So are you waiting for the Vega Sup Forums?
So are you waiting for the Vega Sup Forums?
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I am not poor so no. I have a 1080 and considering how trash AMD is at shitting out anything good I doubt it'll be more powerful than that.
My mum won't let me buy Vega, says it too powerful
>I am not poor
>only has a 1080
You are so poor dude, do you even have a bank account? lmaoing @ ur continued existence.
>tfw looking for a job
>tfw all these sexy pc parts are happening
Yes because i'm still salty over the gtx970 3.5gb of meme ram, while the box said 4gb. Glad they got their asses sued.
What kind of job you looking for babe?
i have a r9 390, i'll probably upgrade only 2019. so vega+2
I gave up waiting and bought a 1080ti
So now i'm secretly hoping Vega flops so i don't feel like i made a mistake
Yeah, hopefully it will lead to a drop in prices for the newer GTX cards
first one
learn english, pablo
I just hope their 1070 equivalent is cheaper
Yes, even if it's shit it will lower the prices of current cards.
not an argument
If you have a job it will literally come down to if you trust Nvidia or not.
It's less now Nvidia intentionally trying to sabotage AMD in video games these days, and more they don't care about video games in general and just focus on brute forcing for data centres.
There's no point buying a "high" end Nvidia when their driver support is trash by comparison it can't really make use of the power available, what it'll come down to is does AMD's new designs get utilised properly (in general, after about a few years because it takes time for games to integrate) for more power, or will you want to upgrade more often to brute force below ultra settings?
Nice, do you offer a full BFE (boyfriend experience)?
Hey guys this is my spec. I got new monitors coming in. What GPU should I get? Hoping something decently priced and something my CPU can handle
Yes, but only because my 290x is chugging along fine. I'll probably stick it out another generation before I upgrade.
Computex in two days lads.
Gonna build me a nice elcheapo 1700 Vega this year.
>tfw too stupid to understand all this computer stuff
literally what
Underage detected.
Come one man, if you are a tech retard just buy alienware or whatever.
If you are a retard but think you are not, make an nvidia+intel system.
Othervise you mix amd\intel components according to their cost\performance effectiveness.
>waiting for Another Massive Dissapointment
it's all about big numbers and benchmarks. just check a youtube video testing x piece of hardware on demanding games. If you see big numbers then it's good
>unironically shilling for alienware
>also an amdfag
this really overheats my cpu
As long as you don't have a shit PSU, pretty much anything would work. A good pairing for that CPU would be a 570/580 or 1060 though.
Honestly I hope Vega blows everything Nvidia has out of the water so they actually have to try and compete with high end graphics cards
I'm a nvidia guy but I eagerly await the day AMD can take it to them
HDR for Freesync 2 sounds dumb though
like, fuck, just turn down some settings to get a stable rate
>calling someone an AMD fag
>this really overheats my cpu
AMD is the one with a 65w tdp 8c/16t haswell equivalent ipc cpu user. Ur meme is outdated.
freesync/gsync are only worth it if you have a ~144Hz monitor
Dumb question. Can you have HDR on Sub 4k monitors? I don't understand why it's exclusive to 4k monitors.
That is is they can actually do driver support correct for once and not make it a cluster fuck
It just depends on if manufacturers want to implement it onto sub-4k monitors. Its still kinda new, so it'll take awhile for a decent selection of different types of monitors to come out. idk if there are any already out though
But if that's the case, then this joke wouldn't work.
I hope they have new mobos there
all the current ones have shoddy phase components aside from this one msi and asrock one
also fucking bios updates for b350
Too bad there is no games.
Even if PC doesn't have anything interesting coming out soon, it has a backlog 100x bigger than any console, and thats excluding emulators.
It's not even that anymore, since benchs are a bit out of whack.
In a pinch you can figure out how to tiebreak some parts on which to buy, but only when you're on a budget. It makes more sense to watch tech channel rants about topics in the industry at the moment.
Like, a benchmark won't tell you Intel is basically end-of-life for a lot of hardware because it's already 100% usage and can't get any better, but Ryzen rarely has 100% usage so it can still go quite a way in future proofing.
There's also the other problem where benchmarks tend to include 5+ year old games that weren't that optimised to begin with that makes results screwy, when you should strive to remove outliers. The problem is largely down to journalistic integrity, because charts that look like minor differences aren't "entertaining" to look at, so quite a few sources will skew, intentionally or otherwise, to make it exaggerated.
If a bench includes RotTR, Cars or Fallout, it's unreliable. And that's just with those three games.
People don't really test a lot of other games largely because there's no real need for a certain level of power for a large majority of them. New games coming out, PC exclusives and shit like Squad/Star Citizen do require it but a little bit of research can mean you can just save ton of money not caring about those.
100x0 is still 0
Yeah but you can play all of this on toster.
Vega will be out but it will already be too late and most probably won't even beat 1080ti
Next year Nvidia will release volta early and will again take up all the market share and vega 2 will again bite the dust.
Why can't AMD speed up their shit and bring better product like they did with ryzen.
They have made every Intel cpu other than 7700k obsolete, why not do the same with gpu market
nice math, 100x0 = 100, now if you flipped it, say 0x100, that would equal 0.
everybody point and laugh at this guy please
Who is to say they won't? Been hearing good shit about the top end Vega sku. Could match or outperform the 1080ti for less.
Because Intel is not just a wounded horse in the race, it's actually gangrenous at this point.
Shit like blowing billions on useless dumb shit, like buying McAffee and getting people to stock your tablets turns out not to be a great idea.
Not to mention they dismantled their "Tick-Tock" system of development and haven't made a suitable replacement for it.
It's really weird how Nvidia still have 80%ish market share when they're trying to leave the games industry and focus on business, with a retarded conjoined dying twin strapped to them.
this meme is so stale you could build something with it
>LOL Thats not on playstation so it doesnt exist
>Could match or outperform the 1080ti for less.
in your dreams kek
Probably not - but it will drop the 1080ti by ~100bucks because Nvidia as always wants to fist AMD
if it actually does, i'll be getting a VEGA
People said the same about Ryzen and shit blew the 6800k and 6900k out of the park so...
I'm waiting for a game to come out that I'd want to play at better settings than I could with my i5 2500K and 390.
I never seen it blowing these CPUs, I've seen it performing better in some tasks while in other tasks Intel beats it by big margin
So it is barely on par.
Ryzen is the clear victor in the tasks that matter like installing gentoo.
Not for gaymen
Ryzens are terrible for vidya
all the new games are lame and not worth overhauling your shit
but I do want to see the 250-300 buck model
> linux benchmarks
> nothing relevant to do in linux, what should be benchmark ?
> why not benchmark a linux kernel compilation?
you can't make that up
nope but nice meme.
Shut up
I want to get 1600 with Vega but RAM problems are really disturb me. What the hell is wrong with AMD? I heard new agesa didn't fix anything and your 3200 ram still can run like shit with 2666 or abysmal timings. How can you release such raw product which doesn't even work properly with most of existing hardware? Fucking pathetic. Even worse how there's no real alternative of Intel because 7700K is expensive and hot as fuck.
AMD is shit
nah, my 980 ti is still more than powerful enough
> linux benchmarks
> nothing relevant to do in linux, what should be benchmark ?
Hey, how about that Linux-exclusive Vulkan version of Mad Max?
The kids like games don't they?
>>tfw too stupid to understand all this computer stuff
1060 6gb but honestly you can pick any
what? 3200 and higher is now possible with bios updates. some people got higher
its bios fuckery
literally everyone is complaining that they cannot get their shit to 3200
it'll get fixed but it might be a while
Most recent benchmarks I've seen make it seem like its been addressed.
>290X literally died overnight in the middle of playing games
>popped in my GTX670 while I figure out shit
Was planning to go Ryzen 5+1070 but I wanted to wait till something didn't run
Possible but not guaranteed even on most expensive mobos like Taichi. Isn't it fucking bullshit how your 3200 ram isn't working properly ESPECIALLY considering how ram's speed is super important for Ryzen?
>it'll get fixed
Yeah, they promised fix in may but didn't fix it. You still can't just go and buy any ram. Sure, it's a bit better now but still.
It'll be good
The numbers given in the Linux kernel and mesa patches to enable Vega support make it sound really promising.
Definitely planning to pick one up as soon as the driver situation for them stabilizes.
intel/nvidea = good
400$ card = sweet
i7 = pointless i5 is more efficient
at least tell him it's pointless for gaming. try doing video editing or rendering on a i5.
i5 is a hard locked 4 thread part. Games are already starting to use 6+ threads. If you're going to spend $200+ on a CPU you should be getting at least support for 8 threads with 12 being the current sweet spot.
>tfw just ordered a GTX 1080ti.
AMD is for poorfag shitskins. And babies that like CSGO and other baby games.
>not waiting for vega to release and nvidia making a agressive pricedrop
I disagree. I also have a GTX1080ti because I need it for VR. But AMD is alright and usually brings the best price/performance which is the most important task depending on what you want to do with your machine.
What pixel density and supersampling can it run?
AMD is a lot better on GNU/Linux where you can use the unofficial Mesa drivers. The official Windows driver team is utterly incompetent. The open source OpenGL drivers aren't just faster than the official OpenGL stack (shared between Windows and Linux), its nearly as fast as the Windows D3D performance despite the known massive performance penalties from going D3D->OpenGL.
AMD hw does not know such words
You said you need it in VR.
That are basically the two most basic vidya options for most VR games.
>inb4 he didn't knew VR games had video options
What do you think will be the excuse that amd pajeets are gonna pop up with when it comes out and fails to come close to the 1080? What will be the next "X thing in the future will fix it!" this time around, Sup Forums?
Not the same guy I just took a cheap stab at AMD
That being said - a valid one
With the disappointing OpenGL performance from all AMD cards and incomplete openCL implementation in Blender I'd still pick Nvidia everyday.
There is literally no reason to have anything more expensive than the 1050ti
>buying an i5 in 2017
top kek enjoy a terrible cpu bottleneck when you upgrade gpu in 1-2 years
future proofing
good goy