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shit thread

Yes, Smash/13/14/Heroes babby. The rest of us have known she was dumb for years.

Are you referring to her getting mad at Alm at the end of Chapter 2?

t. Jedah

I want to watch Celica being impregnate by a black man

she looks like someone that would enjoy anal

I can't believe i am stuck in act 1 finale, not because is hard, but because i want the dracoshield and slaide keeps getting killed
>first try manages to bait him into the position where he should run to the rioght for the heal spot,. but forgot to open the door and he keep attacking and got killed
>second try he got killed off screen because i skipped enemy turn

Faye plz

>tfw trying to make Est and Atlas useful

Is Est really that bad? I've been trying to give her dividing blows and figured she'd need some work, but I didn't think it'd be any more than what any latecomers usually need.

My Est took off like a rocket and is leaving Catria in the dust. Est and Palla are always the top two whenever I finish a Celica map now, too.

Est's first few levels were shit but I got all 3 of them to falcon knight now and they're all about on par

Atlas hits like a fucking truck now and is almost as fast as leon

>Faye and Claircucks still mad

This but with my sister

Alm's relationship with Clair is much better written and developed, so it shouldn't be surprising. Celica and Alm's relationship is frankly more poorly written than his relationship with Faye, and is one of the worse parts of the story.

hi Faye
you are wrong go away

>Implying the GBAbbies played Gaiden
>Implying the Telliusfags have ever played any FE game

Toppest of keks

The childhood friends as destined lovers is very much a JP trope. I kinda like it and can see why it resonates with them though, it does feel pure and sweet.


Yeah, no

Celica is pure faggot.

But she's straight, how can she be a faggot

I remember when I was 11, playing cod and saying shit like this

I'm assuming you're around that age. Fuck off.

Conrad stop it


>Alm will never cut Celica down with his sword and then become Walmhart the Conqueror, tell Clive to fuck off and hang out with Berkut and Rudolf

Clair is better but Faye wasn't even in the original Gaiden and is a non-character

How does reclassing with the pitchfork work? If I reclass Mae as a healer does she keep all her offensive magic?
Is there any benefit other that just increasing stats?

>Alm will never become my retarded Fatewakening fanfiction ;_;

Why are nuEmblem players such a blight?

He'd just end up getting killed by Marth

Celica and Alm are gonna get Smash slots aren't they?

Yeah, just like Chrom did.

Echoes is pretty mediocre so probably not. If there's going to be a new smash rep it'll be whoever's the lord of the Switch FE

Source on the artist?

I agree, Alm should dump her retarded ass.

At least Echoes is more dignified than Fates and Awakening.

It's time to let go, Faye

>Muh imaginary Japanese childhood playing Gaiden, I love classic Gaiden so much

>One of his ancestors is one of the biggest cucks in history
>Saves the world but not only does his waifu get fugged by someone else, HIS NO NAME BROTHER sires the royal bloodline instead

That makes makes no sense.

He probably means the romance and children shit

Just because you hate Fates and Awakening doesn't mean you get to make up reasons why Echoes is better

>you can't overclass until level 20
Why did they make it so you couldn't use these classes without extensively grinding? Like when the fuck are you going to see a spartan or whatever in normal gameplay?

The class isn't there for normal gameplay.

I'm assuming they're going to make some ultimate challenge map or something for the overclasses

when you use one unit for the entire game. just the one. nobody else.

So is Alm our lord and savior of cucking?

No. Alm could gets all the pussy he wanted. But he chooses Celica. Shame.

facefuck Celica

>Loves one girl
>Marries her and takes her virginity
>Is together with her for his whole life

I don't see how he's a cuck. Unless you mean he cucked someone else


>Missed the Novis Graveyard revenant-killing sidequest until they don't spawn anymore

Celica, Caeda and Est are smug pepe.

Catria, Palla and Faye are crying wojaks.

You can do it during post game, and all you get is holey cheese.

Check the vidyabooru

Post Clairs.

Alright, anons, I sold an Exotic Spice and I am sitting at 4 gold marks. What should I forge? Would a Longbow be good, or are two Killer Bows better?

Long bows have their use since it freezes enemies and has one more range. Although most people will probably say killer is better since a lot of the time they can just outright delete the threat. Check the map first and decide which you think would be more useful.


But why would I want him to stay safe? He can fuck off

>Sup Forums: Awakening is complete garbage because the maps are nothing but open fields and the objectives are nothing but rout
>Sup Forums: Echoes is amazing, it doesn't matter that the maps are nothing but open fields and the objectives are nothing but rout because that's how it was in the original

stay safe poverty ghost

Enjoy being a poorfag

If you have two Bow users, one of each. If you have only one bow user, Killer might be better since it can double fast enemies.

Honestly, you can't go wrong with either, that +1 range and the skill on the Longbow is great too.

>implying the majority, or even a significant amount of people, defend the maps in Echoes

>they change the maps
>everyone complains that it's not the same as the original

More like
>they change the maps
>they're still mediocre
>now everyone worries that they'll do it to the rest of the remakes

>still in poverty
Stay safe poverty ghost, you poor bastard.

Democrat detected.



One is a shit game all around with no redeeming features so all of its faults are much more apparent. Another is a fantastic game all around and so people are willing to overlook its shortcomings because it doesn't detract from the experience overall.

That being said, people still knock Echoes for its maps.

It does hurt the experience. Those open maps are annoying and a bit difficult to prepare for, especially if there are cavaliers.

What do I make him?

Echoes doesn't have an avatar so that somehow makes it better than Awakening even though Echoes is just Awakening with even worse gameplay and less features but a slightly better story.

>95% of the maps you spend your time playing on being unfiltered ass doesn't take away from the experience

>when you first see Mathilda
>when you first use Mathilda

She's awesome and is the best Paladin.

It's really funny how Mathilda is better than Clive in every aspect

Too bad she's got awful taste in men
Clive better have a 12 inch dick because she certainly doesn't love him for his combat ability

Echoes tries to be its own thing, Awakening tried to be a normal formila Fire Emblem.

Gaiden/Echoes is too different enough to be compared with even Awakening.

>Loves one girl
>Marries her and takes her virginity
>Is together with her for his whole life


Was there anyone screwed over as hard as he was?

>Celica's party is being fellated by the RNG and averaging about 4 stat points per level up.
>Meanwhile Alm's group has the most 1 point level ups I've ever seen in a FE playthrough.

>Defeat Slayde
>Enemy with Draco Shield flees


This is Celica, say something nice about her

His waifu

>Was there anyone screwed over as hard as he was?

The king wasn't a dick to him. Yet Berkut's idiocy lead him down the path to regret but in the end he redeemed himself.

Nino was never truly loved. She was pitied though by Assassin man.

You get another chance in Part 4.


Is this like Gaiden OG where I should just premote them ASAP because their growths are low and the class up bonuses are amazing?

Yeah pretty much. Growths are a little better but you most likely won't max the character out so you may as well grab the promotion bonuses and skills from the new class

>old and dusty barren womb
>fiery hot pubes with a young tight snatch

Abel made the right choice.

So I don't have to level a myrmidon to level 20, just make them a dread fighter as soon as I can?


Skills? I've played 2-13, what game are the skills like? Or is it Awakening style?

Also, I made Faye a cleric.

>Abandon her children
in the end, she was truly a cunt and shit mother

So who is better in Celica's route, the female mage or the edgy swordguy?

Yup. Although it's pretty moot since dreadfighters can loop anyways for infinite leveling.

It's more like sacred stones where classes get skills. E.g. Archers have bow range +x, dread fighters halve magic damage and have +5 res, peg knights deal 10 bonus damage to terrors, etc.

Both are gods for me, if you have to let anyone take a back seat I'd say Boey