Nostalgia Thread!

Nostalgia Thread!

Let's have some good ol nostalgia Sup Forums

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best. gen. ever

>tfw no more vidya game magazines
There was nothing better than being in the supermarket with your mom and begging her to buy you the latest issue of your favorite vidya game magazine

they still exist dingus

>All the free music, movies and AMV you want
>50% chance what you downloaded was porn
>25% that porn was CP
>All while giving your computer super aids
I miss Limewire so much


>tfw no more Fruitopia to drink while gaming


i thought i some recently. i miss

I wonder will anything ever top the worldwide popularity and fame that Pokemon did in the 90's?

God damn. I remember getting Fruitopia every time after swimming lessons. Shit was cash.

tfw hd remaster


good taste


>you will never go back in time and enjoy those delicious school pizzas ever again
Why even live?

>25% that porn was CP
I saw so much CP in those days and I;m not into that shit, I can never get that sit out my mind.
Me being a newb was looking for a track called lolita

Nightmare fuel the game

What happened to good licensed games?

Dropping the nostalgia bomb





The poor man's Tony Hawk.

i still have a sealed genesis copy of this game for some reason

Still a lot of this shit in Japan. Mcdonalds still has some vidya game related toys from time to time.

school pizzas were only good to you in comparison to all the other slop they served

>you were the fat kid that ate the skinny mexican kids lunch because he never ate

>you will never play some good old n64 after getting home from school

My sister hated school pizzas

She also now likes obese SJW cunt


This was easily in the top 5 best Sega Genesis games. Not even baiting. It was amazing


3 > 2 > 1

Don't debate me faggots

I spent way too much time with this game

1 > 2 > 3


I used to like medabots when I was younger

They are cool as fuck.

Hello Sup Forums it's me Face! Wow, you all have grown so much! I missed you all! Let's stay in touch


simpler times

Was this the game where you could slap the shit out of Stimpy?

Great fucking taste right here.

heroin maybe?






Idk man
Did anyone here play ecco

>Always finish assignments first to go on the computer
Just slap an puzzle game with microtransactions and bam - free money.

>People will post this unironically in 10 years

our neighbor's mother makes 65 an hour on the internet and she has been fired from a job for two months but last month her income was 15589 just working on the laptop a couple of hours per day, check out this site

>There are still people still fall for this shit
Why is my extended family so dumb
>People will be posting Undertale in 10 +10 years