Why are all the protags for these shitty games such emasculated numales?

why are all the protags for these shitty games such emasculated numales?

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boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/>The Insane difficulty has no checkpoints, meaning that if the player dies, they will lose all of their progress and be forced to start from the beginning of the game./

Do you know what year you're living in?

can you speak proper engrish please wigger?

Let's put YOU in a room with a bunch of buff, naked, sweaty, homicidal, rapist psychos and see if you can manage anything but to run away like a girl.

half of them look like they have anorexia. maybe some of them, sure. but one of the antags of outlast 2 is a borderline crippled old woman with a pickaxe.

and why the fuck is this shitty game so obsessively shilled on this board? don't you think they'd have better places to shill like maybe ign or some shit?
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/>The Insane difficulty has no checkpoints, meaning that if the player dies, they will lose all of their progress and be forced to start from the beginning of the game./

The morphogenic engine increases their physical capabilities.

Stop being a sperg,you can pirate those games easily...tone down your autism

what does piracy have anything to do with this?
I asked why it's so obsessively shilled on this board, shill.

Because its current year and stuff
Pray to Japan continue to make games with western characters soo we can at least see some dignity
At least this nu-male didnt fuck around and beat the monster/saved the girl...

he's from texas. good thinking on capcom's part cuz everybody in texas knows how to shoot.

soo you dont even know what the word means?cute
Here is a tip autismo:you cant shill what you can get for free

noun: shill; plural noun: shills
a person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest.
yes, those threads are shilling.

read a dictionary, faggot.

>Being that paranoid
>Being that delusional

you kids needs to stop

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/>The Insane difficulty has no checkpoints, meaning that if the player dies, they will lose all of their progress and be forced to start from the beginning of the game./
please, explain this, outlast shill.

go on, explain it, I'll give (you)s

Because [current year] dictates there can no longer be fun or gameplay anymore. Millennial horror is all about this no gameplay shit. Real horror games like Silent Hill 2 didn't have you play as some worthless bitch that hides from old ladies with mining tools, instead James grabbed the nearest object and beat the fuck out of the Lying figure.

agreed. hence why re7 was a breath of fresh air. amnesia spawned a metric shitton of shitty (but mildly polished) clones of it because it was successful. let's hope re7 does the same.

Because it's a different interpretation of horror vidya that happens to currently be trendy. Horror works best when it's an anti-power fantasy, when the odds are stacked against the player and, in the absolute best instances, encourages resourcefulness to leverage the odds as best you can. These walking simulator types are taking the anti-power fantasy element to an extreme and it seems to sell. Oh well, maybe it'll pass in time like all fads do.

Because it wouldn't be "scary" if you went around beating the shit out of everyone?

>press run to win

gee, I wonder how silent hill, resident evil, and condemned were scary.

I don't recall saying that.

fair enough. I just hope re7 will finally kill off this shitty amnesia style horror once and for all.