Why didn't it fail like Sup Forums said it would?
Why didn't it fail like Sup Forums said it would?
It has video games
You answered your own question, my dude.
Sup Forums is always wrong, you have to be an idiot to believe anything people here say.
>it has wiiu ports
Why are casuals so bad at video games? It's because they never learn.
Every single port is a definitive version.
Because "tortanic.jpg"
>half of Sup Forums*
What didn't fail? The switch? You are honestly retarded if you think you will see it failing this early. It took the Wii U how many years before it was really confirmed a failure?
two months
Nah it had games for a little bit.
Not user but the switch gimmick is no where near as bad as the Wii U one, I doubt it's gonna be a failure
A bunch of last gen ports actually defines failure.
You can launch the Virtual Boy with a decent Zelda game and it would succeed as well.
Yeah I'd consider "failing to outsell Xbone or PS4's first month NA sales despite being a global release" to be a pretty big failure
Sonigs took over.
>No one bought a Wii U, stupid nintendo fans
>OMG how is this console selling you should have all played those games in your Wii U's
Mario Kart and Monster Hunter will eventually require an online fee. Zelda and Disgaea 5 are identical to their original versions. If that's you're idea of "definitive" then enjoy your "library".
And those are video games.
are you fucking stupid? This isnt even remotely true
too easy
this thing is more nogames than ps3. I love mine, but I have BotW, MK8D and Shovel Knight.
Not exactly a huge number of games, and there is nothing upcoming that I am super excited about.
>this thing is more nogames than ps3
it's the only console apart from Wii U that has games
>unmoddable BOI AB+ is 'definitive'
you don't get to say this after a fucking decade+ of shitposting at sonyfags whenever their console even had 3 months of slow releases
PS3 literally had three games to play on release. Source, I owned one on release.
PS4 first month 4.5 million, switch first month 2.3. Wanna try again?
It is and thanks I will! I hope you can find some video games that you can enjoy too user!
That post was more aimed towards the "Wii U ports" memes. You are right, BOI is better on PC.
all the wii u ports of multiplayer games are worse no matter what shitty extra content they add, because you have to pay to play them online. nintendo can eat my taint if they think i'm gonna bother buying MK8, smash4 or splatoon a second time AND pay them to play it when wii u servers are still free
It has A video game
You do you user. I do wonder how active the online communities will be for those games, afterall the Wii U didn't sell much and many of those that bought it have already moved over to the Switch.
I am glad it successful so far. I have been loving seeing the sonybros on neogaf and Sup Forums get BTFO by BASEDTENDO's success. I am a die-hard Nintendoddler and will always be with them until the end. Hopefully they will outlive me
At least put in some effort.
wii u also had exponentially higher attach rate for games than ps4 or xbone so yeah
like 1 in 2 people who bought a wii u own smash 4
nearly every wii u owner bought a copy of MK8
ps4 (which sold tens of millions of units) was called a bloodborne machine for years despite bloodborne itself only selling like 2 or 3m copies, and less than half the people who started the game bothered to even get close to finishing it going by trophy data
What, I am 100% serious.
I have bought every Nintendo console on launch. I had tears in my eyes when Switch was breaking sales records. The WiiU years were dark but I pulled through.
I remember being so excited for Lair. Fucking hell.
It is failing according to Sup Forums though. It could sell 50 million units and Sup Forums will still say something on the lines of "IT COULDNT EVEN BEAT THE DS HAHAHAHAHA".
Sounds like Codyposting
It's successful? As an owner, it's a dust collector
Should I get a ps4?
Also, if I do, what notable titles are there for it?
>The WiiU years were dark but I pulled through.
if you actually like nintendo games and were an actual nintendo fan and not a faggot, you wouldn't even be saying this considering wii u had more exclusives than ps4 in the same number of years.
Of course, WiiU had an amazing library of exclusives but I care more about games when it comes to Nintendo. I want them to succeed in all areas.
Pic related is part of my Nintendo games
Why are Wii U ports considered a bad thing considering no one owns a Wii U? Why are ports considered bad in general? All it does is make the console more of a all around console instead of just the console you own to play Nintendo games on.
Because memes
Another part
I also bought all the Smash Bros. amiibos and TLoZ amiibos
People that got a Switch and post on Sup Forums are Nintendo fans. That means that they bought a Wii U, That mean that they don't want the same games they already bought. They want new games. That's all.
Same thing is happening to the Switch, Zelda is 2:2 attach rate, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is selling even faster then Mario Kart Wii, is selling as the consoles go.
Is never about the consoles, Nintendo games will always sell, only stoped by the console potential.
And yet both MK8D and Zelda are selling gangbusters on the Switch, almost as if the people complaining about ports are actually false flagging retards.
Right, everyone is buying them. They're just whining. I bought MK8DX and I own the Wii U MK8. I also bought BotW for both. I have no qualms over buying a game again since I pretty much spend money like a teenage whore with her beta stepdad's Amex. Yeah I'm not complaining at all. I'd actually love ports of XBCX and Hyrule Warriors Legends.
i liked the wii when i was 12
And what what they are getting.
ARMS, Splatoon 2, Mario Oddysea, Xenoblade 2, they are all new, and E3 has not even hit yet so we are in for at least 2 brand new games to be hype about.
Also a new Fire Emble the creators say will shock everybody.
Great times to be a Nintendo Fan are coming.
Can you explain why PS4 and Xbone is selling with ports coming out all the time?
Look at my followup post
People don't like them but they buy them anyway.
I own a switch, post on Sup Forums and didn't even consider getting a wiiu
>implying anyone bought a wii U
>MHXX still hasn't been announced for US
>implying magically the Switch port will
>implying a port of a 3DS game is worthy of being considered a "next gen" console game
Yeah, I am starting to belief the Nintenbro meme.
I got a switch, but did not get a wii u.
Isn't that because the PS4 has the super casual audience who only plays Fifa/Madden/whatever the racing games are called?
PS4 launched at Christmas time, Switched launched in March, a traditionally quiet time for consumers. Cry some more.
>$20 a year for online
>Zelda is dentical to their original
What a lie, Zelda on Wii U is 720p, Switch is 900p docked with way more stable framerate while being portable.
Sup Forums says everything will fail, always. A broken clock might be right twice a day, that doesn't stop it from being wrong every other second of the day.
PS3 and PS4 didn't have any games for years
>E3 has not even hit yet so we are in for at least 2 brand new games
One of which will be that garbage Rabbids crossover
>What is region-free
>What is buying the JP version as easy as hitting "purchase"
fuck off retard
I think you're forgetting that the 3ds exist and that the switch is also a handheld