>mexican level
Mexican level
I fucking despised those radio stations in GTA IV and V.
>hell level
>heavy metal starts playing
>Don Cheto doesn't shut the fuck up
Don Cheto was a mistake
>hell level
>comfy elevator music + horrific screams starts playing
>space level
>eurodance starts playing
Huhh nuu nuuh nuuh nuuh
Nuhh nuuhh don cheedo
>Jewish level
>klezmer music starts playing
Earthworm Jim is pretty good.
>pitch-black level
>Maple Leaf Rag starts playing
All Spanish music sounds the same
>Mexican level
>Desert setting
>Everyone says cabron or wey.
>japanese level
>Vietnam level
>Some Folks Are Born Made To Wave The Flag starts playing
>Lovecraft level
>The enemies are just lolthulhu squids and the creator completely missed the point of Lovecraft
>water level
>comfy music plus subliminal whale sounds starts playing
This is the most underrated Lovecraft game ever made.
Hotaru worst girl
>Vietnam level
>Some Folks Inherit Star Spangled Eyes starts playing
Hit me with the /lit/ knowledge senpai
Ive never read a lovecraft work
>pudding level
>"prerequisite: meat level completed"
utter bullshit
>Nobody says papu :v and spams shitty memes
Immersion broken
fuck off noob
Not him but you should start with At the Mountains of Madness
it is literally his magnum opus
I love how literally all of the ledit crowd does this thing wrong and couldn't figure out how to do this right if their life depended on it
The song is called Fortunate Sun you mongs
>New Orleans level
>Fuck them other niggas starts playing
my negro
Read The outsider or The colour out of space
Really short but great and spoopy
>it aint him
>aztec level
>objective: survive
>mid way through level
>objective changes
>this youtube.com
>objective: ESCAPE!
>Look up Fortunate Sun on youtube
>It ain't me starts playing
not him but i know for a fact that color out of space is spooky as fuck
also the lurking fear is creepy to though a bit longer
>antarctic level
Those are argentinians. That shit came from Taringa which is something like a argentinian reddit in cancerousness. It used to be a great download site but about two or three years ago got turned into a shitty social network.
What people seem to misunderstand is that Lovecraft's works aren't about squiggly tentacle things which make you go insane when you see them. What makes people go mad when they see these things is the horrifying revelation that there are these uncontrollable and almighty entities in the universe which don't even realize humanity exists.
To be honest, At the Mountains of Madness is a really bad starting point for Lovecraft. I don't think it's unfair to say the first thirty or so pages could be really dull for those unsure what to expect. I think anyone would benefit by starting off with something like The Call of Cthulhu or The Dunwich Horror and then working their way up to At the Mountains of Madness.
>Bethesda level
>Little Lies starts playing
hoy el rey is GOAT tier.
How can you replicate that feeling in a videogame though?
Lovecraft believed that gods had no business worrying about humans. Humans are born and they die and Gods could care less despite all your prayers.
The ending of Darkest Dungeon captured Lovecraft's bleakness perfectly.
shit, you made me remember the times where I used to pirate gmod of the official forum, and no one complained about it, and the spam of "vos sos alto kaker"
Even if dirty sudacas came up with that shit, sadly mexico got infected badly by it.
t. Spic
>Racing level
>Eurobeat start playing
What are you talking about? There are tons of games where your actions and choices dont change the outcome
top post nigger
>vietnam level
>it ain't me starts playing
>by selena gomez
>desert level
>isis music
>snow level
>russian music
>Jungle music
>rolling rocks musics
>bathroom music
>bossa nova
>Chinese level
Hol up.
*eats dog*
Hor up
*falls through floor*
sho u b shayin...
*Jumps off the Foxconn building*
*can't breathe due to pollution*
*runs over infant*
*buys up Canadian real estate*
*gets eaten by escalator*
>hotel level
>LA VIDA ES UNA LENTEJA starts playing