Why is MOBA shit the most popular for esports?
Fighting games and shooters deserve it so much more.
Why is MOBA shit the most popular for esports?
Because it's not shit. Shooting and fighting games can't even compare.
the FGC won't be that big because they refuse to throw away their grass roots tendencies, IE: they won't be politically correct just for the sake of viewers or more money, even if that is stupid to some.
the only reason mobas became so big is because riot basically shilled themselves out the ass to twitch and shoved esports super fucking hard by getting big venues for their tournaments, thus became more visible, dota 2 kinda rides on riots coattails in the sense that dota 2 became more popular as a result of leagues popularity.
shooters are at least more popular than fighting games, though I doubt they will surpass assfaggots.
Team sports are more popular than solo sports so fightan games lose on that part. Shooters are just poor viewer experience IMO and current shooters are ass. CS? Overwatch? No thanks.
step aside gookshitters
Because they actually require you to use your brain?
95% of people aren't autistic enough to learn the range and frames and shit of fighting game moves so It's just not interesting to watch. Just looks like a mess.
The only relevant shooting game is CS and it's just a really really simple game that has been overcomplicated by having like 20 years of people playin it nonstop.
Quake is my favorite game right now, I love playing quake champions and i've got to the point where I can keep up with pros. But as someone that played league in diamond for years I'll tell you now, shooters will never ever be anywhere near as skill based as league.
>That small ass arena
>Stretched to give the illusion of it being bigger and holding more people
Lmao, sorry Ivan, but outside of russia we don't play that shit.
>oh boy I sure do love shitty commentary over watching miniscule characters run extremely slowly across a map while 12 players mash number keys 1-12
Get with the times, man. Russians don't even play anymore. It's all the South American shitheads clogging up the servers now.
gotta love the fact LoL pros don't even get soundproof booths, they can even know when they're getting ganked by the crowd
what the hell are all those people even watching?
They're easy as fuck and any retard can play them
Moba's field of view is really, really similar to how sporting events are watched, so its easier to see what's going on.
FPS can never be too popular as spectator esports: the camera for the audience is lodged into a player's skull.
Meanwhile in mobas the camera is both close to what a player sees and to what fully shows the action.
Fighting games have just an obnoxious scene of unpleasant idiots already formed.
Plus I think fighting technicalities and lingo are more abstract and arcane. What the fuck is "footsies", what the fuck is all this lingo about frames and distances?
Meanwhile in Mobas the Arcane Scepter of my Dick is an item, in someone's inventory, bought with gold. The implications are hard to understand, but the fundamental events are simple, concrete. "Kills", "teamfights", "pushing", "magic immunity". Not weird super-technical words.
The only other esport I enjoy watching easily is RTS. Again, camera high up on top, and though very subtle, if I see the yellow guys shooting at the blue guys and no blue guys are left I can easily understand who wins.
Fighting games are maybe too simple for their own good in appearance (guy 1 vs guy 2), so they're absurdly deep and complicated to commentate and understand even marginally beneath the surface.
When you watch a Moba you pick up a few words and learn, every game. Maybe only the name of one character that was oh so powerful. I don't fucking understand why one side has the advantage in a fighting game, technicalities are much harder to grasp. Also, games are too short to really learn if you're a casual viewer. In Dota you see Black Hole casted 6 times in a game, you'll learn what it fucking does by the end, which makes it engaging to FOLLOW in between watching sessions.
FPS is something I fucking hate watching.
They're flashy and accessible. Sc2 died because people wouldn't watch a game they sucked at. It's pretty hard to suck at MOBAs though.
Cute cosplayer butts in front of them.
SC2 died because (((Blizzard)) made people pay for a game 3 times without even properly supporting it after WoL.
I fucking hate eSports unless it's Dota 2. "Competitive scene" and eSports itself is just a marketing tool used by game developers ala Riot and Blizzard.
Guarantee if you took out all the prize money associated with these games their 'competitive scene' would die, the money which the developers put it as basically advertising. Only Dota has proven itself above this farce because people were having Dota tournaments - with the very same people today - a long time ago for fucking no money at all, they just wanted to be the best. Now Blizzard and Riot just hand pick their pros from their dumb ELO rating whatever.
Fighting games also arose competitively because of the community and not the makers of the game as well, which is why people liked Brawl, M kinda sullied it I suppose.
>hates lingo
>every real sport around is full of lingo with weird super-technical words
All I'm getting from this is that people who watch videogames are even dumber than Sup Forums.
Same reason soccer is more popular than boxing/mma. Longer games, more team dynamics, more for casters to talk about, you can have it on in the background and only start paying attention once something exciting starts happening (GOOOOOALLL) and SFV sucks and mahvel infinite looks shitty and no one ever gave a shit about anime fighters and ssb4 sucks and melee is stagnant as fuck.
I agree with HotS and Hearthstone, League is/was really popular in 2011 genuinely, I kinda feel like it's only still alive because Riot money, Overwatch would have a scene regardless of Blizzard if only because Valve gives no shits about tf2's competitive scene and there isn't really anything comparable that's worth taking seriously.
MOBA's have a huge audience, they're easy to pick up, usually free to play and will run on a toaster and give a natural sense of progression as you play more.
Fighting games have a steep as fuck entry level and require some knowledge about the game to be able to enjoy watching a stream. To play you need to buy the game, possibly an aditional controller and overcome the initial execution threshold.
People don't really get there's a difference between jargon and buzzwords.
How the hell are frames an abstract lingo? Its literally a set and unchangable minimum amount of time, whats hard about it? And dont fucking dare to tell me even items in mobas are simpler to understand, theres such an amount that do weirdly specific shit only people that play religiusly would understand
I'm just saying, anyone watching a real sport is going to get blasted with technical terms as well as hype banter.
I mean, I seriously feel bad for anyone that is watching American Football, Baseball, Basketball, or Hockey for the first time because it's a nonstop drop list of positions, plays, marker points, statistics, sports history, all at breakneck speed on top of the color commentary banter.
I'm honestly surprised Fifa isn't more popular as an esport.
MOBAs play best for a crowd since the action is very easy to follow due to the camera perspective and and there are tens of of thousands of possible team compositions before you even throw items into the mix, the meta is constantly evolving and you will always see something new each competitive season.
Shooters by comparison are very stagnant, the strategic layer is solved in most instances and it just comes down to watching the same plays over and over again with the deciding factor being who's on more Ritalin, although Rainbow Six: Siege has done a good job of incorporating dynamic elements into its design allowing for a constantly developing meta, but it's held back by ongoing technical issues and Ubisoft seems like they want to drop support for it soon.
As for fighting games, they haven't enjoyed any noteworthy innovation in like 20 years, they're a dead genre.
dumber game = larger audience = more dumb people to sell shit to
MOBAs have a very good viewer experience. Fighting Games only make sense if you know the game, where as even entry level assfaggots players can easily follow a pro match with all the graphs and info given.
Shooters have the worst viewer experience of all.
>says fighting games are a dead genre with no innovation
>while complimenting MOBAs, a genre that hasn't evolved past being reskins of a custom game type in Warcraft 3
>and says the meta is constantly evolving even though most of the time it's just one character being swapped out of the established meta
By that logic Overwatch should be more popular than DotA 2 hmmmmmmmm
If you don't understand what a frame is, you're just fucked though. The commentator is already talking about something else btw, and the match is almost over by this time.
On the other hand, the Wand or my Cock has been bought, and casters are making a big deal out of it. You know that one character that bought it is stronger somehow. You have 30 more minutes to figure out what it does. If it's never mentioned again by the commentators, it probably wasn't important, or it just makes the hero "stronger" with some background bonuses. If they yell "WHOOOA! THE WAND!" And a flash of yellow light appears you already know more about the item: it does THAT. And it's going to happen twice, or maybe more times as you watch.
Keeping track of the Arcane Wave of Ultra Doom is easier than keeping track of that one punch that was thrown in between those other punches, which was a little bit faster. Remember? It was the 46th punch in the match. THAT won the game. Don't tell me you missed it!
Literally everything you stated in this post is factually wrong. I hope you were baiting.
>MOBAs play best for a crowd since the action is very easy to follow due to the camera perspective
No, I'm not convinced. For someone who doesn't even play video games all I see is a bunch of little minions and a bunch of weird looking heroes throwing a bunch of spells while exploding of multi-colored spells bleed over the screen.
MOBA's look so fucking confusing to people who are not familiar with it. It's only successful in Korea because literally everyone plays video games.
>As for fighting games, they haven't enjoyed any noteworthy innovation in like 20 years, they're a dead genre.
The thing is fighting games should be the most enjoyable spectator game ever. It's simple, you see 2 people fighnting each other.
Because it requires skill and is an amazing genre. People that don't like it are mentally impaired.
you don't have to sell dota 2, it's f2p
>Extremely grassroots operation with none of the gaudy high end production values for anything but SFV and Korean Tekken.
>1v1 doesn't have the big moments of extreme highs due to the more even pacing
>MOBAs let you see all the action planned out, meanwhile someone wouldn't know what the fuck is going with Virtua Fighter low jabs or Smash 4 ledge grab spamming unless they're good at the game themselves
>Not politically correct
>Really short matches
>Not visually exciting for most modern ones
>Many strategies outside "be good at aiming" and map knowledge is lost on people.
To truly change the meta of DotA 2 you need to have new maps and mechanics. They have literally been playing on de_dust awp only for 10 years now.
[reddit spacing]
I suggest 2, 3, and 4-lane maps and a no-lane all maze/jungle map. They also need more minibosses like roshan, maybe a dragon or some shit, perhaps with team buffs like in LoL. More bases wouldn't hurt either, expand the concept of fountains to mini-bases and make the map larger and add more players. Maybe 6-7 sized teams. In addition you want runes that give abilities or even temporary aghanims. Lastly make the day-night cycle relevant beyond vision, maybe creeps and jungle mobs change at night, even towers. All of this would make a much more interesting game.
Accessibility mostly. Mobas are largely free, with heroes being released almost constantly to keep interest in the game. Its also fairly low skill ceiling, letting people feel as though they could do what the pros do and thus keep playing. Not to mention that the large amount of heroes can make matches feel a bit different compared to whats used in other games.
Fighting Games and Shooters on the other hand have high skill ceilings that while look fantastic, probably make matches feel a bit samey from an outsider point of view.
With this all said however, I agree that Fighting and Shooters deserve it far more.
>going to a physical location to watch a TV
i suspect the crowd is full of INTJ types
You must not watch FGC shit because the only time frames come up is when they're talking plus or minus and even then they say "plus on block" or "minus on block" which gives you context solely because you know that plus is positive and minus is negative.
The only other time you might hear frames is during breakdowns of players and what they've been studying like, "Infiltration has really gone back to the books and looking through Ryu's frame data in preparation for his match against Tokido."
Plus, what the fuck are you on when you're saying "the match is almost over by this time."
A single game is two rounds minimum and varies from 20 seconds in a round if someone gets bodied, to a full 99 seconds. If they go three rounds that's a possible 60 seconds to 297 seconds.
Even then the standard match is best out of 3 meaning potentially 4 rounds to 9 rounds. The average match up in fighting games lasts around 12 minutes.
this. Make the day-night cycle meaningful, more abilities that depend on it, spam more content and mechanics and just rape the current meta to deathso it all has to rise from ashes. Fuck why stop there? Add an underground map too, like with heroes, watch the russians squeal through dark tunnels.
Because the only good team based shooter that casuals enjoy watching is Halo and it's been fucked by incompetent devs since Halo Reach.
Because Asians aren't interested in Shooters
Because FGC grassroots is comfy and growing it out will ruin it.
MLG Halo was the biggest esport for years and the only reason it fell was because Bungie ruined the formula
Imagine how big Halo could be today if it was still Halo
>they require you to use your brain
>but this other genre doesnt, that one is just
End yourself my man
Such a retarded post holy shit.
tf are you talking about?
MLG Halo was barely alive with Halo 3. Every halo game until 5 has been too mechanically simplistic to be an esport. Halo 5 is the only one that takes a reasonable amount of skill, although its forced esports balance (with everything being a BR alternative and power weapons having almost no ammo) has also made it boring.
Team games will always be more popular than 1v1. It takes a lot of mental strength to get good at a 1v1 games, but with a team game you have unlimited excuses at your fingertips.