>You are an outcast because your white race destroyed the earth, now to attone for your destruction as the last whitie you must bear my black babies muhfugga
What did Horizon Zero Dawn mean by this?
You are an outcast because your white race destroyed the earth...
lmao, epic thread dude! i have to share this with my Sup Forumsack friends :p
This babe is gonna net me some SWEET karma on /r/the_donald ;)
all me btw
Share this pic too sonybrother. They're gonna love it.
its not nice to steal, nigger
Wow, she looks way younger than 55, I'd put her at 40 at most.
I'd smash with the fury of 1000 suns
My favorite meme thread.
hey guys seriously we need more people to go sign that petition on t_d it's still missing like 80k votes... and please upvote my threads thanks
Upvoting for Sup Forums brother!
>your white race destroyed the earth
we raised it we can destroy it nigger
we wuz robots and shit xD PRAISE KEK
Holy shit she's 55? Wouldn't of known from the voice.
When did Sup Forums get filled with so many retarded liberals? This is why Trump won
Yes. Sup Forums is why Trump won.
>Sup Forumstards in charge of not being retarded
Upvoted. We need to stomp out these cucks and make Sup Forums our own again. PRAISE KEK! Seriously though please go sign the petition on t_d we really need more signatures
> a Sup Forumstard makes a thread in a video game board to recruit autists
what did he meant by that?
Let them mock us, brother. Let them fall for the Sony Jew. let them be blue pilled cucks. We will continue to praise kek and they will assure themselves eight more years of our reign.
We're not gonna be just a part of their game, we're not gonna be just the victims, they're taking our dreams and they tear them apart, till everyone's the same, We've got no place to go, We've got nowhere to run, they love to watch us fall, they think they know it all. We're a nightmare, a disaster, that's what they always said. We're a lost cause, we're not heroes, but we'll make it on own own. We're gonna prove them wrong.
Petition signed brother. Praise kek.
Also the beauty of the trump virus, is people are invariably tempted to say pro trump things ironically, but that eventually attracts trump supporters and makes lefties leave. MAGA is like some amazing linguistic virus that can corrupt any website.
>he can't recognize false-flagging
Lurk more
Lots of mad in this thread!
>all these delicious (you)s
God I love how retaredly easy liberals are to bait
It's nice seeing fellow 'pedes on Sup Forums. Heard a lot about this place... glad to see most of it was true, heh.
I'm an independent
I would unironically buy the game if this was what happened.