Can I get a quick rundown on this game?

can I get a quick rundown on this game?


Zaveid has the best hair in vidya

it's not good
but it gave us Berseria so it's not that bad

No. Any rundown you get on the game is going to be long and informative.

Better than Berseria but still mediocre at the end of the day

Bad game that also cause some dumb drama involving waifus and Seiyuus.

Boring combat, bad story and characters, terrible camera.

worse than Berseria but still above average when the day is over

it introduced lots of QoL features and fixes that you will be thankful for if you're a longtime tales fan

story is interesting, characters are good in it's majority, battle system and overall gameplay outside of cities is completely atrocious, unbalanced and boring

it's the most button mashing Tales to date, there's next to zero penalization if you abuse the fusion mechanic

overworld is unnecesarily huge and everything is too far , you'll have to walk long distances to continue the story, it gets boring after a pretty short time

subpar game.

The girl that was advertised as the main girl turns out to not be the main girl. Main girl is that red haired mary sue you see in your pic because the director has a boner for her VA

The beginning shows promise but then around a third of the way it become mediocre as fuck
soundtrack is great but combat and characters are boring for the most part
only worth it if you get it really cheap

hold the fuck up I only played Berseria
is this Eizen's "sister" ?


It's a Tales game so it's automatically shit

Do I need to slog through this to enjoy Berseria?


It's irredeemable garbage. Even if you like Tales it's not worth playing.

>World exists where humans and angels/super-humans (aka seraphim) live together

>Super-humans/seraphim are invisible to people who don't have high enough resonance/ability/whatever anime bullshit is in this game

>Chosen humans who can see and interact with seraphim are called "shepards" and they can wield seraphim power as well as bridge the gap between humans and seraphim through communication

>Shepard only appears when there's a time of great evil

>Force of evil called "malevolence" exists that's basically the negative emotions of humans, basically turns peoples and things into "hellions" and seraphim into dragons

>Source of all malevolence is called the Lord of Calamity

>MC of Zestiria happens to be the Shepard

>Turns out Lord of Calamity only exists because a previous shepard fused a guy with a fallen seraphim out of spite, and the resulting fusion created a being filled with intense malevolence/negativity

>You learn the cycle of Shepards battling Lords of Calamity has been going on forever and the current Lord of Calamity isn't the first/only one, the MC frees the fused guy from the fallen seraphim and fuses with the fallen seraphim himself to stop the current Lord of Calamity

And that's all you need to know before playing Tales of Berseria.

Thank you that's all I really wanted to know but a more direct question would have led to some jerk spoiling Berseria for me

There isn't much to spoil in Berseria. It's a pretty straightforward game and everyone is who they seem at first sight.

Been playing Berseria on ps4. Is it true you can play Zesteria at 60 fps and with the original op through mods on the pc version?

>the pure dungeoncrawling dlc they released
How did they think it was a good idea?

it also sad "episode 1"
imagine how many more shitty dlc episodes they had planned before it bombed

First lord of Calamity is best

>There isn't much to spoil in Berseria.
There's every character's backstory.
The plot though, is indeed straightforward, aside from the twist.

Somebody thought it a good idea to make dungeon crawling DLC when Tales dungeons are complete shit?

It even ends on a cliffhanger. I'm just glad they cancelled them.

It also made it so you couldn't armatise one of your humans and made the final dungeon section a massive awful, awful maze.

armatization was a retarded idea from the get go. Im gad Bers went back to the standard party formation

I just started Berseria, never played any other Tales game. Are most of the mechanics only needed on higher difficulties?
Seems like fights on normal are just button mashing.

the entire game's combat is setting the weakness to one button and mashing, enjoy

You fuckers relentlessly shit on Symphonia dungeons but in reality its exactly the kind of stuff the series needs.

>playing that way when the game isn't even hard

I liked symphonia's dungeons too back when I replayed it a few months ago.

symphonia's dungeons arn't stellar but they still shit on zesteria/berseria's


They had great variety though, which is what you need in a game all about beating shit up with swords. Zestiria feels like it was made in an impoverished sweatshop, while symphonia feels like it was made by programmers that got to have fun doing all sorts of different shit.

I think he should have a second chance. or is it his third? fourth?


Hell no. I'm sure he's not a terrible guy but his producer skills are very mediocre even after so many chances. The new guy who picked up Berseria was able to make something better just by not being Baba.

Incredibly Overt Homo-eroticism: The Game

It has cute canon gay boyfriends.

>the anime actually made Alicia and Rose gay
>the anime actually made Sorey and Mikleo gay

They were already actually gay. The writers explicitly confirmed it for Sorey/Mikleo in interviews way before the anime was a thing.

They were always blatantly and undeniably gay.

They were pretty gay but the game didn't really confirm it, then the anime made it about as clear as a modern anime is going to make it.

The game definitely confirmed it. Also the light novel had an actual paragraph describing how Sorey was extremely attracted to Mikleo. And as someone else said, the writers really did say it outright in interviews. It was never ambiguous or questionable.

Killing the royal bloodline with Rose!

I must have missed it, I thought it was kind of present but not full on gay but I'll accept I was wrong.

Sorey and Mikleo I can understand. But Rose+Alisia is purely an anime construct.