How the fuck is this acceptable? Don't even TRY and defend Call of Duty for this.
Call of Duty WWII
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I'm sorry what happened on November 3rd that was so bad?
There are hundreds of World War 2 video games.
I agree. There's a reason why World War 2 games are off limits.
I enjoy this post.
Calm down snowflake
I can't believe these people. Any whoozle, I am two games away from playing all the single player games from cod 4 on.
Blops 3> blops> blops2> waw> mw2>mw>mw3
I am almost done with aw. It's pretty garbo overall.
This was obviously a sarcastic reply.
What bad thing happened on Nov 3rd?
I hope there's a level where you can go through a concentration camp.
If there is, people will be outraged and call it insensitive. If there isn't, people will call them holocaust deniers.
Something to do with Guadalcanal?
Who's Dave? I just got the image from a drawthread.
the nose knows...
But that was one of the more minor campaigns on Guadacanal.
There were only like 40 Allied casualties, don't tell me this nigga is crying because a bunch of slant eyes got fucked.
It'll be like No Russian all over again.
COD sucks I can't believe people care about the 50th yearly rehash since 2007
As far as singleplayer goes:
CoD 2 > Black Ops 1 > Black Ops 3 > WaW > Black Ops 2 > CoD > CoD MW1 > CoD AW > CoD IW > CoD 3 > CoD MW2 > CoD MW3
I will forever have a sore spot for CoD 3 for starting that shitty action movie QTE bullshit in earnest.
That fucking melee fight on top of the fuel tower is still burned into my retinas.
Wtf i fucking hate videogames
>WWII lasted only 1 day
Up to 5000 jews died every day to account for end deaths, so this game is glorifying it by releasing a video game on the day 6000 Jews died.
Am I cool yet semnpai?
Really makes you think
>Wars that happened 70 years ago are off limits for fiction
Won't someone think of the poor Japs?
The jews weren't even a factor in the actual war, no side gave a shit about them
No fuck those losers they deserved to get fucked up
Agreed, some subjects are better left untouched.
Won't someone think of the poor George H. W. Bush?
Whats the difference between a videogame and a book, a movie or a musical?
I was born
Now now user, your birth couldn't be that bad.
If you hadn't been born, you wouldn't be here now to mildly amuse me with this post.
what was the last time you saw someone get upset at the contents of a book? none of these people read
You can't fuck a videogame, movie, or a musical.
>Any whoozle
If you can't fuck a movie then how did George Lucas rape the original Star Wars series with re-releases?
I think he's referring to the trailer, which focuses heavily on D-Day.
>blops 3 better than 2
He fucked the concept itself.
Also the joke that you can fuck books went completely over your head.
Don't give me ideas
That doesn't make it any better. D-Day wasn't the bloodiest battle in the war by far.
It wasn't even the bloodiest American battle.
Holy hell I can think of dozens of battles on multiple fronts that make D-Day look like a skirmish. The entire war was brutal, singling out a single beach where shit hit the fan as the worst day ever is straight stupid.
I liked that the story was a weird existential one. Blops 2 didn't capture me as much
Honestly i liked the blops 2 story the best because it felt tangible, like something not out of the human relm of possibility. I also liled the multiplayer more.
Perot should have won
Well the guy is a dumb faggot that gets triggered by a video game advertisement, so it checks out.
its just sad
D-Day was June 6th, not November 3rd
I know
Humans have been around and evolving for millions upon millions of years and this knoblicker thinks one particular day was one of the worst?
>self-proclaimed white male
Black Ops 3's story was somewhat out there for a CoD game, so it was actually kinda refreshing.
>Any whoozle, I am two games away from playing all the single player games from cod 4 on.
You should play CoD2. It's fucking excellent. One of the best WWII games ever made, and I doubt CoD:WWII will be as good despite trying.
what is his problem?
also, does he think, this is the first time CoD is set in WW2?
> That trailer looks way too fucking good
> Thinking of getting a PS4 pro this christmas just to play CoD
Somebody kill me
>check twitter for 5 seconds
>he replies to lo-ping and follows many other social media personalities Sup Forums also likes
Oh it's just a joke I understand that now and I can continue on with my life.
Nah, Vietnam war was more "gut wrenching"
>Buying a game based on a trailer
Buying a new CONSOLE for it at that. This board is diseased.