.


Yes, Japan.

And yet europe has higher sales numbers.

>The U.S. and Japan are the only countries (not regions) that really matter.

Why? They have lower population than rest of the world

Most of us lost our virginity in the basement couch while watching high school musical DVD on the PS2 to some mental but nice body slut

Europeans are more mature than Americans

europe creates many more sales than japan you dumb cuck

Europe is a continent

Why would you be mad over this shit?

Nintendo of 2017 is not the Nintendo of the 90s and early 2000s

Why would you ever feel loyalty to a company? I'll admit I love PlayStation but I would never get mad if somebody preferred Xbox or Nintendo. Who the fuck cares

Nintendo is a shithole anyways and they have been since the GameCube and DS.

Just enjoy fucking video games you idiot.

>The U.S. and Japan are the only countries (not regions) that really matter.

PS4 beat both Nintendo and MS 8th gen consoles there too user.

So is America. Whats your point.

It is less about liking the PS4 and more about most of the world not caring about the Xbox with the exception of a few US colonies like England.

A continent with a big single market

Yes, but PlayStation is too popular there so it don't count. Now fuck off.

North America is one and a half country

Because it's best system? Same reason why Japan and US prefered PS4 over Xbone and WiiU.

FIFA. Mario Kart is also very popular in Europe and that slightly accelerated Switch sales. Europe just really, really loves sports and sports-related merchandise, including sports video games.

It already made it through the roughest patch without slowing down. That stretch between Zelda and Mario Kart was risky.

Arms is a wild-card but splatoon will carry it in Japan and then MH is shortly after that.

I think it'll slow down a bit in the west over the summer though.

>American education

PS1 translated its games to our local language in 1995. PS1 paid for commercials on television, sponsored soccer teams.
Nintendo started translating with the Gamecube.
No soccer games for normies. No marketing until the Wii.

My generation grew up with Playstation products. I was the weird kid with Nintendo stuff.

>mad leaf thinks he is relevant

It has video games?

And 90% of that is soccer games so who really cares

Europe is computer, SEGA/Sony territory.

>My generation grew up with Playstation products
This. The nostalgia Nintenbros have for Nintendo is what west EU has for Sony. But on top of that Sony are a marketing machine, the only major game they don't have rights to is Fifa, which has just changed this year.

It's the normie machine

>He thinks only USA and Canada is part of North American continent

>90% of that is soccer games

Not really.

>who really cares

Sony and Nintendo I guess. I think it might be weird but they want to sell their systems as much as they can't and make money of it.

US soldiers are the ones buying them not japs

What is Sup Forumss infatuation with shitty sources?

I'll buy a used PS4 when it's hacked.

I mean eventually everyone with nintendown syndrome will have them they'll play all they're retarded waggle games and it'll die just like every other nintendo console

I think it's just one guy making these threads over and over.

Stems back to the PSX being the more popular system in the 90's, really. Sega used to be the top dogs back in the early 90s (at least they were here in the UK, alongside shit like the Spectrum), but then the Saturn flopped and the market was easy pickings for Sony at that point.

Nintendo weren't as prevalent as they were in the US or Japan over here either; the NES was kind of the black sheep during the 80s against the home computer market and the Master System, and the Megadrive was more popular than the SNES after that. They didn't have the market presence they held elsewhere, which gave the PSX a clear advantage, and they've held that ever since. The exception was the first half of last gen with the PS3 pricing debacle; the 360 did really well, but MS in their infinite wisdom shot themselves in the foot with the Bone and Sony once again helped themselves to market advantage.

>Total sales in Europe: 160.000
>Total sales in Japan: 65,000

Japan is irrelevant at this point

It plays the games people want to play like Battlefront, Destiny, Overwatch, FIFA, CoD, etc.

Nintendo doesnt offer that.

Yeah, that's it. Here you actually hear arguments like "I don't think this game is good because it has too much gameplay" or "I like games like movies".
Euro normies are the worst kind and they're all sonyfags of the worst kind. Anyone else is most likely an idort. No Xbones though.

Even fucking Japan knows this. Why do you think we are suddenly getting so many PC ports of weebshit.

Soccer was it's first official name

Monster Hunter, Splatoon 2, probably Pokémon and Animal Crossing before much longer...

Switch is going to rule in Japan.

It doesn't help that the xbone wasn't available for half of Europe for about a year into it's introduction.

Even with anime they're starting to go for the Netflix/ Crunchyroll audience

>North America
>highest autistic population
>highest Switch sales


I may not like Sony, and think the PS3 and 4 are weaker than then PS1 and 2, but who should really care about Nintendo? You play a few games in their various franchises and you don't need to play anymore. It wouldn't be so bad if the appeal for Nintendo consoles for decades now wasn't for first party support.

It has FIFA. That's literally it.

Europeans really likes wearing Adidas and playing PlayStation.

It makes them feel like they are pretty cool.

WiiU had this and got completely btfo by PS4 in Japan.

I really don't get yurops obssession with sports and 2mature gaming and I'm a yuropoor myself. Why do we have this mindset?

Because we are not manchildren.

>only console with actual games on it
>hurr why don't they buy xboxes like true americans

Yeah this is basically it. I'm not European but some of my good vidya friends are British and they have talked about this before.

PlayStation totally engrained itself into European culture in the late 90s.

It was sort of like that here but not nearly as much. I remember my older sister having friends over to play PlayStation. The PlayStation is what clicked for me, Wipeout, and Metal Gear, and Gran Turismo and everything.

My British friends only own a Xbox One because of FIFA partnership. But this year it has a Sony partnership and I honestly see them trading them in.

None of them care at all about Nintendo.

Unfortunately I work with a bunch of Nintenbros

They literally make these numbers up. Literally. They admit this. They then go back and retroactively adjust them when they have actual sales totals but because they never have 100% accurate totals for all regions (even North America because NPD results aren't publicly released, some info is, some info is leaked, some is calculated). There is a lot of guesswork involved.

After playing Arms I think it's a total bore, but all the buzz around it is gearing it up for success. They've basically told themselves so many times that it's another Splatoon situation that they've willed exactly that into existence. Still hyped for Splatoon 2 but I'm saving my money when it comes to Arms.

No, but we're fucking cancer.

They don't have obsession with sports but with soccer only,
>2mature games

You mean normal games. Why would I play kiddy stuff if I'm above 12yr old?

the only nintendo console popular here were the gameboys and the wii which was sold like a fitness game for fat deluded women/bowling simulator
ps1 and ps2 asskicked the n64 and the gamecube and they didn't even bother to market the wiiu so nobody gives a shit about a zelda machine

Wii U had mainline Pokemon and Animal Crossing?

If you look at the official software sales list from Nintendo for the 3DS:


Only seven 3DS games have sold in the eight figures, and four of them are Pokemon and Animal Crossing.

This. We should like Mario rehashes and pokemon games more. It's not fair we make Sony win.

Awright geeezzaa! Yea geezer yew tell 'em. We in da UK are incredibly woke an' truly understand da truf abaaaht gamin' platfawms. Oh excuse me one ov me teef just fell out. Sorted mate.

In europe, finding someone who actually plays Nintendo games is a blessing as it is an insta sign that they actually know anything other than normie trash and might even play fucking well.
Everyone else is mainly shit fanboys.

If a few prominent third party developers step in at E3 and start showing ports for it then I think it'll stay. The Cod/Sports audience don't care about graphics. They just want to be told the thing they're playing on is good and that their friends own one too.

I don't think they would prefer the Switch over a PS4 still but I believe it would win them over more than the Wii/Wii-U ever did from the way the marketing is handled.

>Complaining about Mario
>Buying yearly FIFA
Okay champ.

I'm not even British, nintenblob.

Nintendo working with 3rd party devs outside of Japan? Never gonna happen.

This is what I'm talking about, we should buy Mario rehashes instead Fifa rehashes.


Pokemon sold really well in Europe? I think over four million for Sun/Moon.

A lot more than any fucking Vita game.

the only did nintendo ever did right in europe was wiisports and promoting the wii as some fitness machine

Britain is the only Anglo country that calls it "football," and even they originally called it soccer.

Those numbers are from three weeks after release. The system was sold out, and most of Europe's been consistently shafted with shipments for the two months the Switch has been available.

Those numbers are likely all the system that were available.

It's getting better right around now though.

Here the problem with where I work.

They are all N64 kids, who think that Mario 64 is the best game ever made. They all act like they are desperately chasing nostalgia for their childhood. Like they feel obligated and anytime you judge Nintendo they are full of excuses.

Everybody is buying switches and prentending like it doesn't matter that they have 1 game. Zelda is totally worth nearly $400 promise every single day.

It gets old. The other half just play Destiny and Overwatch on PS4.

Not saying those aren't good games or not fun, or that Nintendo games aren't fun but seriously it's pathetic and unfortunate because a lot of them are genuinely great people.

You are pretty dumb. But i guess you know that.

Feefer Poverty Ball "game" just came out.

Xbone is also less popular in America than PS4.

And still twice as popular as in europe.

>shit on Europe's obsession with FIFA
>ignore the fact that the USA is just the fucking same with Madden

What's a good game to you, user?

Gawdon Bennet! Oh I get it, yer one ov 'em "refugees" what i've 'eard abaaaht on da television an' radios. Bad on ya buddy. OK?

Different countries, different cases. Fanboys exist everywhere, tough luck for you.
Where I live though, it's just as I told you. Everyone and their mothers has a PS4, then you ask them what they play and about 80% won't even know what Bloodborne is, but games like, FIFA, CoD, AssCreed, TLoU and Uncharted... God damn, best games ever forever according to them (and they probably didn't even finish any of them).

BOTW, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and ARMS is more than Microsoft or Sony delivered in the first 3 months of Xbone or PS4.

No multiplats or significantly downgraded ones aren't really that great of an incentive however.

Why is America buying a handheld for children?