J>PQ. I have channel 7 track

J>PQ. I have channel 7 track.

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J>PQ 29 FUNDED ROUGE!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
J>PQ HAVE DUPED COUPONS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
>instantly 50 invites

>Kerning City - what once was a bustling city is now empty

What went wrong?

Jews did it, now you can speedrun to lvl 200 in 1 hour

>that feel when levels 1-150 is literally the new tutorial phase, and you can hit 100k+ damage before level 30
I can't believe they let this happen.

What the fuck
Why are adults still playing this shit now that it's ruined

>/partyinvite user
>Ch 7
>Its /find someone
>ok thanks
>/partyexpel user
>/partyinvite friend

Guys, Mapleroyals just opened new account and character creation. It's still not back to 100% and the population tanked, but it's getting back, and there's a large influx of new characters now.

All started going south when they started fucking with the UI

Nothing like the good old days, risking bans with dxwnd just to have windowed mode.

>Went back to try official ms
>The entire game has like a permanent latency of 1000-2000ms

>be f/p mage in mardia
>make everyone lag on their shitty laptops
>train at skellys at lvl 85
>die and quit maple

pink bean is such a slog.
Can't wait for the summer patch though, should be in late june if all goes according to plan.

I still hear the music senpai

Anyone play MapleRoyals?

>he still plays
What a sad idiot.

>Anyone play MapleRoyals?
Not anymore. They broke the server, and it's boring as fuck anyway once you hit level 120 and realize there's nothing to do outside of Zakum, Horntail, Krexel and grinding for the rest of the game.

PreBB private servers will always be trash.

We're all on Sup Forums, aren't we all sad idiots at this point? Besides, nexon america is making moves to improve GMS again. They need to start actually banning bots, but meso market and the auction house were huge leaps forward. Years late, but still, appreciated.

We don't like your kind around here.

There are people who post on Sup Forums and there are idiots like you who still play MapleStory. You are far dumber than anyone on this board.

Nah, i'm american. I've just been playing KMS for around 8 years now so why move back to GMS.

Oh, maybe you'll have an aneurysm knowing that I play the mobile version of maplestory, too.

>Learning Korean for an online video game

That's nice, but it doesn't change the fact that the staff plays favoritism and the economy is ruined

I'm not really that knowledgable about korean. Basic phrasing, small light conversations, sure. Anything beyond that? I'm not more knowledgable than you probably are about japanese. But i'm done here, seems like the royals shillposter fucked off.

I went back once they fixed the cash shop, but the population is a fraction of what it used to be. Plus, I lost the urge to spend billions of mesos for HP washing

Account creation is back so the population will probably increase

Why can't there be a progressive maplestory server starting at v01 like Nostalrius

Yeah, probably. I might check it out when they roll out the winter patch

There was an attempt at that, called mapleglobal (I know, stupid choice), but one of the admins got angry over some dumb drama shit and leaked the entire username/password db and threatened to dox the head coder if he continued to run the game. Maple private servers never really pan out.

I tried not long ago just to check on my old account, but it seems disabled due to inactivity and I cant remember my email info to get back on it. I know the game sucks now, but still wanted to check it out.

Does v01 code even exist anymore?

>still wanting to play an HP washing server

Why are you so angry? Who hurt you

If you played now you'd get a chance to get some of those event Scrolls and level 77 maple weapons. Good money

>correctly calling you an idiot means he must be angry

>and level 77 maple weapons
Oh wow, what an incredible addition! Something SlimeTales already has!

Anyone who still plays MapleRoyals is a dead set moron.

So is slimetales actually shit and not worth choosing over royals?

All private servers are shit right now and you are an idiot if you play them.


>Attack % lines
Oh so you can only do that as a whale then

If you know what you're doing and where to go you can still get pretty far as an unfunded character. It's still fucking ridiculous though


So what's the new Sup Forums Royals guild?